We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by DarkRula » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:26 am

Ten years... That is a long time.

I think at this time in 2008 I was in America at Disneyland/World and 13 year old me was absolutely in love with it all. Just over two years' previously I'd been introduced to Star Wars through Battlefront 2, and while there I caught a few episodes of The Clone Wars, which cemented my love for the universe as a whole [though obviously I'd been buying into it with a few books and the films those dates].

Got through school. Started a media course at college and for two years had the greatest time. Started an animation course at uni having already been doing that sort of stuff for years. Realised in the last year I'd spent way too long and not progressed enough and possibly got too hung up on that and unofficially dropped out. That was the time I'd self-published my first book to the Kindle store, then had regrets that after talking about doing so for so long that I hadn't tried my hand at self-publishing sooner.

Not that I became an instant hit or anything, but it felt good to have something officially mine and out in the wilds [I doubt my website from 2012 would count with numerous fan-created works, though I guess my blog would]. Then I reflected that at least doing so now when I had properly found my hook in writing was the best time to do so. I self-published two more books on Kindle, properly designed a website to showcase myself, and am working on my fourth. I definitely need to work on marketing all this though.

Back then I was on ONM and I think started becoming a regular poster around... 2011. When ONM shut and SONM was born, I migrated and became even more active - though somehow didn't hit my ONM post count of 1600, so I have to ask whether I had really been all that active. And now I here, on GRcade for half a year and already loving it.

While also having an insufferable leg that only seems to have got worse in those ten years and I feel a fool to have ignored/put up with for so long.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Poser » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:40 am

I was 29. I had not long started a new job in a new city (Newcastle), and I (selfishly) saw the collapse of GamesRadar as a good thing as it was one less distraction for me :lol:

Then someone emailed me to let me know the community had moved across. I resisted for a while but was then lured back in.

Then, I was the new North East 100m champion. Now I'm approaching middle age and rarely run.

Then, I was in a relationship with a girl which lasted for a further two years, and I had already met the woman I am now married to. Blows my mind a bit to think about that. When GRcade started, we were just colleagues in relationships with other people. Now, we are now in our second home together, married with a 2.5 year old boy who is awesome and who makes me laugh every day.

Then, I was cocky and confident. Now, I am mature and humble. Bit depressed, but I'm dealing with it. I think I was depressed then, too, but I had outlets.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by Kriken » Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:51 pm

Another ex-ONMer here who joined GRcade when the SONM/GRcade partnership happened.

I joined ONM back in 2006, but it was from about '08 when I started being active on the forum. I was an awkward 15 year old going through especially miserable times so it was a comfort blanket of sorts.

Made a fair few friends from the place. Most of those friendships didn't last, but I have longlasting fond memories of the time. Actually met one of them at uni and we shared a house for a few years.

I've had a lot of ups and downs since then. Uni started off well but life generally wasn't going as I imagined and regrettably I allowed myself to coast and really not do much for a few years. Struggled to find a job for months and had a few overlong stays at friends' houses in the meantime.

Right now I've had my own place for few a years now, as well as the same retail job for about as long. And it's okay. It could be a lot worse. The area I live in is the roughest place I've ever lived in, but that's part of its charm. My job's not the best, but I like most of the people I work with and a fair few of our regulars.

My lifelong anxiety is still here, but recently it's gotten a lot better. I've done a lot of stupid things, but I needed a lot of those lessons. My upbringing was too sheltered and strange, so there were going to be a lot of growing pains. My normally rocky relationship with my family is starting to seem okay now as well.

Perhaps I have too few hobbies still, but a few years ago I picked up one that lay dormant but close to my heart ever since I was young: competitive Super Smash Bros Melee. I discovered that not only was there a scene for a it, but it was bigger than ever and still growing. I've enjoyed competing so much and met so many different kinds of people through it. I feel like the adversity has contributed well to my personal growth. That said, I still suck at it, and while it's a ton of fun as it is, I'd like to get a lot better.

I've not had the best or most interesting journey, but I'm happy I'm here and still going, and I'm looking forward to what the future brings. :)

PS: I'm really glad GRcade was here after SONM closed. Great community here.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Rocsteady » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:01 pm

I signed up as a teenage suicidal drug addict who drank daily and only cared about the next night out. I was a fairly immoral little banana split with a lot of pain inside. I’m a better person now.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by Qikz » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:12 pm

Karl wrote:This is a wonderful idea for a thread. Genuinely fascinated by reading these.

I am going to just go ahead and write this as a stream of consciousness. I'm spoilering this because it's probably a bit long & depressing. Sorry about that. ...I'll try to skim over the worst parts.

