GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling

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PostGRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:32 pm


Christmas Sigswap this year is sponsored by Stealth Bastard Deluxe™, available now on Steam at a bargain price of £6.99.

Hello and welcome to the Grand Unveiling of GRcade Christmas Sigswap 2012.

Thanks everyone for taking part this year. You can practically feel the festive warmth dripping off these sigs. After the sad news about Sir Patrick Moore earlier today, this festive tonic is much needed. Please scroll down and adopt your sigs, and wear them for the duration of the festive period.

Without further ado, I present to you the Sig Partnerships....

Holypil and Twenty Five

Holypil's Sig for Twenty Five:


I don't know Seven particularly well, but some basic cyber sleuthing (stalking his twitter) told me that he's Scottish, from Ayrshire in fact, a county of Scotland closely associated with cattle (hence the seasonal cow). The sig also incorporates a number of Sega elements (Saturn specifically) as I know at one point he began collecting Saturn games, something I too used to do. Finally, the background is the classic Sonic blue skies, of which I'm sure Seven doesn't see much of up there in dreary old Scotland. To sum up, I derived much pleasure producing this image and I hope you too enjoy masturbating looking to at it.

Twenty Five's Sig for Holypil:


I have to be honest, I've really never knew him well as other folks on here, and searching his profile gave me very little options (can't find out what he likes other than Metal Gear Solid, but I've done that already for jamcc in last SigSwap) so I just went with what he said in one of threads (something about people's outrage on "sexist" of Asda ads).... and I decided to add his avatar in as well christmassy background.

I hope he likes it at least :)

Keizer and Jay Christmysterio

Keizer's Sig for Jay Christmysterio:


Thanks for letting me be part of the sigswap :D

A little bit about this wonderful creation.

Considering I had no idea who Jay Mysterio was, I figured the best place to start was Google.
Who is "Mysterio" ? ... well for a start he is the super villain from spider man but more importantly he is a Mexican wrestler.
I cross referenced this new information with Jay's post history to find out that he loves Wrestling and MMA.
as the sig was to be Christmas themed I chose a Rey Mysterio stocking and the number 619 which is a very symbolic Christmas number and coincidently a number linked with the Lucha libre himself
( possible number of people he has killed)

A further look uncovered that jay also who the GGGC vol 7 and after watching the closing ceremony video I found out that there was an elusive character that I had no idea who he was. After checking Jay's profile and seeing that his avatar was similar I knew this fellow had to be important. Turns out he is Kyle Hyde. An EX New York detective with a troubled past from a Nintendo DS game called Hotel Dusk: Room 215. (already Christmasish as the game starts on the 24th December 1976)

At last the final puzzle piece of Mysterio fell into place. I had a sudden feeling that Jay might like boardgames... hence Rich Uncle Pennybags with his marvelous hand drawn hat.

Jay is also form Edinburgh.

Jay Christmysterio's Sig for Keizer:


Looking at his post history it seems he's interested in zombies and jets so I've crafted* this scene of carolling zombies and Santa delivering presents by way of a jet... sleigh...thing.

*ripped images from Google.


Danta and THRILLHO

Danta's Sig for THRILLHO:


Falsey = GRcade's number 1 Emma fan. So this one was easy (thanks, Moderate Safe Search Off!)

Less easy, however, was getting around the mods' totalitarian stance on slightly naughty signature images, so this went through several variations before becoming the masterpiece you see before you. This is the SFW version, but there is a NSFW, and a VNSFW version before it (and yes, you can see those by editing the image link)

THRILLHO's Sig for Danta:

Get a load of this.

So, Dan right, he doesnt post in the same kind of circles as me so I dont know the guy too well. I do know that Im pretty sure he likes Community, so theres a subtle reference to that in there, and I know that hes off to Prague next month so theres some Prague in there too. I could have added more but I didnt want to overcook it, so here we are.


I know, right?

Somebody Else's Presents and Raxmus

SEP's Sig for Raxmus:


Raxmus's Sig for SEP:

With MCN being one of the more active posters it was tough to pin down something to base this sig on, in the end I went with his well known love of Star Trek. I got lucky in this regard and just happened to have a very rare group group shot of all the TV captains at the Starfleet Xmas party which Im happy to share with GRCade for this occasion. I hope this meets with approval as an Xmas sig.

I have also prepared a festive avatar broadly along the same lines:

I do love a festive Santa hat.

Yule Rog and LewisD

Yule Rog's Sig for LewisD:

I feel it is what he would want his Christmas to be like.


LewisD's Sig for Yule Rog:


I made this for Rog as it is pretty much his Xmas user name..
A Yule log, and there's the grumpy muppets guy sat on top.

lol m8

Father Exmas and StayFrosty

Father Exmas's Sig for StayFrosty:


StayFrosty's Sig for Father Exmas:


I wanted to make a sig offensively anime enough, yet based on something he enjoys which is sword art online. We've never really "got along" on the forum, but I have no issues with him really. I just couldn't miss this oppurtunity to force him to wear my sort of sig.

