The Comments Thread

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Irene Demova
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Irene Demova » Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:40 pm

8mm's a really gooseberry fool film about a snuff film, so probably that

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:35 pm

AirBnB host fined for racism.

I believe deep down most people are racist and simply let the anger simmer without boiling over.

Yes....some saints among you but the majority of us have some sort of prejudice.

I believe the acid attacks, the Islamic terrorism and a whole host of other ills is down to the UK having so many foreigners and cultures.

E.g. I do not know a single Romanian that is not into crime and fraud.

Kind strange discriminating agasnt one most intelligent biggest races on planet

Out 8 Billion people on planet it is in fact white people that are the Minority race on planet and getting smaller and smaller.

Asians and Black's are the Majority on this planet and growing,

So you not doing your business any favours turning away smart intelligent Asians.

Sorry as I am a white bigoted old racist, I am not allowed to practice free speech anymore in this country, other minority groups of course are free to say whatever they like against me, but I don't mind, I want fall down crying or start legal action.

A lot of these claims for racism, sexism anti gay etc is down to one simple thing Compensation. Because if I am offended lets jump up and down get some publicity and hopefully a nice payout. If I choose to discriminate by not renting a room etc my choice go some where else.

I live in Asia where discrimination against westerners is the norm. It has the governments blessing who have stated that westerners should be charged ten times the charge for locals.It seems they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

We only have "hate crime" laws in uk to limit freedom of speech. No such limits in Middle East or Asia. In Saudi people are arrested for being openly Christian.
Muslims are intolerant of western values. They hate western way of life and yet they've been welcomed and the native population have to keep schtum or face arrest.

It's a politically correct creation to dilute identity.

I know what she did wrong, she spoke her mind, and the left doesn't like it.

If I want to rent a room or property it should be entirely my choice who I have to stay. And I believe it is my right to say no to various groups whether it be on race, gender or any other reason. World is far to PC.

Nanny state says you can't withhold YOUR property from asians? Why? You can do what you want with YOUR property.

Lefties man........... Grow a pair and shut up

Oh there are only 2 Genders too. Mic Drop!

This is pathetic. Why is she being prosecuted for not liking Asians? It's her property and the USA is not an Asian country so they can suck it up. Absolutely terrible and this PC madness means we're just going to give our territory away. Human beings are aggressive tribal creatures and they exploit and dominate tribes that are weak.

Why did the Asian not just go somewhere else? Why all the fuss?

I am white and Christian and I have been discriminated against many times but I simply don't let it bother me and I never make a political or social point about it.

Racism and prejudice is a bigger problem in most other countries.

@68 DeepSouthAmerican "a bit authoritarian"? It's crazed and insane Maoist claptrap. This bizarre approach to trying to eliminate an elemental, natural part of human nature (discrimination) among a single ethnic group, allied with sudden ethnic change in that ethnic group's territory (mass migration) creating an ethnically-contentious society, is *absolutely and obviously* the route to hell.

Why shouldn't she have the right to rent her property to who the heck she wants?

If you are going to criticize asians - it should be strictly for being the worst drivers on the planet - not for booking an hotel . . . . . .

I think that someone powerful is secretly trying to change human nature. The thought-police are no longer fictional.

IF I am naturally homophobic or racist or xenophobic I am silenced by the law.
This is victimisation of people who hold such feelings.

The law is turned on its head.
Patriotism was once a good thing, now it is evil.
Homosexuality was illegal, now homophobia is illegal.

Can there be freedom of expression if you're not allowed to call a spade a spade?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:27 pm

Moggy wrote:

The law is turned on its head.
Patriotism was once a good thing, now it is evil.
Homosexuality was illegal, now homophobia is illegal.

Burning witches was once legal, now they say it's illegal! Our whole society is falling apart!

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:32 pm

New plastic £10 note.

Did anyone ask people if they liked the plastic Fiver guess not still the BBC like the idea of a women on it along with Dr Who Mayday and the Queen and women Bishops still wont be enough though.

Following objections from veggies and vegans on principle around the new fiver, it does seem offensive to continue the use of animal fats in money on a new note. People are effectively being forced into the killing of animals in order to function effectively, having made the choice not to eat meat or use animal derivatives. I really do worry about UK ethics, there was no technical need for this.

This plastic money is horrible. And the new one pound coins, that's aren't round anymore, are vile.