Overall I guess that's a mixed bag, but it definitely starts out worse and gets more positive, and I think you all are a part of that improvement. I'm grateful this place was here, and glad we're still going. Cheers.

I was starting to feel genuinely sad for your story and there's a lot I can relate to in there, but then I got to this:

"Then we were part of the PCGT crew - Kezzer, Falsey, others "

You put me in the band of others. I see how it is. I never liked you anyway!


Seriously though, im glad things are getting better for you. I should probably post my story soon too.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Qikz » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:04 am

Ok so here goes.

In 2007 I lost one of my closest family members, my paternal grandfather and my mum spent months in hospital coming close to death a few times. It affected me badly at the time but it wasn't until 2008 when everything went bad. My anxiety hit it's peak and it got to the point where even the thought of trying to go to college made me writh up in pain with my stomach. My Mum was still in the hospital and I didn't have a clue of how to actually handle life. The only one person who kept me from falling into a deep state of despair was my paternal grandmother (My Nan). While I was living at home on my own which I'd never done before she kept calling me to check I was ok and kept inviting me around to have dinner and what not to make sure I was eating properly.

I was struggling but with my Dad now living in Israel for work I didn't really know what else to do. I was suffering really badly. I wasn't going to college at all and I missed like 2-3 months of it and got put on a final warning. I went from getting all distinctions in year 1 (before my Grandad passed) to not even submitting things. They gave me one last chance to finish my coursework before I finished and thankfully I managed it but only with a MPP grade which is gooseberry fool. After college I kinda just forgot about it as it reminds me of a horrible period of my life which is those two years. My entire world turned entirely upside down, but I think in the end it shaped me into who I am now.

My mum had long since been back at home and I'd finished college. The idea of going to University was something I hadn't even considered but it was the height of the recession and there was no jobs in my area anywhere. I gave up looking and that was when the Job Center gave me an out I hadn't thought of. Living at home on my own with my mum meant I was technically her carer as I was doing everything for her, but I never even knew carers allowance was a thing. They helped me sign up and I got it, I lived off of like 250GBP a month which was fine but I helped my mum pay for food and what not and anything else I used to stop myself from going insane. I decided that I would do something I'd wanted to do since the age of 9 and that was to learn an Asian language. I'd decided pretty quickly to do Japanese so I started learning. I thought I was going to fail, I really did but because I had very little else to do responsibility wise and it was something I really enjoyed doing I kept it up.

It was about 2 months in and I decided to watch Shakugan no Shana and that was when my entire life changed. I fell in love with that show and I found out that I was starting to understand small bits of it because of my learning and after that I quickly found a recommendation online and started watching Haruhi, Lucky Star and then K-On. That was it, I'd become fully engrossed in Japanese otaku culture and there was no way back for me. I found it was helping me cement my understanding of Japanese atleast when it came to listening and I shortly fell in love with Japanese music as well.

One other side thing that happened with this was after meeting Dala the year before playing WoW, he'd been telling me about this RTS game I'd enjoy called StarCraft. I'd never thought of playing it before but I'd heard of it. I downloaded a demo and enjoyed it, but didn't buy it with my limited funds. That was when I found teamliquid and that is when I found out there was a big eSports scene in Korea dedicated to the game. I happened to check a few days before the finals of one of the bigger tournaments, starting with this game right here:

This started my other passion. I fell in love with watching that Terran player (FanTaSy play) and I decided that I wanted to become good at BW. I had a lot of spare time so between that and my Japanese I had my hands full trying to learn a craft. A few years passed and in that I started collecting anime figurines which I still collect now, I started posting on BW forums a lot and strengthened my friendship with Dala online and we met up in person.story

Another small set of milestones between that and 2014 were that I started an open university course to try and give myself a chance once I stopped being a carer. The major issue this caused was it let my anxiety breed and fester since I very rarely left the house and very rarely met anyone else. The me who'd been bullied constantly in school who was already bad in confidence lost even more and I was more like a hermit. The other thing was I found out my Dad had found a new woman who he'd fallen in love with and he'd started a family with her (while keeping this all from me and my mum, which pissed me off majorly). I've explained this story before but it got to the point that I didn't ever want to talk to my Dad again. This is the sad part but I saw Clannad which was emotional already, but the main character has a big argument with his Dad in a similar way I did, but the Dad apologises for everything and it triggered something inside me to not want to lose contact with my Dad forever. I opened up to him and he opened up to me and I eventually in 2013 met his new family, my step brother and my half sister who was about 2 at the time.

