The Traitors: US S2 out now

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Sprouty » Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:33 am

Curls wrote:One person did mention it, maybe ross?

I couldn't discount that, though the faithful pretty much did!

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by poshrule_uk » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:57 pm

I do think that was a great ending. When Mollie wrote Harry's name and then asked to change it that must have been the producers dream ending. I hope she is doing ok though as that is a bad burn to go through on national TV.

Harry played a blinder though and Jaz was the best faithful. I do think Jaz had the correct tactics but I think he should have gone for Harry on the first roundtable as he potentially could have got more people on side as I think Andrew would have sided with him.

All in all a great series, I do hope they make some more changes next season but I would do them gradually so you can always keep things fresh.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Memento Mori » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:33 pm

2x10- Mollie was a moron. If Jaz was the only traitor in the game, he would have voted to end it.

At that point either Jaz and Harry are both traitors and Jaz was trying to win solo or he's a confirmed human. Harry is the only person in both scenarios you can't trust.

Maybe Jaz's argument got cut out in editing but I would have argued at that point that if they vote Harry out and he's a faithful, they can still split the money with him after the show is finished.

Jaz's best chance of winning though was voting Andrew in the previous vote and hoping Harry got knocked out in the cointoss after the deadlocked vote.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by poshrule_uk » Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:27 am

The Traitors Australia S2 - Episode 2

Big move by Sam but he won't last long now, he was to eager to get Claire out.

Also Claire was insufferable, she had way to a high opinion of her self.

Some of the characters are a bit much on this, Australian's certainly don't hold back there opinions do they.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by rinks » Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:57 am

Taking a bit of a break before watching the Oz series.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Trelliz » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:41 pm

Sprouty wrote:
Curls wrote:One person did mention it, maybe ross?

I couldn't discount that, though the faithful pretty much did!

Nobody seemed to make the minor leap that the traitors might want to take a/the shield to effectively waste it.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by kazanova_Frankenstein » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:34 am

Just finished this (the UK series, season 2).

I have not watched a reality show since Big Brother Season 3, and I don't really watch anything that is in the public consciousness, but I have to say I absolutely loved that. First thing my Wife and I have proper binge watched.

Might well go back and watch S1 and the Oz version now.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:25 pm

Anyone else finished S2 of the Aussie season yet?

Just wrapped it up tonight.
Ending spoilers...
This is the only game where I actively wanted the faithfuls to win. Sam was such a cocky, smug, self-satisfied banana split that I was so glad that he walked away with nothing at the end.
The faithful here were utterly woeful though. Every banishment seemed to be roughly the same. Someone says it's Sam. Sam turns it around on someone else. Everyone immediately switches to the new target.
They all came to the same conclusion that it was Sam, but one by one, just as they were getting knocked off. At least twice I think they had a majority of people saying they'll vote for him, then they all evaporated as soon as it came to the actual banishment.

Blake I felt a little sorry for, but he really should have turned on Sam.

So dumb Faithfuls and an arrogant twat as the main Traitor make it a frustrating watch at time.
Worth it to see him getting strawberry floated over right at the end. :nod:

I do like the host though. Roger is genuinely quite funny :lol:

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Squinty » Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:32 am

Finished it last night.

Sam is awful. His 'We deserved it' rant was just slimy.

Sarah and the other faithfuls were just completely useless. They didnt deserve to win.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Cheeky Devlin » Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:56 am

Squinty wrote:Finished it last night.

Sam is awful. His 'We deserved it' rant was just slimy.

Sarah and the other faithfuls were just completely useless. They didnt deserve to win.

Yeah it was a pretty shitty way to behave I thought.
Wah wah, why didn't you let me win?

I'm so glad she didn't let him take it. Though I do feel a bit for Blake. :lol:


Yeah Sarah was just ludicrously bad. Blake summed it up the best, you just couldn't count on her. Everytime "I'm gonna vote for Sam" only to be immediately distracted by whatever new name someone has thrown at her.

The annoying thing was I think there actually were some really strong faithfuls earlier on. They were just in amongst a bunch of gullible, easily manipulated sheep. Had they been able to better establish themselves as trustworthy I think it would have gone far more in their favour. But Sam was too good at twisting things his way. So in that respect he was a great traitor, he just comes across as a wanker.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Roonmastor » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:09 am

Finished UK series last night.

Andrew went too hard to Jaz when trying to side with him, should have been more nuanced. Jaz should have gone Harry in Round 1. I'm glad he went for it though, even if it didnt come off as he can end his game knowing he tried. Mollie should have played the game in front of her and voted Harry out. The name wiping was TV gold though, and Harry made a good point in the wrap up episode that they were all exhausted by that point so it was harder to think clearly, making the shield play more effective.

We should hire out a castle and play our own IRL AYA? game. DML can run and record it because he does it for a living.

But more seriously, one of us should definitely apply to go on it. I cannot lie without being seen immediately so I'd be rubbish.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Captain Kinopio » Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:47 pm

Australian S2 is unbelievable. Sam is a strawberry floating horrible person. I know that's extreme to say for a gameshow but he's a bully.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Monkey Man » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:39 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Star traitors and faithfuls are set to face off on in the UK in a celebrity version of smash hit format The Traitors, which Deadline understands is set to launch on the BBC next year.

