Food Intolerance

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PostFood Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:28 pm

After feeling a bit rough and constantly tired for a couple of years, and with the Doctors not close to finding the reason why, I decided to be tested for food intolerance.

My results came back a few days ago, and it turns out I have strong intolerances to:

Egg Whites
Egg Yolk
Cow Milk
Turkey (!)

Bit gutted if I'm honest, as that pretty much covers everything I love and I love my food. I am now having to adjust to a life without Cheese, bread or eggs :(

Anyone else here suffer from food allergies/intolerance?

Any tips/advice? I have a consultation booked with a specialist next week so hopefully find out what alternatives there are out there etc.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Lagamorph » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:32 pm

Who told you that you were intolerant to them? Someone with actual medical training and certification? Or some crackpot homeopath?

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by chalkitdown » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:37 pm

I'm allergic to onions so I kinda know how you feel, though, it's nowhere near as bad as not being able to consume yeast, eggs or milk as they are ingredients found on most common food.

There are tonnes of things with onions in them that I obviously can't eat and it severely limits my options when food shopping and makes going to restaurants or being invited to dinner at a friends' a bit of a pain. When cooking at home, the missus just substitutes anything that would have had onions with garlic or some similar substitute.

I don't think of it as THAT big of a deal, though, I just have to be careful with what I eat.

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PostFood Intolerance
by Rocsteady » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:38 pm

I have very active crohn's so yeah I'm intolerant to strawberry floating everything. It sucks but you get used to it. Does take time but for every food stuff you like you can find other stuff to substitute in and eventually you forget what your previous diet was like.

I end up having lots of supplements and little fruit or veg or dairy, although part of that's down to my training too. I do eat the same stuff very frequently which isn't ideal and I would much prefer to have far more variety in my diet but I can't so just had to learn to deal with it.

Also can no longer have any high in fat foods thanks to a strawberry floated liver. Thinking about it, over a week I probably eat the same thing about 5 times. But then I have 5 meals a day so anyone would probably have some repetition in that. I try to have at least one different meal for the week each day.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:50 pm

Lagamorph wrote:Who told you that you were intolerant to them? Someone with actual medical training and certification? Or some crackpot homeopath?

I had to take some Blood tests and then they test against something like 150 different food groups. Results below for anyone interested


Yesterday was the first day I actively avoided any of my danger foods, and appreciate it's a bit early to tell if there will be any long term effect, but one thing I did notice was I wasn't as bloated or in a coma which I usually am after eating.

Think it will take a little while to sink in on how restrictive this new diet will be. I was looking at garlic mushrooms yesterday, and then realised they have egg white's in them. :fp:
Heinz soups also have milk in them!

My landlord suffers from Crohn's, so have to remember it could be a lot worse!

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:55 pm

chalkitdown wrote:I'm allergic to onions so I kinda know how you feel, though, it's nowhere near as bad as not being able to consume yeast, eggs or milk as they are ingredients found on most common food.

There are tonnes of things with onions in them that I obviously can't eat and it severely limits my options when food shopping and makes going to restaurants or being invited to dinner at a friends' a bit of a pain. When cooking at home, the missus just substitutes anything that would have had onions with garlic or some similar substitute.

I don't think of it as THAT big of a deal, though, I just have to be careful with what I eat.

My best mate's wife is allergic to onions, and it makes going out for dinner a complete pain in the arse!

Everything has onions in it!

TO be honest as down as I am about finding all this out, I am also relieved that this may be the solution as to why I am constantly tired/bloated and under the weather!

I could also do with losing some weight, which I am sure cutting out the Cheese and bread will help with. (/silver lining)

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by chalkitdown » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:01 pm

There's a decent app for iPhones/iPads called 'Substitutions' which helps you find alternatives to the things you can't eat. It's a paid-for app, though.

There's probably a similar alternative on the Play Store, too.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:03 pm

Rocsteady wrote:I have very active crohn's so yeah I'm intolerant to strawberry floating everything. It sucks but you get used to it. Does take time but for every food stuff you like you can find other stuff to substitute in and eventually you forget what your previous diet was like.