Come 2014 he wanted to move back to the UK to be closer to his Mum and myself, so he forced us to move out of our family home and move to Hertfordshire which is where I now live. I had 2 rocky years of living with my Step Mum who I've never got on with and never will before in June 2016 I decided I want out. I had some sad news that my Nan (the one who saved me in 2007) had developed some kind of cancer, but the doctors thought she would be fine with treatment so I'd kinda got the idea that she'd be leaving us out of my head and in June 2016 I started planning to move out. I'd been in my job for a year and I worked out my budget that I could just afford leaving, but I was getting depressed at home so i knew I had to leave my Dads. I loved living with the rest of my family, but she ruined it entirely for me.

Along comes August 28th 2018, the day of my move out and one of the worst days of my life. The day before I was speaking to my Nan on the phone and she was saying how much she was worried about me moving and how annoyed she was at my Step Mum for forcing it to this, but kept saying over and over again how much she loved me and wanted it to go well and said she'd come over soon to see my flat soon. That night, in the early hours of the 28th she suddenly became very ill and by the time the ambulancemen got her to the ambulance she'd passed away. I woke up so excited to move and my Dad came into my then packed up room and gave me the news. I was devestated. The person who saved me in 2007 from severe depression and who had been a rock my entire life to me had gone and I had no idea what to do. Thinking about it now is making me upset again, but it felt like for the first time in my life things were going well. My mum was happy where she was living and everything I'd been working on had been going well. It was a total shock. My Dad insisted I stay with him for another week so I pushed my move back and I'm glad I did.

I went straight back to work but after the funeral my bosses thankfully gave me like 2 weeks of compassionate leave. My cat at this point (Lotty) was living with my Nan at the time as I couldn't bring her with me so when I moved in I was completely alone. I thought my whole world had collapsed in on itself. There was a huge amount of family drama on my dads side and I nearly didn't get my cat back with me because my banana split of a cousin. The veil of how happy I was at work dissappeared and I started hating my job, but I started thinking of doing something outside of work to improve that.

That brings me to the final points of my life so far. I made a close friend at work and we've been to Amsterdam together. I write this as I'm chatting to him online and this new group of friends has helped me become a lot more confident. I'm still useless with women and have self confidence issues but atleast I'm trying in that regard now. My Mum is ill again and she's been in and out of hospital (she's even in there now for observation) since she started dialysis. My step brother is just a real brother to me, blood or not I'm super close to him and I'm glad he's in my life and my little sister loves me to bits.

I miss my Nan and my Grandad dearly, but I'm still chipping away at work, I'm about to be renewing my tenancy agreement to begin my third year in this flat and I'm currently running a successful tournament on StarCraft Broodwar called the Shinhan Tank Proleague which is pulling in 100+ viewers most times I stream now and my knowledge I gained throughout my life has all cullminated into making this side hobby a success. Here's an example of my casting!

GRCade has been a hugely important part of these 10 years and all those years playing CSS, TF2, L4D, Garry's Mod and what not with the PC Supremacy crew really helped me through those years as a carer and gave me the confidence to make friends with more and more people. Neph has even joined my friend group with this guy from work. He didn't come to Amsterdam with us but I got high and felt relaxed probably for the first time in those 10 years.

Here's to another 10! Sorry for the essay btw.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Jingle Ord The Way » Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:10 am

OK, 10 years.
I was married then and i'm still married to the same person now. We tried for children but it wasn't to be, so we decided to adopt and now i'm a father to a beautiful little girl. :toot:
Things are more complicated for me now than they were 10 years ago. I'm new to parenting and I wonder every day if I'm doing the right thing. My parents health is deteriorating and i'm having to deal with the dementia and Parkinson disease that is happening there. I can't really get any feedback from them on parenting so a lot of the time it's just "winging it!"
I'm not going to talk about my profession except to say that the responsibilities has risen exponentially but the pay has not (Public sector lol!) and that i'm not particularly happy there right now.

About the forum -

Well I missed Gamesradar when that went to gooseberry fool and was overjoyed when GRcade was born. I remember Cal (now banned?) making the logo for the forum and his numerous passionate love posts about the corridors in Doom 3. I also remember Hex (I think it was Hex) sending me a pile of CD's that contained all the Stargate SG1 episodes! :lol: :toot:

I've been a Doctor Who fan for most of my life so I ended up having a PM friendship with The Watching Artist for about 3 years now. A stand up guy, Who fan, lover of most things Nintendo, and pretty decent painter! A genuine good guy!
GRcade is pretty much like when I was younger and when I used to read Digitiser on Teletext every day like a ritual. I don't really post much now, but I still check this forum out every day.
A habit that I look forward to continuing for the next 10 years.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by That » Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:15 am

Qikz wrote:"Then we were part of the PCGT crew - Kezzer, Falsey, others "

You put me in the band of others. I see how it is. I never liked you anyway!

