The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:13 pm

Rex Kramer wrote:There really is no position that someone on the BBC comments page won't argue against.

BBC - Grass is green and sky is blue

Commenter - "Just another example of the left wing bias the Bias Broadcasting Commission shows, snowflakes following this fake news for years when the sky is clearly a pale teal colour and the grass is brown."

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:55 pm

Sport is at risk from climate change.

I am not a climate change denier - after all where I am currently sitting was under 300 feet of ice 10,000 years ago. What I am sceptical about is that global warming (and cooling) is a function of man, and is even a bad thing - are ice ages preferrable? We may have some influence on the climate, but I suspect it is much less than is presented as a fact that dare not be challenged.

What utter nonsense. Only the BBC takes these predictions seriously now. Remember 'our children won't know what snow is' the Maldives 'vanished by 2005' 'major population displacement by 2010.' Remember Al Gore? None of his predictions came true either.

Scaremongering again BBC

Stop peddling your leftist agendas

Cricket season starting earlier - its wetter in spring - might have something to do with it

The East Coast erodes, its to do with geography & geology, its always happened, always will

It was raining in April and the coast has been eroding for thousands of years, nothing to do with man

Usual 'if', 'could' 'predictions' 'according to models' BS from the Climate Alarmists who can tell the difference between coastal erosion and sea level rise.

Wow. This article takes BBC to new levels of mania

Complete rubbish. The East coast erodes and the West coast builds up. It has nothing to do with Climate Change. The West coast golf courses at Royal Birkdale, Hoylake and Royal Lytham & St Annes are probably further away from the mean low tide mark than they have ever been. The beach at Birkdale, that I made sandcastles on as a kid, is now grass as far as the eye can see.

What a lot of total rot

I remember being told that east Anglian would disappear by 2020

Thames barrier would need replacing because London constantly flooded

Global warming would gives us a climate similar to Spain.

So predict something which may happen in 50 years and fail to take any account of advances in technology between now and then. Report it as news and claim extra funding

"175 days lost in 5 of the last 10 county championship seasons" Well of course the BBC are going to blame climate change- maybe a far more simpler fact is because the season starts earlier and earlier each year and finishes later and later with HARDLY any championship cricket played in the high summer months from the end of June to Mid August. THATS THE REASON

Climate change is a natural phenomenon. Did the Ice Age happened because dinosaurs were burning too much coal? Of course not - climate change just happens, deal with it and stop peddling your arrogance that insignificant humans can stop the sea.

Why are the bbc bothered by they time this happens they will have given reporting and covering on any sport unless its dancing,baking or leftwing lesbian hair dyeing

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:30 pm

Mirror buys the Express.

this needs to be blocked

have enough far lefty propaganda already:

morning star
sunday mirror
socialist worker
Pravda (is this still going?)
the list goes on...

It seems the only way these remoaners can change brexit is buy up all the right wing newspapers and release project fear on us 24 hours a day, project fear LOL, this country is not dumb, we can see through it, fake news, seems anyone over 30 and expierenced life can see through this Blair rubbish

Oh more left wing news, the guardian, the mirror, the independent, all rabbit dog left wing, now the star and express to follow, good old Desmond says they will remain right wing yet in the same breath says now he can send 1 reporter instead of 2 to cover a event, I guess that means you will be sending the left wing reporter then, while anyone with a right wing agenda makes the tea

money buys more influence for the remainers

All Rag publications read by idiots . British LGBT awards ?! This country is going to the dogs !!

I never thought I would like Rupert Murdoch, but with all these left wing newspapers you need at least one patriotic newspaper, the guardian, the mirror, independent, would be defined as collaborators in 1944 Britain, they're the most anti British newspapers ever printed in his country, have they ever printed anything patriotic, my god if I read there rubbish everyday I would kill my self

I never thought I would like Rupert Murdoch, but with all these left wing newspapers you need at least one patriotic newspaper
Absobloodylutely! And you don't get more patriotic than a nondom tax dodging Ozzie who hacks the phones of dead kids.

A sad day for independent journalism.

The Mirror is a xynophobic extreme left wing rag. It whips up its readers with a frenzy of anti government fake news.

