The GRcade Years - Top 50 games

Anything to do with games at all.

Should we allow old games that got their first official UK release in 2008-2018?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:05 pm

Total votes: 34
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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by SerialCeler » Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:21 pm

Dig Dug wrote:

What's the deadline to get our votes in?

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by HSH28 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:58 pm

Subject to change...

1. Rez Infinite
2. Sid Meier's Civilization V
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
4. Batman: Arkham Asylum
5. The Beatles: Rock Band
6. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
7. Super Mario 3D Land
8. Super Mario Maker
9. Bayonetta
10. Bloodborne

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Dual » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:01 pm

Beatles Rock Band wow. Great shout that is. Played that loads

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:11 pm

I always find doing lists like this incredibly difficult, partly because I really struggle to rank things to such a fine degree but also because I seem to be developing a strawberry floating terrible memory over they years - even trying to remember games I've loved over the last 10 years has proved challenging! :lol:

Here's my list:

1) Witcher 3

This was the most absorbing game I've played in a long time when it came out in 2015. Lots of recent games have kept me playing for many hours and encouraged me to play just that bit more, but none got under my skin to quite the same level as TW3. It was like being a kid again where something just completely grabs you and dominates your world for a long period of time. Despite having very young kids when this was out and getting next to no sleep I still found myself playing this and realising it was 3AM in the morning on multiple occasions!

2) Super Mario Odyssey

I simply cannot think of anything in the last ten years that has made me smile as much as Odyssey, it is just a sheer joy to play. The controls are sublime, the kingdoms you visit are full of character, colour, and invention, the soundtrack is out of this world and the whole thing just presents a perfect playground for having fun.

3) Dishonored

If this list were my all-time top ten a significant number of entries would be reserved for games by Looking Glass Studios - Thief, Ultima Underworld, System Shock 1 & 2 etc. Dishonored marked a high point of a time when after almost of decade of nothing we finally saw something of a return to that kind of gaming experience, the "Immersive Sim". It's still a fantastic game to play today even if it probably wouldn't usurp those earlier games from my all time list.

4) Prey

Such a fantastic game! The freedom of expression in Prey is fantastic, rewarding many diverse play-styles in a way that Dishonored never quite managed to deliver on. Genuinely sad that it is unlikely to ever see a sequel. :cry:

5) Deus Ex Human Revolution

Same as the comments on Dishonored - this game managed to mostly deliver on something which I had thought impossible at the time - produce a modern follow up to Deus Ex. It's not as a good a game as the Ion Storm original, but it managed to capture many of the strengths of that game without being crippled by modern day gaming hang-ups. Fantastic soundtrack as well!

6) Dishonored 2

Functionally a better game than 1 but doesn't quite top it in my affections.

7) Zelda BOTW

A fantastic achievement, Nintendo managed to craft an experience that is still recognisable Zelda but places so much more freedom in the hands of the player than the series had seen before, and they manage to pull it off with so much style! How simply powers such as magnesis and stasis are implemented and communicated to the user is a massive achievement. Awakening or Majora's Mask are still probably above this in my Zelda list, but it's pushing them bloody hard!

8) Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Rekindled my love for the JRPG which had been dormant for over a decade. A massive game with a fantastic soundtrack and one of the most impressive battle systems I think I've ever experienced. :wub:


The core gameplay loop of this game is just so enjoyable, they managed to find the perfect balance between returning to what made the first two DooM games so good and forging their own new path for the series. Rip and tear!

10) MGSV

I abandoned Sony after the PS2 so never managed to play MGS4 but have always been a fan of the series so when this came to PC I was all over it like a rash. Like BOTW this gains lots of points with me for combining a series I love with some of the freedom and expressiveness of the Immersive Sim genre which, as stated above, has always been one of my favourites. Shame it all goes to gooseberry fool when they force you into anything too heavily scripted for the story, particularly toward the end, but that doesn't stop the mechanics of the game itself being nigh on perfection.

Honourable Mentions:

Sonic Mania
To The Moon
Just Cause 3
Axiom Verge
Hollow Knight
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Wolfenstein TNO

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Dig Dug » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:31 pm

SerialCeler wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:

What's the deadline to get our votes in?

Game votes will run until midnight on Saturday the 1st of September

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Balladeer » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:00 pm

Alright lads and lasses, this squalling newbie is up for this. I'm not quite sure whether my 8th entry counts, so I've given my First XI: feel free to omit number 11 or number 8 as suits!

11. Kid Icarus Uprising
You could tell that Sakurai had a hand in this: it's stuffed full of... well, stuff. Main adventure! Two control modes! Genuinely funny dialogue! All-over-the-place plot! Umpteen types of weapons! Weapon-fusing! Multiplayer! The weird egg-tossing trophy-winning thing! The on-land controls are... divisive, to say the least, but pretty much everything else in the game is either top-notch, or just weird.