I end up having lots of supplements and little fruit or veg or dairy, although part of that's down to my training too. I do eat the same stuff very frequently which isn't ideal and I would much prefer to have far more variety in my diet but I can't so just had to learn to deal with it.

Also can no longer have any high in fat foods thanks to a strawberry floated liver. Thinking about it, over a week I probably eat the same thing about 5 times. But then I have 5 meals a day so anyone would probably have some repetition in that. I try to have at least one different meal for the week each day.

Not sure what happened there with my post. But I said that my Mate and my landlord have pretty bad Crohn's, and I've always sympathised for you when Ive seen you mention it in other threads.

That was one thing I was tested for by the Doctors but it came up clear.

My Landlord (Also a friend) told me a story, that a while back he was so constipated he had to go to the hospital, and the Nurse had to literally go up his arse and dig the poo out! :dread:

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by That » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:05 pm

Albear, just to make 100% sure, you had these tests done by (or at the behest of) an actual doctor, right?

Because your common or garden food 'intolerance' test is 100% pseudoscientific bullshit and I'd hate to think you wasted money getting one, much less ruined your culinary variety over its 'results'.

EDIT: To prevent you having to read a long article, here is the take-away (ha):

At present, there are no reliable and validated clinical tests for the diagnosis of food intolerance. While intolerances are non-immune by definition, IgG testing is actively promoted for diagnosis, and to guide management. These tests lack both a sound scientific rationale and evidence of effectiveness. The lack of correlation between results and actual symptoms, and the risks resulting from unnecessary food avoidance, escalate the potential for harm from this test. Further, there is no published clinical evidence to support the use of IgG tests to determine the need for vitamins or supplements. In light of the lack of clinical relevance, and the potential for harm resulting from their use, allergy and immunology organizations worldwide advise against the use of IgG testing for food intolerance.

Your diet may well be poor, and that may well be contributing to why you are feeling tired or bloated. But unless you were tested by a real doctor, after being referred by your actual GP, the data you've been given probably doesn't show you are really 'intolerant' to anything. Improve your nutrition in general and there's no reason you can't continue to eat the foods you like (albeit perhaps in more healthy proportions?).

EDIT 2: ... Err, apologies if you got a real test and I'm being pedantic for no reason, of course!

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:15 pm

Karl wrote:Albear, just to make 100% sure, you had these tests done by (or at the behest of) an actual doctor, right?

Because your common or garden food 'intolerance' test is 100% pseudoscientific bullshit and I'd hate to think you wasted money getting one, much less ruined your culinary variety over its 'results'.

Ha, thanks Karl. The one I used is Yorktest, which is mentioned in that article. I haven't had time to fully read it but will do so later.

Reassuringly expensive! (the test I took was about £300 I think)

I guess there is a chance that is is all a lot of nonsense. But the results back do seem to back up suspicions I already had.

Whenever I drank coffee with milk I always felt nausea. I thought this was the caffeine, but since switching to black coffee I don't seem to be suffering.
Whenever I ate lunch at work (usually a sandwich) I would be dead on my feet and ready for bed. So thought I may have have had a wheat intolerance or Gluten, but Yeast being marked up would also explain this symptom.
Likewise I usually have a steak and Jacket potato with coleslaw on a Friday, and as soon as I have finished I go into a complete downhill slump and feel like I am going to fall asleep at the table. Last night I removed the butter and the coleslaw and ended up staying up waiting for PES2016 to Download for 14 hours. (could all be a placebo effect I guess)

Eggs are a complete bolt out of the blue! I love eggs. I had 12 of them last weekend! :oops: :lol: :fp:

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:18 pm

chalkitdown wrote:There's a decent app for iPhones/iPads called 'Substitutions' which helps you find alternatives to the things you can't eat. It's a paid-for app, though.

There's probably a similar alternative on the Play Store, too.

Thanks Chalkie, that's exactly what I need!

