The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Octoroc » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:50 pm

Moggy wrote:
Octoroc wrote:I've reported a few comments on the BBC website for being racist.

They were all taken down.

Flexing my liberal snowflake remoaner muscles there. :datass:

Stop ruining my fun :x

I wasn't aware of this thread at the time. In future I'll let the bigots run wild and free.

So far this year, I have eaten NO mince pies.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:54 pm

Blue Eyes wrote:
Moggy wrote:Nadiya Hussain on the sugar tax.

Remind me again why should anyone care what she says ?

Is she a world-famous dietician ?
Leader on commerce in the food and drink industry ?
Marketeer, even ?

No. She won an *amateur* cooking programme.

Next, we will have other nobody minor celebrities such as Torstig (sic) and Fielding in our face, or Danny Dyer telling muppet snowflakes how to vote.

Oh, hang on.

Hang on. Did this banana split actually put (sic) in their own idiotic comment?

Yep, I don’t edit the comments.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:54 pm

Octoroc wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Octoroc wrote:I've reported a few comments on the BBC website for being racist.

They were all taken down.

Flexing my liberal snowflake remoaner muscles there. :datass:

Stop ruining my fun :x

I wasn't aware of this thread at the time. In future I'll let the bigots run wild and free.


Report away, I’m happy if bots and racists lose their accounts.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:45 pm

Netflix share price drops.

In truth I cancelled my subscription last month.

The insidious left wing propaganda it spouts was too much.

Very dangerous for my children.

The employment of Obama and Rice also helped confirm I was doing the right thing.

Don't forget its Soros funded ... flix-Board

These are not nice people



Why don't Netflix force every household to pay for them or face prosecution and prison like the BBC?

Good. Glad to see companies attacking their main demographic with shows like "Dear White People" are finally being punished for their nonsense.

Netflix is the best thing since sliced bread. It's the only reason for keeping my telly. It'd be even better if I wasn't forced to pay the BBC tax.

It won't matter.

Netflix is part of the Federal Reserve Group. The Ccentral bank uses it to monetise debt. So they'll just print dollars, give them to Netflix in exchange for stock ... its not possible to run out of money.

Its like state aid, only even more unfair.

I am cancelling Netflix... they started trying to be far left crazies...

A bit like moon pig who I'll never use again after their Trump balloon stunt.

Amazon prime and Funky Pidgeon it is.

When will these companies learn that the loud far leftists are very few?

I did a quick search in the article for "Brexit" and it isn't mentioned once.


It's inevitable. Netflix is rubbish. Never get a decent film on there because it is curtailed into only letting you watch what the new world order dictates.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:41 pm

Young people are more sensible.

1. Drinking less - More young people from a Muslim background.
2. Drug use less - Questionable!
3. Less teenage pregnancy - No council flats available.
4. Less smoking - Now unfashionable.
5. Fewer young arrested - fewer police and they are busy with terrorist threat & combating political correctness.

Now show us graphs for mental health issues and student debt amongst young people.

I feel sorry for these kids, particularly student age
They are being sold a lie of 'progressive liberalism' = correct think . Anything else = bad/racist/facist/ xenophobic etc etc
Feelings trump facts, its racist to not want open borders, etc etc
It will not end well at all. They will wake up in 20 years and all hell will break loose.
Anyway, Im off for a pint

It is the duty of society to punish selfish individuals who act inconsiderately. In the 1950s it was knife-fights amongst 'teddy boys'; in the 1970s to 1990s it was alcohol and drugs. Today's expedients are technology and narcissism.

Young people need to be disciplined and learn how to submit to authority - whether they are flute-playing youths around Socrates, or today's smartphone zombies.

I don't see why people are referring to this hys as an attraction for GAMMONS....

.....quite what this has to do with being a remainer is beyond me!

The GAMMONS earned their name because they can't accept the democratic vote, and so spend their days in perpetual distress.

Not all youth voted remain, so it's not fair to call them GAMMON!

*Generation Pacified by Screens
*Generation Hyper Self-Conscious due to Social Media
*Generation Scared to step out of line in case moment of madness and excitement is caught on camera and uploaded to social media
*Generation Indoctrinated into thinking and behaving Politically Correct by Twitter/Google/Netflix/BBC/YouTube Staff (not creators)/Hollywood/Colbert/Oliver/Noah/Kimmel/SNL/etc.

They are too busy complaining about anything they've taken offense too on Twitter.

But they still bump into people without so much as an apology, head down being Zombie-like with their palm god, counting their Likes, watching untold Fake News and pure evil.

Ok, so they are not making the mistakes of the past, but they are making new ones which are potntially more damaging. Surpression of free speach, re-writing history and labbelling any historical figure as racist and complaing about mental health issues that they have largely brought about themselves. I'll take some drunken freedoms over sober oppresion any day.

I wonder if this is true in the US, too... I think Catholic values have finally hit the mainstream of the youth... The US is now 20% Catholic, and this group is known to have many children...

