The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Jenuall » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:28 pm

I'm not sure I've ever really worked anywhere where there was a great connection between the execs and the "real people".

Don't get me wrong I've never been somewhere where it feels like they are totally shafting you or anything, but they are just pretty much a non-entity as far as I was concerned. I knew the execs must be out there but I had basically zero visibility of them and it felt like whatever they did had no real impact on me at ground level!

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Errkal » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:34 pm

Where I am they are very visible, they site in the same offices as everyone else in their directorate so are very available or visible. The CEO boss man has his own area but you see him most days wandering about the building and says hi to people and stuff.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Death's Head » Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:50 am

Not working today as had a minor op yesterday. Was planning to return to work today but due to continued discomfort and lack of sleep (due to discomfort) decided to take today off.

I've made a decision about work and now have something in play which will result in either being a fair bit better off pay wise or seeing me more active on here as I won't be working for a while....

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Moggy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:59 am

Our temporary team leader (our proper team leader is on maternity leave) is still acting like a power mad prick. The woman I work with got dragged into a meeting room yesterday where he had a go at her for not showing him the proper respect, he kept saying that “I am in charge and I don’t like the way you speak to me”. She was flabbergasted, she is slightly mental but not the sort to talk to people in a nasty way.

Our proper team leader always said that as long as it doesn’t impact workloads she was happy for people to leave early if they needed to, as long as the time was made up. Temporary dickhead had a moan yesterday when somebody needed to leave a little early (their childminder was ill) and has now emailed everyone to tell us that “we do not operate flexitime and any future requests to leave early will be rejected”.

All this while he still occasionally decides to “work from home” without telling anybody. :lol:

Insecure little cock. :fp:

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by <]:^D » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:16 am

managers :x

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Moggy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:18 am

<]:^D wrote:managers :x

Managers are usually fine. It’s the jumped up little gooseberry fools that get temporally put into a manager role that are the problem.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Errkal » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:57 am


I'm setting up a self service password system and needs ideas for GDPR compliant challenge questions I can use in the system.

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Rex Kramer
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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Rex Kramer » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:00 am

Errkal wrote:HELP!!!

I'm setting up a self service password system and needs ideas for GDPR compliant challenge questions I can use in the system.

I've only got a fairly slim understanding of GDPR but that does sound like a difficult one to resolve. I guess it's whether 1st pet or suchlike is actually identifiable information for the individual.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Errkal » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:03 am

Rex Kramer wrote:
Errkal wrote:HELP!!!

I'm setting up a self service password system and needs ideas for GDPR compliant challenge questions I can use in the system.

I've only got a fairly slim understanding of GDPR but that does sound like a difficult one to resolve. I guess it's whether 1st pet or suchlike is actually identifiable information for the individual.

Yeah it has to be personal, but not "too" personal. So far I have

The country you always dreamt of going on holiday?
Who is your childhood hero?
What was the name of your primary school?
What was your favourite cartoon character as a child?
What is your favourite colour?
What was your favourite TV show as a child?
What was your first games console?
Where was your first holiday?
What was the name of your first pet?
What was the make of your first car?
What was the make of your first mobile phone?
What was your favourite video game as a child?

Luckily we have a heap of compliance peeps here so it will get run by them but I need quite a few, its amazing how damn hard this is to think of simple questions!

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Rex Kramer » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:08 am

You should still be able to collect personal information as long as you store it with a level of anonymity, cover everything with an appropriate policy and maybe even encrypt it.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Errkal » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:18 am

Yeah I would have thought so too, but can't be arsed arguing with boss folk, everything is stored encrypted and no one can ever retrieve the actual text of an answer as thats how the system is built but still, doesn't hurt to make it non personal personal I guess.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Moggy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:39 am

The dickhead temporary team leader is currently sat there with headphones on. It was only a week or two ago that he sent an email to everyone warning them not to use phone or electronic devices in work time. :lol:

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by <]:^D » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:19 pm

he sounds like a rebel and a leader. youre just jealous.