The take over by the extreme left of online and print media is practically complete. Only the Telegraph and Daily Mail left and the UK will be left without any balanced debate.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:18 pm

Oh more left wing news, the guardian, the mirror, the independent, all rabbit dog left wing, now the star and express to follow, good old Desmond says they will remain right wing yet in the same breath says now he can send 1 reporter instead of 2 to cover a event, I guess that means you will be sending the left wing reporter then, while anyone with a right wing agenda makes the tea

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:36 pm

Testing kids on times tables.

I recall my father banishing me to the front room until I could recite the 7x table (I knew the others). He kept testing me and I kept failing and returning to the front room in tears.

I hated him for an hour but went on to qualify as an accountant.

Nothing wrong with learning by rote or testing for the basics.

7x6 is 59 isn't it? :-)

How depressing that the teachers’ unions and the BBC still oppose teaching our kids how to count. Why do they want a dumbed-down nation?

I suppose uneducated people are better fodder for BBC propaganda and prole-feed....

My 6 year old knows his times tables to 15.

My 8 year old knows hers to 20.

My 4 year old knows his to 11 (apart from 9)

See, I, like almost all parents, already know our children’s abilities and limitations.

So do their teachers.

Stop keep meddling with our education system and put it back to how it was 40 years ago.

How about this simple maths question?

Which is greater 17,410,742 or 16,141,241 because the BBC still don't won't accept the answer

Bone idle teachers with 14 weeks holiday moaning about having to do a bit of graft, nothing new there then.

Good. I went to junior school in the '60s, when many schools didn't make pupils learn their times tables. I still don't know them, and it's been a source of embarrassment to me ever since.

It would appear that 'test' has become a very dirty word in Snowflake Britain.

Perhaps the more euphemistic (an accurate) word 'assessment' should be used, for that is what it is.

Basic arithmetic is the bedrock of our mathematical needs as we go through life.

If we can't give 9-year-olds a five minute assessment, what the hell are we teaching them?

Why not just use a calculator?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by OrangeRKN » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:33 pm

Stop keep meddling with our education system and put it back to how it was 40 years ago.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:33 pm

Life expectancy between rich and poor widens.

Access to private healthcare means you live longer.

Time to scrap the giant millstone that is the NHS

Nature v Nurture. All children are born equal. Their circumstances after that are random chance of who they are born to. So the real but totally unpalatable and unacceptable answer is to take all children into an homogenous environment away from parents and treat all equally and let nature select. There will always be a disparity.

Cut out all this appalling ridiculous foreign aid for one thing and spend it here and bring back Grammar Schools for another.

This article is written to imply that the poor are getting treated badly and that is why they die younger. I suspect a lot could be due to smoking as the poor are twice as likely to smoke and less rich people are smoking than in the past. If this is the case the difference is not because people do not have money but because they choose to spend what they have on something that kills them.

So called Foreign Aid = Pathetic Post Colonial Guilt Syndrome

Life expectancy is lower in the US because they have low-food standards (something that BREXIT will bring) chlorine washed chicken, GMOs and beef laden in artificial hormones. Yes, lets get a trade deal with the USA.

Foreign aid should be spent at home first. Sort out our own back yard before sorting others....

See someone smoking, usually poor. Best takeaway customers, usually poor. Morbidly obese, usually poor. Is there more to say?

There's no such thing as "racism", whatever that word means! Usually a triggering word which gives license for "righteous violence"!

In recognition of those who are actually poor (found in other countries) please don’t not use the term ‘poor’ and then go in to say... ‘Differences in smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption, could explain the difference in life expectancy’!
If you can afford the above in quantities that it effects life expectancy, you are NOT poor!

If you don't want to be poor, then simply stop being honest!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by <]:^D » Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:37 pm

i feel like the majority of retarded public opinions on poverty could be solved by a simple reading of George Orwell's ''On the Road to Wigan Pier''

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:35 pm

100,000 orang-utans killed in 16 years.

Congratulations, BBC, on spotting some real problems with real causes, instead of blaming everything on global warming.