Honestly, we need some more restraint over here. The American Dream has been conflated with having piles of stuff.

Well the young generation aren't stupid enough to drink, smoke, do drugs, get arrested or pregnant.

But I wonder how many of them are stupid enough to vote for Comrade Corbyn?

The youngster's of today are glued to their phone, arrogant, rude and violent. They are also lazy and PC crazy. The police let them run wild. There are many places in England that are no go zones, it isn't just after dark either.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Octoroc » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:04 pm

I used to live in a 'no go zone'.

It was permitted to play Chinese Checkers though.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:09 pm


Are they now trying to call young people gammon because snowflake has failed? :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Octoroc » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:11 pm

I thought 'Gammon' referred to angry red-face reactionaries.

The snowflake's natural enemy.

I lose track sometimes.

So far this year, I have eaten NO mince pies.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:11 pm

Benzin wrote:BACK IN MY DAY! etc.

Are they now trying to call young people gammon because snowflake has failed? :lol:

That one was, it is the first time I have seen a gammon try and deflect the name onto non-gammons. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:13 pm

Octoroc wrote:I thought 'Gammon' referred to angry red-face reactionaries.

The snowflake's natural enemy.

I lose track sometimes.

Snowflake = beautiful and unique, weak individually but when they come together in numbers they can create real change

Gammon = red faced, angry, racist moron

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Octoroc » Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:22 pm

Ah, so I was on the ball. Or thereabouts.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cuttooth » Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:34 pm

Moggy wrote:
*Generation Pacified by Screens
*Generation Hyper Self-Conscious due to Social Media
*Generation Scared to step out of line in case moment of madness and excitement is caught on camera and uploaded to social media
*Generation Indoctrinated into thinking and behaving Politically Correct by Twitter/Google/Netflix/BBC/YouTube Staff (not creators)/Hollywood/Colbert/Oliver/Noah/Kimmel/SNL/etc.


"My obsession with some alt-right YouTube personality is the opposite of being pacified, see. Everyone else's viewing habits are just evidence of their own indoctrination."

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:43 pm

Red Arrows air base to be sold off. ... e-44936234

British identity and heritage is being sold off, forgotten or publicly denigrated day, after day, after day.

Meanwhile we're having multiculturalism, immigration, diversity and God knows what else RAMMED down our throats by the media (especially the likes of the BBC).

And then "they" (the whining, intolerable lefty miserable snowflakes) wonder WHY people are the way they are...

"You do know its a right wing government that is making these decisions to sell everything off...."

Wrong - the UK currently has the most left wing government since the 1970's.

And another part of British heritage being sold off to line certain peoples pockets.

With the lib/lab luvvies wanting to pull down statues and rewrite history, it won't be long before it will illegal to mention anything military or heroic deeds of the war.

Disgusting..The Uk used to have the best Army/Navy/Air Force in the we are just a laughing stock..."heh, the British are coming...oh no worries they havent got any bullets, they gave all their money to the (M words)

There is too the issue of N's grave. Not writing his name because I know post will be deleted. 'The male black labrador retriever' belonging to Wing Commander Guy Gibson. N was the mascot of No. 617 Squadron. Now buried there. N died on 16 May 1943 the same day of the famous Dam Busters raid, N was hit by a car and he was buried at midnight as Gibson was leading the raid.

Maybe if we sent less money in foreign aid we would have enough to fund our own country,s needs!

To be sold to house those not born here. Enough is enough!

why not give the red arrows to the french or germans or someone they've given everything else to them!

....and Guy Gibson sitting on a cloud saying, "There you go, lads, that's what it was all for, another Toytown with Starbuck's, Costa and a McDonald's.

Heritage has become a dirty word in this country.


No doubt someone will blame Brexit for this.

The Tories are in dire need of finding money whatever it means. It has always been the case. The amount that Brexit is costing the UK everyday is staggering! What a mess.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Trelliz » Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:47 pm

The Tories are in dire need of finding money whatever it means. It has always been the case. The amount that Brexit is costing the UK everyday is staggering! What a mess.

Yeah, but they'll get it all back with that £350 million per week, right?

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by KK » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:55 pm

'They call it Great Britain, they used to call it England': Trump offers 'great respect' to UK in rambling US speech... while getting nation's history WRONG

To be fair the majority of Americans have little geographical knowledge. A lot of them thought Bush was bombing Tie Rack. ... le-6022481

Sometimes the Mail comments delivers.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:42 pm

Chip portion sizes have increased. ... t-45110151

Everybody knows a bag of chips is a "Glaswegian Salad"'


Isn't that a bit racist? Try directing the same sort of insult to the Asian community or to a minority like LGBTQ+ or to women, and then see what response you get. Just because the ethnic Scots are white doesn't mean they are fair game for racism.