England has lost all of it's style.

From the England football strip, to Dr. Who with brown eyes and obviously dyed blond hair, to our plastic money, England is no more, a false Country of made up socially engineered foreign BS trying to be attractive & cool, & failing hard.

X-Factor England

As a one-legged, ethnic minority, vegan, genderfluid atheist, this offends me because it has the word 'England' on it.

What will the 1% come up with this time to control our lives?

Anyone else think this is a total waste of money to print new plastic money? When the Queen dies or abdicates then all the notes need changed anyways, surely they should just wait until then.

Jane Austin is hardly William Shakespear or Charles Dickens. But putting a woman on a bank note is so important it doesn't matter. Hopefully the left will eat itself.

Glad they haven't pandered to the few in making the note about time aswell, sick of all the Libtardism getting priority over common sense and it's also not a €10 Euro note which is even a bigger bonus

When everything else - except toilet paper - is reduced to the size of a credit card why do we still have these absurdly large notes. Ah, yes, because we've always had them, of course. Safely unimaginative.

Just to ensure gender balance can the queen be a man on this one ?

We have a female Head of State, a female PM, female Home. Sec, even Dr WHO is now a female and now we have a female on a £10 note. Will the insecure whining feminists give it a rest for a bit now please?

all the feminists will be pleased - I bet most of them are also a tiny bit upset they can't pen a vitriolic complaint.

I wondered why this was opened to HYS and now I see - it has Jane Austen on the front.

As with the new Dr Who, was she chosen because of her qualities or because she was/is a woman ?. Because one is OK and the other is nothing less than sexual discrimination.

I predict the next generation of notes will feature a gender neutral to appease the left.

Thanks to Brexit, it will be worth about £8

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:36 pm

strawberry floating hell :lol:

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:37 pm

Last comment. I love it.

I have no idea what gender fluid means. I try to stay clear of all this talk about genders and such. Truly beyond me.

I am worse than Theresa May.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:46 pm

2/3rds of thefts are never solved.

I bet they have 100% success rate with online "hate speech" and attacks on mosques/muslims with deadly strips of bacon though.

When you bring in immigrants, crime goes up. Another unseen (deliberately hidden) cost of 'diversity'.

Who gave a television company the right to ruin my brain with sound weapons and go into my house and rob me?Where is my laptop,tomtom,mobile phones,smiley face.To make things worse my own two brothers gaslight me in their cooperation with a tv psychologist and tell me when challenged they don't know what I'm talking about or that they've stole nothing.
The tv industry can rot in hell for this.

But don't say anything against the LGBT community, Muslims, anybody not white, females, or the police will hunt you down mercilessly.

Look at the benefits system, that's legalised 'theft from person'.

Lazy wasters stealing money from my pocket to pay for fags, beer and weed.

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Blue Eyes
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Blue Eyes » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:51 pm

Oh man this thread is sickening. These banana splits all deserve to die.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:37 am

Not comments as such, but this seems a place to put this.

When did the Sunday Times turn into the Mail? :dread:




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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Knoyleo » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:47 am

Kevin Myers seems like a charming man.

pjbetman wrote:That's the stupidest thing ive ever read on here i think.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:22 pm

People are getting less sleep as they are binge watching TV.

TV doesn't make me tired, because I watch a very programs. Most of those via streaming. Broadcast TV, as Springsteen put it, is "57 channels, and nothing on." So much of it is mind-numbing depressing tosh, such as Eastenders. Even worse are programs that purport to be factual, but are often more like propoganda, due to lazy journalism, PC fanaticism, and blatant political bias.

All part of unthinking, lazy, want-it-now attitude. Same with credit card spending. Each has a payback time.

Not from the BBC it's not.

I haven't watched a single one of your shows yet this year.

Just a shame that I am forced to give you cash for content that has literally nothing to offer me. But as a white, working class, straight man what should I expect?

Not that I object to your diversity agenda per se but the odd TV show which I might like to watch surely isn't too much to ask for is it?

Too much violence and perversion on TV.

Too much money in football.

Our grandparents warned us of this way in advance.

Rubbish TV with endless reality shows is just a cheap way for the TV companies to fill time with cheap to make tat. Soaps have ever unrealistic and over the top PC story lines. Just look at the rubbish that is on the five top channels every night. It's cheap to produce rubbish, making "reality stars" out of no bodies for doing nothing with any talent.