That's because you're part of an even tighter crew:

Qikz wrote:Ok so here goes.

I'm really sorry about the ill-health and loss in your family, I know it's been really tough for you. But I'm glad you're gaining confidence and doing things you enjoy. I knew you struggled a bit with anxiety, so seeing you get a job, start casting, go out on holidays, get Tinder(!!!) all over the last couple of years -- that's been really cool to see. Your casting's great by the way, I don't know much about SC but you're very clear, and it's obvious you know your stuff.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Cumberdanes » Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:21 am

Not a lot has changed for me since I joined. I signed up in June 2011 I was a 27 year old civil servant living with his parents whereas now I’m a 34 year old civil servant renting a room in a shared house. I suppose the only change is I now have a far worse alcohol habit.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by The Watching Artist » Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:42 pm

Ord wrote:I've been a Doctor Who fan for most of my life so I ended up having a PM friendship with The Watching Artist for about 3 years now. A stand up guy, Who fan, lover of most things Nintendo, and pretty decent painter! A genuine good guy!


Although I feel like I should mention that I'm pretty sure it goes back further then this. :shifty: I'm sure I was in touch well before the 50th anniversary and that was nearly 5 years ago. :shock:


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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Mafro » Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:27 pm

Karl :wub:

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Carlos » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:49 pm

Has it been 10 years? I haven’t posted in 6!

I was a survivor of the old Gamesradar forum, before that DailyRadar and before that FutureGamer, which kind of followed on from 99p weekly games rag Video Gamer which was a badly thought out redesign of the fondly-remembered ARCADE magazine, although my memory of much of that time is a little hazy. In my head the GRcade family tree is 20 years old.

How is everyone? Did Eighthours ever write that book? Is Steve still bankrolling the forum? (I hope his Xbox One never went missing too) Was Bobby Digital ever unmasked?

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by That » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:23 pm

Mafro wrote:Karl :wub:


Carlos wrote:Has it been 10 years? I haven’t posted in 6!

I was a survivor of the old Gamesradar forum, before that DailyRadar and before that FutureGamer, which kind of followed on from 99p weekly games rag Video Gamer which was a badly thought out redesign of the fondly-remembered ARCADE magazine, although my memory of much of that time is a little hazy. In my head the GRcade family tree is 20 years old.

How is everyone? Did Eighthours ever write that book? Is Steve still bankrolling the forum? (I hope his Xbox One never went missing too) Was Bobby Digital ever unmasked?

Welcome back! Have you been lurking on-and-off since 2012? That's pretty impressive!

Re: 20 years: Definitely! You might not be interested in the numbers, but if you scroll down past them to the bottom there's a little history of GRcade here: http://grcade.co.uk/stats It's really cool to see someone who remembers Future Gamer here -- there are a couple of you (including Steve) but it's before most of our time.

Re: your questions: No (he doesn't post much now but the book memes live on!), no (we take donations now), and no (some things will always be mysteries I guess!).

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by Sandy » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:24 pm

Wrathy wrote:- Nearly failed my emergency backup degree (Politics with Philosophy) in second year (2014) due to a mental health emergency (attempted suicide)

I'm sorry to hear that but I'm glad you're still with us and now a Pokémon Master.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Moggy » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:02 am

Carlos wrote: Was Bobby Digital ever unmasked?

Bobby Digital :wub:

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Photek » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:39 am


My memory is awful for these kinda things but I'm pretty sure I got here though being in the EDGE forums, then Gamesradar when EDGE went down then here. I've grown up pretty much in the past 10 years, I'm no longer the raging fanboy everyone still thinks I am, not at all in fact but I accept that I've made my bed to lie in etc. When I started posting in here, I was a young singleton who got smashed at the weekends and had one night stands constantly but that's all gone now. I fell in love, married and had a child with an American girl I met in Stockholm, we've bought a house and things right now are fine. I've changed my job from Dublin Airport to an Engineering firm.

As far as this forum goes, I started as a bit of a fanboy, I accept that, I still don't think I've ever reached the levels of Gamerforever and Nick SCFC though. In the past few years I've seen the vapid stupidity of favouring a multi-billion dollar company over another. I think the last ever blatant 'fanboy' trolling was the Michael Jackson Popcorn gif after Eurogamer gave driveclub a poor review, the place went mental, I enjoyed it but I think that was it. I never got banned for several years until Buffalo became a mod and he banned me 4 times in a year :lol: yet my apparent complaints where put down to me being paranoid, despite the fact that Buff hates me and the blatant anomalies in his moderation. Once it was for saying someone in the football thread 'acted like a banana split'. 1 week ban that got, unbelievable really.