Get a life!!!!! Here we go another brainwashed illiberal howling something is racist because they don't like a comment someone has made!! I am Glaswegian and deadoo is correct, a bag of chips is often referred to a a glasgow salad

What is the EU standard size of a portion of chips ? oh well we are leaving so its to late for them to impose that one now ... another good Brexit success .. we can come up with our own standard size that represents a portion.

Must be our share of the Barnett Formula giving us chips that are bigger than England's!!

Thanks, Saxons! :))

Lazy research. Skewed survey only conducted in Glasgow. How do the findings compare with portions in other cities? There is no mention as to whether the buyers ate the whole portions themselves or shared them with family members or friends to save money instead of buying separately...

Its comfort food..

& by god we need it given the parlous state of the planet...

AGW , Brexit, Indy, Austerity, Sanctions, bankers, austerity (yes twice), politicians, mega corporations, inflation, the housing bubble, the lack of housing, hate & bile..

My god leave the chips alone you sanctimonious do gooders...

Besides surely its a Darwinian problem it will resolve itself!

Feeding the hungry is the first - and most meritorious - of the Cardinal Acts of Mercy.
Perhaps it is time the Roman Catholic Church took more of a hand in running Scotland's chip shops.
They couldn't be any worse than they are at managing English schools.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:45 pm

No alcohol safe to drink.

The snag with alcohol is that it is ubiquitous and accepted. A surprisingly modest daily intake can rapidly develop into a habit that, by the time that it is pointed out that you have a problem, will already have inflicted damage that will lead to an early death. I have observed this MANY times.

People who need alcohol in their lives are weak minded

It is a drug that brings out the worst in people. It should either be banned or classed like cigarettes and taxed heavily.

Pubs should be shutdown

More nanny state nonsense, the money wasted on these studies would be better spent on schools, health and the homeless!!

I'm hoping that with Brexit the government change their alcohol units to gallons.

Proves to me that men are becoming softies as they are nowhere in league table. They are less fertile, more feminine and are attacked on all sides, especially if not black or disabled. Male singers all now sound like girls and are miserable, thank God ' Tom ' is still alive. Rise up boys and have a drink, sing Delilah and be a man !

must be why the muslims live forever lol

It's features such as this that reveal the BBC's truly parochial nature. Spend any time living in continental Europe for example, and you'll realise that this advice is "Don't enjoy your own culture".

Ah that's the BBC's agenda, isn't it? Don't enjoy your culture, if it's of European heritage? Again, a parochial view posing as its opposite. You exoticize the non-European, and spoil as a result.

The study does not mention weekend drinking, with abstinence during the week. This was advised years ago as the best way to cleanse the liver, and therefore avoid any lasting damage if you do drink.

Is it just a coincidence or what - the Doctor interviewed on BBC Breakfast was a Muslim.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:57 pm

Basically anything enjoyable is likely to kill you.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:30 pm

I drink too much and it's very bad for me. I don't need anyone to remind me of that :dread:.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:29 am

Scotland Women qualify for World Cup.

This story being the lead on the BBC web site just shows how deep they have plunged into the PC well of lunacy.

Beyond comprehension, really

The stats are rather revealing. No corners. No bookings. No fouls. 3 shots at goal in the entire game by both teams! It’s all but worthless if people were being truly honest. Virtually no one cares. The standard is abysmal. The Australian national women’s team (one of the best in the world) got beaten 7-0 by a bunch of 14yr old boys. That’s reality. As for vile Sturgeon - an embarrassment at best.

Nobody cares. BBC stop force feeding this stuff to further your pc agenda.

"Headline news?? Give women there own section please."

Unlike men, the BBC does give Womens football its own dedicated page, and yet still plasters the overall football pages with women's football.

Promotion of stories based on political correctness rather than actual public interest is just propaganda by another name. The BBC decided it knows whats best for us.

Women's football is nowhere near as entertaining or skilful as men's football. Nobody really cares about this match apart from virtue-signalling gender ideologues, which is why it appears as front-page news on the wretched BBC, obviously.

Let me check my f***s given jar.......

Nope, sorry, it's well and truly empty. Honestly, I'm absolutely overwhelmed with indifference.

Ha ha remove my comment because it hurts your feelings nanny state gone mad.

The No1 story on the site? Nobody could care less? I’m a Scottish football fan! This is pc BBC gone nuts!? It was bloody aweful - no skill, ability or entertainment ... please stop pushing this rubbish down peoples throats

Scottish football very poor am sure everyone will be queuing up to collect the Scottish world cup panini stixkers very very poor they should stick to Haggis throwing and irn brunette drinking and whiskey on their porridge

Shame they have to wave the Saltire which has now been hijacked by the Scottish Nationalists.

What a horrid watch this would have been, like pulling teeth.

Women have a perfect right to play the game but as a professional entity in the UK it is not commercially viable and leeches off the mens game in order to survive. I shall celebrate womens football when it stands on its own merits and ceases to be some PC vehicle driven for the most part by those with a wider agenda who use womens football as a showcase for their deluded ambitions.

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