10. Muramasa: The Demon Blade
This is a top weeb game. I never quite understood the plot, but the fighting made me feel like a ninja, even when I was actually just button-mashing. Also you could buy dumplings and fight a Japanese chimera.

9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
I really don't like the item-selling gimmick. I really really like everything else. Excellent 2D Zelda-ing, made 3D by the single most inspired mechanic in the series and the best use of the 3DS' 3D visuals there is. Also: better than the prequel.

8. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
By 2011, the original adventure was showing its age in places, most obviously the graphical department. The 3D remake showed how strong the core adventure still was, with great dungeons, gameplay, characters, and more of a sense of storyline than some later games. Also: a full 3D Zelda, playable on the bus! It seemed special at the time...

7. Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Capcom came so so close to beating Trials and Tribulations to the AA crown. The introduction of Khura'in was inspired, the plot strong, the graphics colourful, Apollo shockingly bearable... The fourth case was the only dark spot in an otherwise exemplary game. It contains a moment where Edgeworth has a dog hanging from his cravat, what more do you want?

6. Celeste
The game that made 2D platformers relevant for me again, after years of also-and-nearly-rans. Madeline's dash felt so powerful that the myriad deaths never seemed fun-ending: an excellent story and soundtrack I felt compelled to buy separately were the cherries on the cake. Or... the strawberries???

5. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
A blend of puzzling and storytelling that's flawless while it lasts. It's available on 'phones, so there's really no excuse not to have played and loved it.

4. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
There will always be a Smash Bros. in my Top Ten Games Ever. It strips out guff like combos and interminable character-specific movesets to create a fun accessible fighter, then adds a healthy dollop of Nintendo fanservice (in the good way). SSB4 sped up the gameplay from Brawl while having substantially more content than Mêlée, so it's here... until December anyway.

3. Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) (if these two are looked at separately, give it to MK8)
MK8 set the groundwork for perfection. Excellent track design, a good new gimmick, 8-player local, and a strong DLC game. All it needed was a decent battle mode and slightly more (Mario franchise) character variety. Cut to April 2017...

2. Super Mario Odyssey
When everyone else was going ga-ga over Galaxy, I longed for a return to the exploratory platforming of 64. Odyssey combines a lot of the best of both worlds, then allows you to possess a tank in addition. Praise Shigsy!

1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
These things used to be fun for Nintendonly gamers, you know. You'd get a healthy variety of games competing for people's top spots. Before this came out, my favourite game ever was Twilight Princess. Controversial! Disputable! Interesting! BotW has ruined these things for me. It's too good for its own good. Game of all time, no question.

Phew! Hopefully there's something there y'all can use. I'll try and read through others' lists in time, although fair warning: my eyes will glaze over when I see Soulsborne games, GTAs, and anything else sweary and/or gory.

EDIT: Well number 1's looking right thus far! :mrgreen:

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by jawafour » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:00 pm

Balladeer wrote:...8. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D...

Dang! I had totes forgotten about this, Balladeer! Gonna have to take another look at my choices, now.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Balladeer » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:29 pm

Ha, glad I helped! At least I... think that was helping? :shifty:

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by masofdas » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:49 pm

Hi guys, Balla posted this over at GNamer and thought I would take part as it is an interesting topic the best games of the last 10 years.

Last and my 1 point. Life is Strange
9. Overwatch
8. Catherine
7. Journey
6. The Last of Us
5. Bioshock Infinite
4. Uncharted 2
3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
2. Persona 5
First and my 10 points. Mass Effect Trilogy, if this isn't allowed then Mass Effect 2 but I do see it as one game as I took my character from the first game right to the end of the 3rd.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Christopher » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:06 pm

My list:

1. Resogun
2. Nex Machina
3. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
4. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
5. WipEout Omega Collection
6. Rez Infinite
7. Super Mario Galaxy 2
8. Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
9. Vanquish
10. Valkyria Chronicles

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Yubel » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:30 pm

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Max Payne 3 - Max Payne's narration throughout this game, to me at least, is like a fine wine. It's his sarcasm, willingness to poke fun at himself and just his sobering honesty - how he just lays everyone and every situation out to bare, confiscated of all their bravado and swagger - which makes me like spending time with him. Suffice to say that the writing is great, even influencing some of my own. Gameplay-wise, Max Payne 3 felt extremely fine-tuned, encouraging you to stay mobile - a trait which I appreciate in any shooter - with the satisfaction of dispatching foes in style being one of the best feelings in the world. The production values were pretty extreme at the time and whenever I think back it's always the distinct aberration/distortion effects that spring to mind first and foremost. Certainly one of the more impactful experiences from the previous gen for me and that's not to mention the multiplayer which deserves ample praise for some genuinely original ideas and features.

