The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:51 pm


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:13 pm

Rocsteady wrote:But then I would say that wouldn't I, being a man

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:15 pm

Make sure you go to loo before you leave the bar?

She pissed in the street. It's illegal. First time I find myself agreeing in part with some of those comments. A scary thought.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:17 pm

What a piss take.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Errkal » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:17 pm

I do quite like that the Mail has disabled comments on its article about the new female statue in parliament square. Well I say I like I was hoping for some hilarity but still.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:25 pm

DNA surgery on embryos removes disease.

Because we can, should we! A poor analogy, I know, but smacks a bit of Hitler's arian race. Nobody wants a child to be born with a disability if it can be prevented but how far do we go? The next step might be to choose your child for intelligence, hair/eye colour, gender etc etc. Needs really really careful consideration.

The anti-religious mob will champion this as a success even though "the embryos were not implanted", so it's speculative as to whether this works. Personally, if you are an atheist and believe in evolution, then don't tamper with the evolutionary process, which has taken billions of years compared to a century of modern western science!

I remember crying when I had to dissect a frog for science class, now I'm qualified to kill unborn children, of course the Mother's don't realise I've just committed the murder of their child, so they can keep up the selfish lifestyle they've been living.

The atheist bigots love citing 'evolution', a concept they're more than willing to demonstrate they've no understanding of, the irony is delicious!

Yes, because corporations would be far better managing our evolution than nature. With every cure for cystic fibrosis, you get a free gene manipulation to make you more susceptible to advertising, a taste for sugar and trans-fats, and a predisposition for voting left-wing.

Simple cheaper method don't have children 1. A child with a disability is not born 2. The gene bloodline ends and cannot be passed on. Gene repair or editing only open a new big can of worms

Wisdom and ethics, these are anathemas to the Chinese! Just look at Tibet, Xinjiang, the Yulin Dog Festival etc ad nauseum...

Strands of DNA have been viewed, separated from their host, by 100s of miles, affected by emotional stimuli, as if still part of their host.

We are connected to our DNA beyond space or time. DNA affects aspects of the physical universe.

Tinker at our peril.

Test this on the lower class of society first to make sure it's OK for thee elite.

There are countries looking for genetic fixes for 'homosexuality', of which China is one! Will it be a triumph if they discover it? It might persuade the religious lot at least....

@146. Brick Tamland

'Racist' is a made up term, concocted by Leon Trotsky! Why would I run away from a concept founded on bullying? Try again! Try harder!

This is only the start. Would it be wrong to enhance the intelligence of animals like cats and dogs to human level? and give them the ability to vocalise? Genetic engineering holds far more moral dilemmas than AI yet is being pursued outside public scrutiny, and too what extent in closed regimes?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:48 pm

Can we perform DNA surgery to remove the fucktards that leave comments on news articles?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:30 pm

Preezy wrote:Can we perform DNA surgery to remove the fucktards that leave comments on news articles?

Yeah, but if that happened, we'd have no one to laugh at.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:39 pm

Mother jailed for not vaccinating her son.

Anyone who says that it is wrong NOT to vaccinate is crazy. It is sensible. Even vaccinated children are getting measles and herd vaccination does not work. The rise in chronic bowel, auto-immune, mental issues, autism is because we are over-vaccinating our young. The adjuvants in vaccines are very dangerous, mercury, alluminium, formaldehyde and many more. People have to do their research.

The tyranny of the corrupt pharmaceutical companies aided by corrupt courts.

Enforcing vaccinations totally wrong.
Never had any when I was a kid. Never had flu jabs as an adult even with diabetese. I have a liverctransplant and so am immunosuppressed. My girlfriend had type A flu and pneumonia, I looked after her with NO ill effects. Why? Cos I had all these bugs as a kid and have a very strong immune system.
Kids jabs are just money for big pharma.
A con simple as.


You see what money has done to the Olympics, athletes injecting drugs, disappearing during urine tests, and the Lords lording it up.

Is medicine any different ?

How much are those Doctor pensions again ?

Are they better people than someone who works in a shop ? Or a street cleaner ?

Pfizer, GSK, hold the power and make billions.

Cancer = Money

Never realised that the US was as nanny state as the UK - control the plebs we will tell them what to do!

Bill Gates can shove his vaccinations up where the sun don't shine NEVER!!!

132. Posted by EmptyS on

Your child is not your property, to do with as you see fit. That's what child abusers think!

Whose then?!! Are they the property of the State, for them to do with what they wish?!! With the likes of Ted Heath at the helm?!!

My child, my responsibility. Come and try and tell me otherwise.

how many times have i read a scientific study saying one thing then a few years later another study comes out saying the opposite. Its no wonder some people don't trust some studies. Science has done some good but equally some of the most disgusting things ever have come from science. Who funds these studies and do they have a conflict of interest in the results is a question that needs to asked

Vaccines are sensible options re the more serious illnesses, but to administer 30-50 of them (hidden in cocktails) has to be something to question.

Of course some anti vaccine material is dubious but when Japan bans MMR because of record numbers of adverse effects, and the medical profession itself has a miserly flu vaccine take up, you need to stay calm and think for yourself.

I can't wait to see how many down ratings this comment generates, but here goes...

Unfortunately, human population growth is out of control and needs curbing. Our species should be allowed to evolve without intervention; natural selection will take care of disease. It's the emotion attached by humanity that prevents a natural course. Disease is a natural population controller!

All you people agreeing to lock her up would be the same type of people who'd be willing or out of utter stupidity take the Mark of the Beast.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:43 pm

Moggy wrote:
Bill Gates can shove his vaccinations up where the sun don't shine NEVER!!!