Of course, the reason for much of the expansion of palm-oil exploitation is to supply so-called bio diesel to satisfy the nutters droning on about global warming. For the sake of the Lord, even Greenpeace admits that was a mistake, but you won't hear the BBC admitting to it.

A few dead orangutans is an acceptable collateral for continued economic development and prosperity. Its not like these so-called orangutans contribute anything to the economy. The moral of the story: work hard and contribute, or become extinct.

It's no wonder they're going extinct if they're so stupid as to sit on railway lines into oncoming trains like the Orangutan in the picture here... natural selection is a cruel mistress!

100,000 is not a hard number; it's a best guess. It fulfills 2 purposes: 1) It's an easy number to remember, unlike say 84,253. 2) It has shock value.

Also, how many are left? If they are critically endangered how can 1) 100,000 have already been killed, and there still be another 45,000 left to be killed during the next 35,000 years (as the article claims). Hyperbole I think.

A billion chickens are killed (murdered actually) every year in the UK.

Anyone blamed Brexit yet ??

And... 1,000,000 sharks killed each year. I am not clear on what exactly is being highlighted here..

Lots of vegan food contains palm oil and also soya from once South America rain forest land ..... and they think they are so friendly to the plant !
What we need is a human cull !

Twould apparently 'empower' a sector of the 'species' causing all this 'realignment' of Natural World 'erasure',if the Original Meat & two Veg 'Human',was redacted into a future Ex,then the 'markets' of continual oversight(totally 'absolved' of Rhyme or reasoning for Natural World Losses)would be able to put things to rights 'again'?
Darwin must've been Thick afterall if he pedalled All Evolution

I do often wonder if we belong here (Im not some alien conspiracy nut)

We kill for fun
We kill each other
We torture
We consume
We destroy
We develop weapons that could change the planet forever
We breed faster than the resource can sustain us

Only 2 living organisms behave this way

1. A virus
2. A parasite

Is it getting to the point westerners are going to have to save these species in our own countries?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Skarjo » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:42 pm

Moggy wrote:
I do often wonder if we belong here (Im not some alien conspiracy nut)

We kill for fun
We kill each other
We torture
We consume
We destroy
We develop weapons that could change the planet forever
We breed faster than the resource can sustain us

Only 2 living organisms behave this way

1. A virus
2. A parasite


Today I learned that viruses manufacture nuclear weapons.

Karl wrote:Can't believe I got baited into expressing a political stance on hentai

Skarjo's Scary Stories...
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:05 pm

Those clever viruses with their ability to split the atom.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:35 pm

AI ripe for exploitation.

i robot as an example of AI taking over
The logic was irrefutable
Programmed to look after humans, recognised all humans problems are human created, therefore to look after humans the robots must take over

Gives an indication of just how easy it could be for what was once considered a simple but essential piece of programming could be viewed from a perspective not considered by the programmer

Wait for it......its all the Russians fault again. Fake media at its best lol

Science will be death of us - they created hydrogen bomb & tested it against Japan in WWII, why do we think they will be any different with AI; if it can be used to make money for someone, it will be promoted & sheeple will happily provide information to sign up to it; we see drones already disengaged with reality, hooked up 2 their AI buddy, heads down, head phones on & these are nice people

Here's my take on it, I couldn't care less if capitalism fails because its a complete and utter joke the elite rich just keep on getting richer,why should I care ,ill just turn up for my 30k a year job until I am ready to retire ,if its not there because a robots doing it,big deal couldn't give a monkeys,the passion and drive has been beaten out of normal hard working people thanks to the greedy !

10 Identify Brexiteers
20 Call them 'morons' and 'racists'
30 Exterminate Brexiteers
40 goto 10

AI Driven car has a choice of hitting two exactly the same cars, which should it choose:

The one with insurance or without.

The one driven by the rich person, or the poor.

The one driven by the politician, or the one driven by you.

AI decisions are programmed by someone, you better be liked by them!

Once again the BBC pick an issue to comment on that is NOT Westminster, business profits or European bank regulation changes.
Well done BBC for dumbing us down for another day.

AI threat would account for the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation eats itself or to put it another way - curiosity killed the cat. I wonder how many times civilisations have strayed down this route, as we are about to?...