Lionel Joseph and Lucien

Lionel Joseph's Sig for Lucien:


I went for the nativity scene because Lucien is the heart and soul of most religious discussion threads. He recently :wub: 'ed Ashley Pussycat Doll, so she is playing the part of the angel in the scene. I first remember Lucien on the forum from the Fable 2 days when he got involved with the doll achievement thread, and presumably hence his username. Here in the sig Lucien looms, gun in hand, over the baby lord Jesus Christ playing the part of a wise man.

Lucien's Sig for Lionel Joseph:


This took longer than it looks. :lol:

I took a picture of a guy from 'Trading Places' and plastered Lionel's Halo face over it. In the middle is the trading places guy and they are having a party in the snow. :datass:

JesusChristalmers and Sparkleman

JesusChristalmer's Sig for Sparkleman:

The worst ever sig I've made but god damn it reeks of Christmas Cheer!


Sparkleman's Sig for JesusChristalmer:


The northern lights are very festive. To celebrate our shared love of The Simpsons, I've taken this choice quote and set it on an majestic backdrop. Merry Christmas, sir!

Wedgie and Frankincense

Wedgie's Sig for Frankincense:


To the left is Zac Efron, and to the right is Keith Chegwin, the stars of Frank's favourite films that he threatened to pick for the film club. As you can see, Efron is in a santa hat (which would probably pump up Frank's loins!) and Keith Chegwin is in his latest Pantomime outfit.

Frank, god bless you.

Frankincense's Sig for Wedgie:


Man, I need to get better at Photoshop. There's not much of a backstory for this one, I haven't had much of a chance to think about the meaning behind it. I'm sorry, Wedgie. The concept worked better in my head, as it always does.

It's a whole load of carol singers that just happen to be some of Wedgie's favourite film stars, there's Keith "Cheggers" Chegwin, Zac Efron, the woman from The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and Nicholas bleeding Cage, and they're all here to sing carols to your cartoon christmas tree.

Alvin Flummux and Christmas Crackerrkal

Alvin's Sig for Christmas Crackerrkal:


I did a spot of digging on Christmas Crackerrkal, and found that, other than having a username, he also has a blog. So, nosy bastard that I am, I had a look in there for some inspiration. Well! WELL! What I found was moist and interesting. But other than all that, I also found out that he has a swanky new Nexus 7 phone, and that he got married earlier in the year and had a lovely honeymoon in Italy. Since it's Christmas time, nearly year's end, I wanted to do a nice little 2012 Retrospective for my man Errk, so as you can see, Christmas Crackurkel is holding a Nexus 7 in front of the upside down mountains of oɯoɔ ǝʞɐן, there's a heart smybolizing his love for stripes, and a Christmassy tree and presents are trying to get in on the action too (somewhat unsuccessfully I might add). Then, Christmas Crackurkel wishes us all a merry Christmas and hugs and kisses us all.

Because he's like that.

Anyway, I hope he likes it and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. :D

Christmas Crackerrkal's Sig for Alvin:

And I'm done.

Sorry for the piss poor drawing :D


Advent7 and kommissarbaubles

Advent7's Sig for kommissar:

Here is my effort. I hope he appreciates the warm festive glow that laser Boris brings by ruining Skeletor's Christmas.


kommissar's Sig for Advent7:


Harmanta Claus and Turboggan

Harmanta Claus's Sig for Turboggan:



Turboman's a Boro fan and it's Christmas. Thought combining the two would be the best way to go about this. Also his gamertag is MarvinEmnes9 (and I don't know any other Boro players really).

Turboggan's Sig for Harmanta Claus:


My first though on seeing harman was Chesterfield. In particular the goal that never was, or was it?
Then I did a bit of searching, and was pleased to discover that he was a fan of crash team racing and spiderman :wub:
Spidey wasn't happy about sharing the sig with crash though and started a snowball fight

Have a great Christmas mate!

Delusiblitzen and SpaceJebus

Delusi's Sig for Jebus:


A nice, simple sig for SpaceJebus. Quite simple really, a quick search of his post revealed this post. A quick Google search later, I grabbed a wintery screenshot of Lemmings, then simply used Paint to add a Santa hat to the sprite and the text. I decided against editing the clothes to resemble the Sheffield Wednesday strip because the sprite was too small for anybody to notice. Still, I hope he likes it.