Batman: Arkham City

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - For years I was kinda led to believe the first game was better, but it turns out I just feel more nostalgic toward it. Galaxy 2, while more linear, is so much more vibrant and filled with what feels like 3x as many original concepts than it's predecessor. The E3 2009 reveal still gives me the fuzzies.

*Deus Ex: Human Revolution

*Watch Dogs 2

*Sleeping Dogs

*Replaced Twilight Princess, Okami and Metroid Prime Trilogy from my actual top 10 for this list.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Kriken » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:09 pm

Dig Dug wrote:Games such as Resident Evil HD Remaster are disqualified but games that were rebuilt from the ground up such as Shadow of the Colossus PS4 and Wind Waker HD are allowed.

Wind Waker HD isn't rebuilt from the ground up though is it? It's the same game, but at 1080p with updated textures and a new lighting engine. There are some gameplay differences, but they are the result of tweaks rather than things being created anew. Impactful changes, sure, but it's virtually the same game - built on from the original.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Dig Dug » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:41 pm

Having beat it 2 days ago I am of the opinion that even though it reuses assets, it is still significantly changed from the original to the degree that each game represents their respective periods. Wind Waker HD is a good example of what Nintendo were keen on doing in 2013 and it does that by having the experience streamlined greatly by technology that didn't exist in the time of the original. They didn't just throw on some features, this isn't a metroid prime trilogy job, it went beyond that.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by KomandaHeck » Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:42 am

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Bloodborne
5. Alpha Protocol
6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
7. Vanquish
8. Overwatch
9. Yakuza 0
10. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Subject to change.

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Frank » Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:43 am

mic wrote:
Remi Dong wrote:Was there a Halo 2 remake?

Balls. Halo 2 out, Halo Reach in.

Halo 2: Anniversary was part of the Master Chief collection, if that helps :shifty:

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Jenuall » Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:03 am

SugarDave wrote:1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Bloodborne
5. Alpha Protocol
6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
7. Vanquish
8. Overwatch
9. Yakuza 0
10. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Subject to change.

Ooh, good shout on Alpha Protocol! May need to reconsider my list...

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Diabolito » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:47 pm

1. Last of Us
2. GTA 5
3. Doom
4. Zelda Breath of the Wild
5. Mario Odyssey
6. Halo reach
7. Super meat boy
8. Fortnite
9. Minecraft
10. Resident evil 7

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Miguel007 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:49 pm

My List:

10#. Marbles! Balance Challenge - Nintendo Wii - owned Tomy's Screwball Scramble as a kid? Then you'll probably love this. The perfect just one more go game. Improving on the original Kororinpa and boasting four player multi-player and a level editor, this is fantastic.

09#. Picross 3D - Nintendo DS

08#. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Nintendo Switch

07#. Perfect Dark HD - Microsoft 360

06#. Metroid Prime Trilogy - Nintendo Wii

05#. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Switch - Four words; 'David Wise Soundtrack, sublime!'

04#. Red Dead Redemption - Microsoft 360

03#. Batman: Arkham City - Microsoft 360

02#. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch - Nintendo moved the goalposts for open world games when they released this, near unprecedented levels of freedom not only in exploration but ways of tackling problems. The overworld is literally one of the best game maps ever made; secrets and points of interest aplenty - peerless.

01#. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Nintendo Wii - each Galaxy is a joy to behold and concepts in single levels could be used to create their own games, they are so well designed!

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Schumi » Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:35 pm

1. Uncharted 2
2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
4. Uncharted 4
5. Thw Witcher 3
6. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
7. Borderlands 2
8. Batman Arkham Asylum
9. Portal 2
10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

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PostRe: The GRcade Years - Top 50 games
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:20 am

My list:

My list, sans descriptors:

1. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Xbox 360 | 2010)
2. Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360 | 2010)
3. Horizon: Zero Dawn (with Expansion) (PS4 | 2017)
4. Sonic Mania (Plus) (PS4 | 2017)
5. Metro 2033 (Xbox 360 | 2010)
6. Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS | 2017)
7. Sid Meier's Civilization V (with Expansions) (PC | 2010)
8. Darksiders (Xbox 360 | 2010)
9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii | 2011)
10. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360 | 2010)

My list, with descriptions:

1. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Xbox 360 | 2010)
Having not played any AC past Black Flag (which would be here instead of this title if it weren't for the godawful present day guff, and sparse city content), this game still stands as the pinnacle of the Assassin's Creed series for me. As much as I've enjoyed the series' subsequent entries, this one remains the best, taking in an iconic, beautiful, ancient city at a truly fascinating time in its history, with one of the best protagonists in gaming history.

2. Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360 | 2010)
One of the finest sci-fi experiences I've had the pleasure of delving into, taking the potential of the series' first entry and improving on it in most respects. I missed the Mako from the first game, and "proper" planetary exploration, but not the identikit building interiors or weak weaponry. The game's array of excellently written characters (& dialogue), varied locations and fantastic story arcs makes for an incredibly compelling experience. A gaming highlight I will not soon forget.