We are already in a state where we have signed up to be misused; people would much rather engage with multimedia than with other human beings; once this is normalised, we do not need AI to alter our state of consciousness, our multi media gadgets have done it already; as we become more disengaged with human beings we are alienated by them; when we use multimedia as a form of escapism, beware

I'd be more worried about illegal cloning and genetic manipulation being practiced now in rogue states.

Won't be long before you meet a dog which looks at you and says 'good morning' they are going to be using animals more and more on the battlefield too.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:48 pm

Moggy wrote:
AI threat would account for the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation eats itself or to put it another way - curiosity killed the cat. I wonder how many times civilisations have strayed down this route, as we are about to?...

What's going on? I thought this was the silly comments thread not the thought-provoking, probably correct comments thread :?:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Bleachyleachy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:51 pm

Moggy wrote:
A few dead orangutans is an acceptable collateral for continued economic development and prosperity. Its not like these so-called orangutans contribute anything to the economy. The moral of the story: work hard and contribute, or become extinct.

This made me chuckle purely because of the totally unnecessary 'so-called' insertion
Does he think that orangutans don't actually exist or something?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:53 pm

Bleachyleachy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
A few dead orangutans is an acceptable collateral for continued economic development and prosperity. Its not like these so-called orangutans contribute anything to the economy. The moral of the story: work hard and contribute, or become extinct.

This made me chuckle purely because of the totally unnecessary 'so-called' insertion
Does he think that orangutans don't actually exist or something?

Well you have ever met one in real life? Zoos don't count, because you could easily just dye a regular monkey orange or even hire a person to wear a costume.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:55 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
AI threat would account for the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation eats itself or to put it another way - curiosity killed the cat. I wonder how many times civilisations have strayed down this route, as we are about to?...

What's going on? I thought this was the silly comments thread not the thought-provoking, probably correct comments thread :?:

That comment wasn’t as stupid as some of the others, but I don’t think it is probably correct either.

A civilisation that is advanced enough to develop an AI powerful enough to destroy it, would surely leave some sign out there that they exist/existed? And the AI itself would continue on. I tend to think that if we ever do come across intelligence out there in the universe that it will be machine based.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:57 pm

Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
AI threat would account for the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation eats itself or to put it another way - curiosity killed the cat. I wonder how many times civilisations have strayed down this route, as we are about to?...

What's going on? I thought this was the silly comments thread not the thought-provoking, probably correct comments thread :?:

That comment wasn’t as stupid as some of the others, but I don’t think it is probably correct either.

A civilisation that is advanced enough to develop an AI powerful enough to destroy it, would surely leave some sign out there that they exist/existed?

No because the last human and the last robot would fight it out in a massive canyon on their homeworld, with both bodies getting trapped under boulders. Good luck finding them with out remoaning satellites!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:00 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
AI threat would account for the Fermi Paradox. Civilisation eats itself or to put it another way - curiosity killed the cat. I wonder how many times civilisations have strayed down this route, as we are about to?...

What's going on? I thought this was the silly comments thread not the thought-provoking, probably correct comments thread :?:

That comment wasn’t as stupid as some of the others, but I don’t think it is probably correct either.

A civilisation that is advanced enough to develop an AI powerful enough to destroy it, would surely leave some sign out there that they exist/existed?

No because the last human and the last robot would fight it out in a massive canyon on their homeworld, with both bodies getting trapped under boulders. Good luck finding them with out remoaning satellites!

I stand corrected.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Winckle » Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:28 pm

Bleachyleachy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
A few dead orangutans is an acceptable collateral for continued economic development and prosperity. Its not like these so-called orangutans contribute anything to the economy. The moral of the story: work hard and contribute, or become extinct.

This made me chuckle purely because of the totally unnecessary 'so-called' insertion
Does he think that orangutans don't actually exist or something?

Right wing nuts who comment online love adding "so-called" in front of everything they possibly can.

We should migrate GRcade to Flarum. :toot:
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:36 pm

Not really comments, but I'm putting here under "consumers are stupid"

:lol: :lol:

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