My biggest complaint on banning though was a 1 month ban because a newbie guy said he'd played The Witcher 3 before release in his friends place and the frame rate was choppy on Xbox. I responded with a laughing emoji and this new guy wrote about how he hates me and is never coming back and I got a 1 month ban, a regular poster gets a 1 month ban for a laughing emoji at some new bastard. Incredibly then, I got an email to say that my ban was reduced so I could post during E3, but my strawberry floating month was up as E3 started so it made no difference.

So that's my thoughts on the forum, used to absolutely loved the place and then for 2-3 years 1 mod made my forum life a living hell, he'd follow me around form thread to thread trolling me and throw in the occasional ban for good measure. He's left now but not before the damage is done, he's had a hand in at least 3 members leaving this forum yet gets a free pass because....reasons....I nearly left myself after my third ban from him but stayed to spite him and now he's gone, this place is all the nicer for it, and not just for me.

I check this place everyday, and I'm starting to like it more and more, genuinely hate some of you though, can't lie. Some of you are absolute bastards who shouldn't really have the right to vote nor exist imo - I don't interact at all with these people.


Last edited by Photek on Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Moggy » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:48 am

Photek wrote:Hmmm....

My memory is awful for these kinda things but I'm pretty sure I got here though being in the EDGE forums, then Gamesradar when EDGE went down then here. I've grown up pretty much in the past 10 years, I'm no longer the raging fanboy everyone still thinks I am, not at all in fact but I accept that I've made my bed to lie in etc. When I started posting in here, I was a young singleton who got smashed at the weekends and had one night stands constantly but that's all gone now. I fell in love, married and had a child with an American girl I met in Stockholm, we've bought a house and things right now are fine. I've changed my job from Dublin Airport to an Engineering firm.

As far as this forum goes, I started as a bit of a fanboy, I accept that, I still don't think I've ever reached the levels of Gamerforever and Nick SCFC though. In the past few years I've seen the vapid stupidity of favouring a multi-billion dollar company over another. I think the last ever blatant 'fanboy' trolling was the Michael Jackson Popcorn gif after Eurogamer gave driveclub a poor review, the place went mental, I enjoyed it but I think that was it. I never got banned for several years until Buffalo became a mod and he banned me 4 times in a year :lol: yet my apparent complaints where put down to me being paranoid, despite the fact that Buff hates me and the blatant anomalies in his moderation. Once it was for saying someone in the football thread 'acted like a banana split'. 1 week ban that got, unbelievable really.

My biggest complaint on banning though was a 1 month ban because a newbie guy said he'd played The Witcher 3 before release in his friends place and the frame rate was choppy on Xbox. I responded with a laughing emoji and this new guy wrote about how he hates me and is never coming back and I got a 1 month ban, a regular poster gets a 1 month ban for a laughing emoji at some new bastard. Incredibly then, I got an email to say that my ban was reduced so I could post during E3, but my strawberry floating month was up as E3 started so it made no difference.

So that's my thoughts on the forum, used to absolutely loved the place and then for 2-3 years 1 mod made my forum life a living hell, he'd follow me around form thread to thread trolling me and throw in the occasional ban for good measure. He's left now but not before the damage is done, he's had a hand in at least 3 members leaving this forum yet gets a free pass because....reasons....

I check this place everyday, and I'm starting to like it more and more, genuinely hate some of you though, can't lie. Some of you are absolute bastards who shouldn't really have the right to vote nor exist imo - I don't interact at all with these people.


TL:DR version: “I shagged around a lot and got banned a few times but I am not bitter. Nope, definitely not bitter.”.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Photek » Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:05 am

I'm totally bitter about it.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby: Your GRcade journey.
by Mafro » Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:15 am

A living hell :lol:

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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PostRe: We've come a long way baby....
by Wrathy » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:21 pm

Sandy wrote:
Wrathy wrote:- Nearly failed my emergency backup degree (Politics with Philosophy) in second year (2014) due to a mental health emergency (attempted suicide)

I'm sorry to hear that but I'm glad you're still with us and now a Pokémon Master.

Aha! You rascal, didn’t expect you to turn up here. Great to see you. :wub:

Thanks, the former was a long time ago (feels like a lifetime ago - I was a very different person) so I like to think I’ve grown past it now.

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