I've found "pure" butter which is dairy free, and seems to taste OK. Just need to find alternatives to the 100's of other things I like to eat...

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Lotus » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:26 pm

Turkey? That's Christmas ruined. :(

Thankfully I'm not allergic or intolerant to anything food-wise. Must be a right pain in the arse. At least now you know what's causing your tiredness etc though, so that's good.

On the plus-side, it'll probably force you to eat better. If you can avoid or cut down on foods that have lists of ingredients, make things from scratch and/or whole and unprocessed foods, it'll do you good.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by That » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:28 pm

Albear wrote:Whenever I drank coffee with milk I always felt nausea. I thought this was the caffeine, but since switching to black coffee I don't seem to be suffering.
Whenever I ate lunch at work (usually a sandwich) I would be dead on my feet and ready for bed. So thought I may have have had a wheat intolerance or Gluten, but Yeast being marked up would also explain this symptom.

Eggs are a complete bolt out of the blue! I love eggs. I had 12 of them last weekend! :oops: :lol: :fp:

Lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance are real things - so for the sake of your health you should get a real test if you suspect you have either. It's possible to be allergic to eggs, but I suspect (based on general knowledge and a wee look at Google - I'm not a doctor ;) ) you would have stronger symptoms if you were. Yeast intolerance probably isn't a real thing (with the possible exception of if you have serious digestive disorder already) so you probably don't have to worry about that.

Sorry to poo-poo the test you took though, I understand this is making me look insufferable, but I think people make the best decisions about their health long term when they're well-informed. :)

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:29 pm

All very true Lotus. I do eat too much dairy and bread, and this maybe the excuse I need to cut them out!

The Christmas thing was the first thing I thought of when I read my results! But was relieved I could still have Pigs in blankets! :lol:

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:32 pm

Karl wrote:
Albear wrote:Whenever I drank coffee with milk I always felt nausea. I thought this was the caffeine, but since switching to black coffee I don't seem to be suffering.
Whenever I ate lunch at work (usually a sandwich) I would be dead on my feet and ready for bed. So thought I may have have had a wheat intolerance or Gluten, but Yeast being marked up would also explain this symptom.

Eggs are a complete bolt out of the blue! I love eggs. I had 12 of them last weekend! :oops: :lol: :fp:

Lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance are real things - so for the sake of your health you should get a real test if you suspect you have either. It's possible to be allergic to eggs, but I suspect (based on general knowledge and a wee look at Google - I'm not a doctor ;) ) you would have stronger symptoms if you were. Yeast intolerance probably isn't a real thing (with the possible exception of if you have serious digestive disorder already) so you probably don't have to worry about that.

Sorry to poo-poo the test you took though, I understand this is making me look insufferable, but I think people make the best decisions about their health long term when they're well-informed. :)

No that's fine KP, all opinions/thoughts welcome.

I have an appointment booked with my GP next week for unrelated stuff (seriously, kids when you get old, your body just stops working properly!)

I will ask them their opinion on all this. The last thing I want to do is cut Cheese and Pinot Grigio out of my life if I don't have to!

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by LewisD » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:34 pm

chalkitdown wrote:I'm allergic to onions....


Shouldn't you also be allergic to garlic? As well as chives, leeks etc? Given that they are all part of the onion allium genus?

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by chalkitdown » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:40 pm

Nope. Garlic is fine for some reason.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Rocsteady » Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:42 pm

You're clear for hemp so you're all good ;)

The test you took looks similar to one a mate had for his chronic fatigue syndrome, I did say at the time to him it largely seemed like pseudoscience bullshit - particularly when he's not allowed turkey either but chicken is beneficial, aren't they basically the same? - but it does seem to have improved his condition so fair play really. Not sure if that's solely down to placebo or whatever but still.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:45 pm

and Cocaine. That was on the third page which I couldn't be bothered to scan.

That will also help me lose weight.

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PostRe: Food Intolerance
by Albert » Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:45 pm

Apparently, so I am told.

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