Jebus's Sig for Delusi:


Brief thoughts, I didn't have long to work on a sig so I went with my first thought which was to incorporate images that would make up his user name 'Del', 'Uzi' (close enough right :shifty:) and 'Beta' on a wrapping paper background. Christmas them up a little with tinsel and stuff then get a Christmas font for the message, however Gimp wouldn't work with the new font so had to go with a basic font. Added a Christmas tree and presents and as he had Claptrap in his current sig, a Santa-hatted Claptrap putting on the star as the final touch. That really wasn't brief and probably more explanation than was needed, ah well!

PsychicSykes and Iceman

Sykes's Sig for Iceman:


Anyone who has seen Jamcc post much knows one thing above all others. Jamcc loves Kimi Raikkonnen, loves him like his own flesh and blood, loves him as much as a man can love another without some sort of civil partnership or restraining order being involved. (Although I'm not too sure on the second one of those...) So in keeping with this I chose to make Kimi the centrepiece of his sig, because the idea of snowmen isn't that far away from that of the Iceman. The background is a portion of a "grunge" Finnish flag I found while googling with a few effects applied and the words at the bottom are what a translator informs me Merry Christmas is in Finnish. Hope you like it!

Iceman's Sig for Sykes:


So, as usual, I went for a rather obvious and one-dimensional MO; this time the psychic (/psycho) route. Just like my sig I did for Seven in the last sig swap, it ended in a rather dark theme - a psychic Santa using his filthy mind tricks into fooling an innocent family into accepting his gooseberry fool presents - but I quite like the result. Hopefully Sykes likes it too, the dirty Argie-supporting scumbag.

As usual I used Paint.NET. Allows n00bs like me to create some half-decent stuff. :wub:

Thanks and see you next year!

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rog » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:36 pm

Thanks Lewis. Time to say bye to the dildo.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Frank » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:38 pm

Chritmas :slol:

...And MCN's sig for Irocixar :lol:

Fantastic stuff. Like how mine and Wedgie's were both based on the same theme.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Herdanos » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:39 pm

Cheers Falsey THRILLHO :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Delusibeta » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:45 pm

Cheers, Jebus. Although, it might have been easier/funnier if you went by syllables (Del, Loo, Sea, Beta) next time.

Also, StayDead is a bad, bad man. :lol:

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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:45 pm

Nice one Christmas Crackerrkal, I'll wear it with the combination of dignity and pride I call Dignipride. :D

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Fatal Exception » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:45 pm

Errr.... thanks StayDead.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Seven » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:47 pm

I'm loving mine, thanks Holypil :wub: I just hope you like mine, I felt like I haven't done enough =(

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Errkal » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:47 pm

Alvin Flummux wrote:Nice one Christmas Crackerrkal, I'll wear it with the combination of dignity and pride I call Dignipride. :D

Thanks to you too, the explanation was brilliant I shall also be wearing my son with pride :D

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by SEP » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:47 pm

Cheers, Irocixar! I feel kinda guilty about the relatively poor quality of the one I made. I also forgot to write the little piece about my inspiration.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Joer » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:48 pm

Danta wrote:Cheers Falsey THRILLHO :wub:

I'm certainly not going to read any of your posts anymore with that underneath them all.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by SpaceJebus » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:54 pm

Thanks for the sig Delusibeta :)

I wasn't 100% about going with the uzi but it seemed to work and I wanted to get in in last night. God knows how I would have fitted the sea into it though :lol:

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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:58 pm

Christmas Crackerrkal wrote:I shall also be wearing my son with pride

That's, er, real nice of you. :slol:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Turboman » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:59 pm

Harman 8-)
Cheers mate

:lol: looking at mine, you wouldn't have thought it took me half an hour to make :fp:

Thanks for running this Mocky :wub:

Errkal wrote:It is amasing how people dont seem to be abel to do that.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Errkal » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:00 pm

Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas Crackerrkal wrote:I shall also be wearing my son with pride

That's, er, real nice of you. :slol:

Lol, was typing on my phone.... * my one with pride.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Victor Mildew » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:03 pm

Metroid ChRITMAS? :?:

Thanks, ill put it up tomorrow :wub:

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by SEP » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:03 pm

Christmas Crackerrkal wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Christmas Crackerrkal wrote:I shall also be wearing my son with pride

That's, er, real nice of you. :slol:

Lol, was typing on my phone.... * my one with pride.

I thought you were claiming Urkel as your son.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Kezzer » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:05 pm

Cheers Jay! :D

hope mine is okay. Fist time doing this here, haha!

merry xmas all!

This post is exempt from the No Context Thread.

Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Herdanos » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:09 pm

Joer wrote:
Danta wrote:Cheers Falsey THRILLHO :wub:

I'm certainly not going to read any of your posts anymore with that underneath them all.

IDGI, do you hate Prague or something?

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Psychic » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:14 pm

Iceman wrote:Hopefully Sykes likes it too, the dirty Argie-supporting scumbag.

Cheers jam. :lol:

I used too. :D

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