3. Horizon: Zero Dawn (with Expansion) (PS4 | 2017)
The best sci-fi game I've played since Mass Effect 2, and one of the best stories I've had the pleasure to enjoy in a very long time. The game world is gorgeous, and while dauntingly huge, it never feels too big. The characters are incredibly well written (Aloy is up there with Ezio Auditore as one of gaming's best lead characters), the imagination on display is first rate, and the music is hauntingly beautiful. It is a truly wonderful game.

4. Sonic Mania (Plus) (PS4 | 2017)
In the decades after the 16-bit era, the gaming world watched with dismay as Sonic the Hedgehog's golden reputation turned into a shit-smeared embarrassment. As time went by, I longed for a return to my childhood favorite's glory days, but Sonic Team just seems incapable of doing that - and whenever they do hit on a good idea, like Colors apparently was (I never played it), they can't seem to stick with it. Sonic Generations showed promise, but it wasn't quite what I wanted, and then came Sonic 4, which proved that Sonic Team couldn't even do a "proper" return to the series' roots well.

But then came Christian Whitehead and his friends at Headcannon and PagodaWest Games, appearing like Gandalf and the Rohirrim at the end of the LotR: The Two Towers. Entrusted by Sega with a new 16-bit-style Sonic title of their very own after the critical success of their enhanced Sonic 2 port, they hit the ball out of the park and then some. In Mania, we got a masterclass in what happens when the series is given over to people who really get how to do 2D Sonic right; they took existing zones from the classic era and mixed them up into something truly special, delivering genuinely improved experiences, while in the new zones they built they proved they can hold their own with the greats of old.

This was the game my inner 10 year old had been wanting. It just sucks that Sega evidently couldn't figure it out first.

5. Metro 2033 (Xbox 360 | 2010)
Easily the best "gritty" post-apocalyptic game I've played, not that I've played very many. It oozes atmosphere from every orifice, accompanied by a haunting and atmospheric soundtrack. Artyom's fraught and harrowing journey through the bleak, unforgiving, sometimes distinctly creepy Moscow Metro, is a memorable one.

6. Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS | 2017)
Fantastic classic Metroid gameplay with some truly great modifications, a gorgeous and atmospheric soundtrack, challenging battles and a big ass game world to explore. :wub:

7. Sid Meier's Civilization V (with Expansions) (PC | 2010)
In the years following the (now, it seems, temporary) demise of the Age of Empires series, I didn't really have much to do with strategy games, beyond a brief foray into Rome: Total War. But then I heard about Civ V, and read on here and review aggregate sites the views of those so enamored by it. So I bought it, and promptly lost several hundred hours of my life. Suddenly, my (still) beloved AoE seemed small fry compared to the multi-epochal, global civilizational epic stories I was living out in Civ V. The "just one more turn" addiction is monstrously real.

I might have put Civ VI here, but somehow it still doesn't have an official map editor. :x I just wanna build ancient Earth maps; Triassic, Jurassic, Eocene etc.

8. Darksiders (Xbox 360 | 2010)
A wonderful, inventive, Zelda-esque journey through the apocalypse, filled with colorful characters, great boss battles, puzzles that never felt too difficult, a great story and a beautifully realized post-apocalyptic Earth. Mark Hamill's scene-stealing voice acting talent was a joy to watch. Such immense fun! The sequel was wonderful too, but not quite this great. I have very high hopes for the third installment.

9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii | 2011)
I didn't think that any new Zelda game could top the glories of the Wind Waker, but when I played this, I just fell in love. It has by far the best story of the (3D) series, the best use of items, a great swordplay mechanic, and a fantastic cast of characters. It has some shortcomings, it's true, but it got to me in a way Wind Waker never quite did - perhaps because of the persistent feeling of TWW's incomplete state whenever I play it.

10. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360 | 2010)
A first rate Spaghetti Western in game form, with a compelling story, a great cast and exceptionally well written dialogue. The game world is breathtaking, and the soundtrack is just beautiful. I didn't want it to end, and yet end it did.

I didn't realize until building this list how top tier 2010 really was for me. :slol:

10 Honorable Mentions I Nearly Nominated, But Didn't:
Aliens: Infestation (3DS | 2011)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4 | 2013)
Braid (Xbox 360 | 2008)
Civilization VI (PC | 2016) - Needs.a.proper.strawberry
Dead Space 2 (PS3 | 2011)
Dishonored (PS3 | 2012)
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii | 2009) - Just unsure as to whether it qualifies.
Mirror's Edge (PS3 | 2008)
Star Wars: Battlefront (PS4 | 2015)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii | 2010)

Last edited by Alvin Flummux on Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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