"But live television still has a special draw, and the power to bring the whole family together in a common experience."

Why would anybody under 40 choose to watch bilge like East Enders, or Holby City - let alone any of the Bake Off clones?

TV is for people whose lives are already over, the rest of us have things to do.

Nasty things, TVs, they suck the life out of people. The certainly don't make you more intelligent or knowledgeable. Switch it off - go to the pub to meet REAL people, read a book, go for a bike ride, or just do something constructive and meaningful. There's a whole world out there waiting for you to discover it and interact with it. TVs are just chewing gum for the eyes.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:26 pm

I'd probably have a bit of time for the last two comments if they weren't, you know, people who have taken to the internet and wasted their own time commenting on people wasting their time watching TV, thereby defeating their own point.

Of course, I'm commenting on the comments about people wasting time watching TV, so I'm in a whole new level of gooseberry fool.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by KK » Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:34 pm

The biggest shocker...

BBC iPlayer was the most popular on-demand service among adults, used by 63% - followed by ITV Hub (40%)

Never mind the programming, the ITV Hub is a load of strawberry floating antiquated shite! Awful picture quality. Do they even have an app on the PS4? Tell you what, I haven't even noticed.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:38 pm

Corazon de Leon wrote:I'd probably have a bit of time for the last two comments if they weren't, you know, people who have taken to the internet and wasted their own time commenting on people wasting their time watching TV, thereby defeating their own point.

That's why I posted them. These people have much better things to do, like moaning online about what other people watch. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:25 pm

Anita Rani says the BBC pay gap is also about class and race.

Talentless individual same as Feltz and Winkleman. All members of ethnic minorities who wouldn't get similar jobs anywhere else for the same salaries. I have watched Rani on escape to the country where you would think that super high heels would be totally inappropriate along with her attire. Brings nothing technical to the programme except she is an ethnic minority. Don't like your wages, move.

Thanks to so-called 'progressive' liberalism and feminism there will now always be some doubt as to whether someone from a minority ethnic group and/or a woman gained their employment solely through merit and hard work.

The 'old boys network' may still exist but it now has partners instead of opponents.

Identity Politics designed to cause division. What is your agenda BBC?

If Anita Rani wants to double her pay maybe she should work on twice as many shows? Frankly if the pay rates were re-presented as £s earned/hr of broadcast time they'd look completely different.

If any woman wants to earn the same as Gary Lineker for presenting match of the day they should first play in 80 England internationals and score 48 goals......

For me, the bbc is a truly hideous organisation and a blight on society. Its thinly veiled banking propaganda, extolling the vice of the pyramid scheme of debt, is the root cause of all the discontent manifesting on the streets of Britain today. In all rites it should be disbanded or at least paying the public to consume its pestilence.

Oh for God's sake give it a rest.

Funny how we never hear about the pay gap in the modelling or porn industries - both weighted in women's favour.

You can't improve social mobility with affirmative actions

A race earnings gap is not proof of discrimination

There are only two ways for society to exist that doesn't have a race or gender earnings gap:
1. Eliminate gender and race at the genetic level
2. Eliminate meritocracy and capitalism - everyone paid the same irrespective of their vocation, talent, or effort

What? Nobody's mentioned disability, transgender or gender dysphoria yet. The BBC are slipping.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cuttooth » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:41 pm

This is the single most depressing thread on the forums.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:46 pm

Cuttooth wrote:This is the single most depressing thread on the forums.

Nah Moggy hasn't even done a terrible poll in this one.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:48 pm

Preezy wrote:
Cuttooth wrote:This is the single most depressing thread on the forums.

Nah Moggy hasn't even done a terrible poll in this one.

Thanks Preezy, that reminds me that I haven't done a poll for a while.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:03 pm

Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Cuttooth wrote:This is the single most depressing thread on the forums.

Nah Moggy hasn't even done a terrible poll in this one.

Thanks Preezy, that reminds me that I haven't done a poll for a while.

Oh ffs Preezy. You've doomed us all

This was on a Rllmuker's feed



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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:32 pm

Hexx wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Cuttooth wrote:This is the single most depressing thread on the forums.

Nah Moggy hasn't even done a terrible poll in this one.

Thanks Preezy, that reminds me that I haven't done a poll for a while.

Oh ffs Preezy. You've doomed us all

This was on a Rllmuker's feed



That has to be taking the piss.

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