Several sources have told us that an agreement between Studio Lambert, which makes the UK and U.S. versions of The Traitors, and the BBC, which broadcasts it, is close. The hope is that the first celeb version will film next year and go out later in 2025, by which time three seasons of the "civilian" version will have aired. Host Claudia Winkleman is expected to present the celeb version. ... 235888093/

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by rinks » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:45 pm

Let's hope the series' high profile will attract more than reality-show "celebs".

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Captain Kinopio » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:45 pm

Almost finished S2 of the Australian version.

It's become almost unwatchable. It's hard to believe it's not setup the Faithful are so beyond stupid that I almost have to think they're just running down the clock till the endgame deliberately doing what the Traitors want so they survive.

It's a concern for the show as a whole now I think because the last 3 series I've watched there's been an element of sandbagging just to get to the end and when that happens the whole show becomes pointless until the final 2 episodes.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:47 pm

Captain Kinopio wrote:Almost finished S2 of the Australian version.

It's become almost unwatchable. It's hard to believe it's not setup the Faithful are so beyond stupid that I almost have to think they're just running down the clock till the endgame deliberately doing what the Traitors want so they survive.

It's a concern for the show as a whole now I think because the last 3 series I've watched there's been an element of sandbagging just to get to the end and when that happens the whole show becomes pointless until the final 2 episodes.

It's going to be a tricky balancing act for the producers of all the versions going forward I think.

Do you let the players just get on with it and risk it being completely dominated by one or two players? Or do you manage the game to keep it open till the end but lose viewers because it's being manipulated?

Aussie season 2 is definitely a case of the former I think.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Captain Kinopio » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:47 am

Finished Aussie S2. I bet the producers couldn't believe their luck with that gooseberry fool. Just beyond belief. The twist at the end I wonder if it was a built in possibility from the start. If it was then the Traitors were just as dumb as the Faithful, as it was so obvious what was going to happen. If they came up with it on the fly it's a bit harsh on the Traitors.

That said everyone in the show was so stupid (with the exception of the 2 who worked out it was Sam early on) that I don't have sympathy for anyone. Not even Blake who allowed himself to be so easily bullied by Sam and didn't have the guts to turn on him when given multiple opportunities. Sam unbelievably seemed genuinely surprised by what happened at the end. And Camille who was equally a bad Traitor as she was a Faithful.

This version should be shown to kids as a demonstration of why you shouldn't be an arsehole or stupid and easily led by arseholes. I'm curious about the editing of this as each Banishment I couldn't believe what was happening. Shout out to Keith for being the only one dumb enough who upon being voted out still hadn't worked out it was Sam.

In terms of drama and incredulity this might be the best series yet. As a 'game' though it was certainly the worst as everyone was just a complete moron. Yes even Sam.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by Monkey Man » Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:09 am

Season 2 of the US version starts at 7pm on BBC3 on Wednesday 12th June.

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PostRe: The Traitors: US S2 incoming (BBC3)
by LewisD » Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:24 pm

Immediately regret starting the second American series.
Why must they be celebrities on the USA version? Takes some of the intrigue out of getting to know the contestants.

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PostRe: The Traitors: UK S2 concludes. Australia S2 on iPlayer now
by rinks » Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:19 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:Anyone else finished S2 of the Aussie season yet?

Just wrapped it up tonight.
Ending spoilers...
This is the only game where I actively wanted the faithfuls to win. Sam was such a cocky, smug, self-satisfied banana split that I was so glad that he walked away with nothing at the end.
The faithful here were utterly woeful though. Every banishment seemed to be roughly the same. Someone says it's Sam. Sam turns it around on someone else. Everyone immediately switches to the new target.
They all came to the same conclusion that it was Sam, but one by one, just as they were getting knocked off. At least twice I think they had a majority of people saying they'll vote for him, then they all evaporated as soon as it came to the actual banishment.

Blake I felt a little sorry for, but he really should have turned on Sam.

So dumb Faithfuls and an arrogant twat as the main Traitor make it a frustrating watch at time.
Worth it to see him getting strawberry floated over right at the end. :nod:

I do like the host though. Roger is genuinely quite funny :lol:

Finally got round to watching. An early highlight was dim Liam saying he was glad to have met an actor (meaning Gyton) and not getting why Roger was indignant.
Every episode, I was hoping that cocky brat Sam would get his comeuppance. Even when it seemed guaranteed, he wheedled his way out of it with blatant deflections that some of the faithfuls were all too keen to believe.

As for the end game, Camille and Blake should have banished him at the fire pit. His entitlement made it so obvious that he was going to steal, so by letting him get to the Dilemma those two couldn’t both win. Camille was finally a hero by deliberately stopping Sam walking away with the silver. I cheered. His arrogance went all the way to end: blaming her for not letting him get away with greed, and he even seemed to be trying to appeal to the host/producers that he deserved to win something. Little gooseberry fool got everything he deserved. Blake was obviously devastated, but he shouldn’t have trusted Sam, and could have got rid of him.

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