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Death's Head » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:30 pm

Moggy wrote:The dickhead temporary team leader is currently sat there with headphones on. It was only a week or two ago that he sent an email to everyone warning them not to use phone or electronic devices in work time. [emoji38]
Do you want me to have a word with him? I've made a director cry before.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Jenuall » Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:46 pm

So my interview went really well and they offered me a job there and then! :toot:

Salary would be similar to what I'm on now but the work is more interesting, it's closer to home and they seem to be very flexible over working hours which is great from a family perspective.

However current place are now seeming keen to keep me on and have gone away to think about what they can offer me to try and stop me from walking!

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Death's Head » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:20 pm

Jenuall wrote:So my interview went really well and they offered me a job there and then! :toot:

Salary would be similar to what I'm on now but the work is more interesting, it's closer to home and they seem to be very flexible over working hours which is great from a family perspective.

However current place are now seeming keen to keep me on and have gone away to think about what they can offer me to try and stop me from walking!

You go girl!

Great opportunity here if you want to stay with your existing company and get more money or career advancement. Although you could ask your existing company if you are worth more to them, why have they been underpaying you and if you do stay with them, when will any rise be backdated to....

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Green Gecko
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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Green Gecko » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:24 pm

Errkal wrote:Yeah I would have thought so too, but can't be arsed arguing with boss folk, everything is stored encrypted and no one can ever retrieve the actual text of an answer as thats how the system is built but still, doesn't hurt to make it non personal personal I guess.

The problem is you can possibly infer stuff about the person just based on the security questions they have chosen to have. It's a loooong stretch but that's probably why.

Plus it's an attack vector for obvious information, or easy guesswork.

What is your dream x is a quite a good one. People don't tend to talk about stuff they consider unobtainable anyway and it's often not clear what it is because most people are really indecisive, so they just pick one at random for that kind of question.

Myself I have to write it down because I'm not rigid enough to have this one thing I must possess to feel successful (of course I don't literally write it down, I put it in the notes section of password manager).

Another one is "what is your most memorable phone number from your childhood"

I'm pretty sure someone came up with that by combining "memorable place" with "your phone number", pretty clever really as the result is super obscure.

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Errkal » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:28 pm

Green Gecko wrote:
Errkal wrote:Yeah I would have thought so too, but can't be arsed arguing with boss folk, everything is stored encrypted and no one can ever retrieve the actual text of an answer as thats how the system is built but still, doesn't hurt to make it non personal personal I guess.

The problem is you can possibly infer stuff about the person just based on the security questions they have chosen to have. It's a loooong stretch but that's probably why.

Plus it's an attack vector for obvious information, or easy guesswork.

What is your dream x is a quite a good one. People don't tend to talk about stuff they consider unobtainable anyway and it's often not clear what it is because most people are really indecisive, so they just pick one at random for that kind of question.

Myself I have to write it down because I'm not rigid enough to have this one thing I must possess to feel successful.

I'm planning on having a bank of 40 questions to pick from where the users need to answer 6, so far I'm at 25 and have a reasonable mix of waht is you dream, what was you first, type stuff.

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Jenuall » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:29 pm

Death's Head wrote:
Jenuall wrote:So my interview went really well and they offered me a job there and then! :toot:

Salary would be similar to what I'm on now but the work is more interesting, it's closer to home and they seem to be very flexible over working hours which is great from a family perspective.

However current place are now seeming keen to keep me on and have gone away to think about what they can offer me to try and stop me from walking!

You go girl!

Great opportunity here if you want to stay with your existing company and get more money or career advancement. Although you could ask your existing company if you are worth more to them, why have they been underpaying you and if you do stay with them, when will any rise be backdated to....


Yeah I'm not sure what level of negotiation I can get into now, with either side. My gut tells me to go with the new role as it seems to be genuinely more interesting and offers greater flexibility, but if my current place comes back with a ridiculous offer I might find it hard to turn down! If that does happen do people think it's valid to talk to the new place and say "my current job have offered me this to stay, can you match it?" Or is that being too cheeky?

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PostRe: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!
by Green Gecko » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:29 pm

That sounds like hell to reset the password. By which I mean, great job. :D

"It should be common sense to just accept the message Nintendo are sending out through their actions."

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