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Knoyleo » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:42 pm

Enforcing vaccinations totally wrong.
Never had any when I was a kid. Never had flu jabs as an adult even with diabetese. I have a liverctransplant and so am immunosuppressed. My girlfriend had type A flu and pneumonia, I looked after her with NO ill effects. Why? Cos I had all these bugs as a kid and have a very strong immune system.
Kids jabs are just money for big pharma.
A con simple as.

I love the ones where idiots are so close to getting it, but just don't.

pjbetman wrote:That's the stupidest thing ive ever read on here i think.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:27 am

Moggy wrote:
There are countries looking for genetic fixes for 'homosexuality', of which China is one! Will it be a triumph if they discover it? It might persuade the religious lot at least....

Well to be honest this is a fair concern. Even some disabilities that the vast majority of people think of as, well... disabilities, are not always viewed as such by the people who have them. Like deafness. There was a pretty good documentary on the subject called Sound and Fury that looked at the views of deaf people on cochlear implants.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:31 pm

Daily Mail Twitter special.

Halloween banned by Muslims.

Thomas the Tank Engine might meet foreign trains.


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:53 pm

The Daily Mail needs to strawberry float off and die already.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:37 pm

Crimewatch axed.

The BBC should be axed. I could not watch those presenters. It would churn my stomach. BBC is a multicultural integration enforcement platform, and i'm not surprised people would rather stare at the spiders on the walls as they meak webs. At least spiders are not deceiving and lying to you. Our country is dead.

Rebrand it as Hatecrime watch (or more appropriatly non crime watch). A show full of name calling, social media stuff and investigating dead people accused of unprovable "historic sex crimes", expressing opinions but not a crime anywhere in sight. It would have the full attention of every chief constable while ignoring real crimes e.g. assault, burglary, drugs etc

Hollywood women and UK submarine officers offer themselves to their bosses in power exchanges,.

Definitely not nuclear news but these people are far too ugly as people to qualify for a serious hearing.

The saddest bit is that any progeny will eventually get to know about their dummy parent.

And you didn't think this went on?

They're all at it even lesbian bosses at the BBC.

No surprise that the liberal leftie Beeb don't want criminals to be caught.

It'd be an infringement of their human rights....

Such a shame, as I was hoping they’d investigate how the BBC has become a Leftist anti-Brexit propaganda machine,

As soon as they started filtering which crimes to show based on the ethnicity of the criminal the show was doomed.

Back in the 80s they didn't worry about any of that tripe and just showed what had happened despite a disproportionate number of minority criminals and it was very popular.

Your audience has chosen with their feet Beeb, sort your act out now.

Crimewatch had morphed into EthnicCrimewatch.

A profile of imported Criminal activity.

Which didn't fit the BBC's PC right-on clique.

Alice Gross murdered by Latvian.

Paul Kohler beaten at home by Polish Thugs.

The list is endless, and scary.

Too scary for the BBC Lawyers.

The decline started some years back, when the title music went from 'military punchy' to some soft rubbish. It'd be like changing the ski Sunday music. Coincided with the introduction of Rav, who lacked appeal and gravitas. Stopped watching a programme i used to love shortly afterwards.

It's all down to ethnicity, the BBC has morphed from an impartial reporter to a bias accomplice! Maybe they should fill this slot with a drama about Stephen Lawrence, slavery or how 6 trillion Jews died in Aushwich!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:44 pm

Moggy wrote:
BBC is a multicultural integration enforcement platform, and i'm not surprised people would rather stare at the spiders on the walls as they meak webs. At least spiders are not deceiving and lying to you.

Strangely poetic.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:10 pm

As far as I aware, the show is being canned in that programme slot. They are still continuing the show as a daytime slot and are increasing the amount of episodes they have of that yearly.

But yeah, the BBC comment section don't give a gooseberry fool about that probably. Bunch of daft nutters and racists. Also why are you even on the BBC's site if you think it should be scrapped? Stupid banana split.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:45 pm

Pollution kills.

Damned industrialisation.

I'm sure in the past no one died of anything and everyone walked everywhere.

And died about aged 30, worn out and haggard and starving.

Stop moaning about everything all the bloomin time you're going to live to be 100 having you're nappy wiped by a minimum wage, bored, Ethiopian immigrant, so smile and be thrilled!

40,000 deaths in the EU each year. More cheating cars in the EU than the US spewing out harmful particulates way over the limit. Yet did the EU fine VW? Not one bit.

Just like how they treated Greece, it was a test that showed us where the EU's motivations really lie. They should be for the people, not the large euro corporations who lobby them. Glad we are leaving.

European union has encouraged mass movement of goods and people increasing pollution on a industrial scale.

Acting as pied piper stealing youth and talent from eastern and southern Europe in return for Eu bribes.

And then trying fine UK government due increased pollution due more cars more people moveing there due Eu policy's.

Totally Imoral vile organisation full double standards

with the amount of human reproduction rocketing in poorer countries, and the infant mortality rate also dropping, maybe pollution as inadvertently doing natures job in limiting population growth.

Many of the worst affected countries have the highest birth rates and are busy exporting a population they can't support domestically.

If we stop accepting them en mass, their countries might actually do something about it instead of increasing pollution and pollution related facts further.

Then again, probably not..

It's hardly surprising when I'm stuck in a traffic jam for an hour every night.

With advances in medicine etc, something else has to kill people.

Not a story.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:31 pm

Hitler was a fine citizen and statesman in many ways...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Errkal » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:34 pm

"some of the naughty stuff"
"A bit misguided"

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