GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Hulohot » Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:47 pm

I'm having a go at the Top Trumps one now. I tried to make them when I was younger but gave up.

Edit: Might take a bit too long, off out in an hour. :(

The Mirror:


1- Not thin in the face anymore. Which makes me feel a lot better.
2- Always calm, never really get angry or lash out. Laid back.
3- Getting a stronger build. Helps confidence.
4- Respect people, never really talk bad about anyone.
5- Fairly protective. Will look out for those in need.


1- My hair is shite. Too big and puffy with no style.
2- Possibly bad posture. Keep having to crane my neck and click it to loosen neck muscles up. It's annoying and looks retarded.
3- Fairly bitter about things. Possibly due to being lonely.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Terrible_Lizard » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:12 pm

Week 8 Tasks

Easy - 1 Point Each

The Mirror
- I have blue hair.
- I'm ambitious.
- I'm reasonably fit and healthy.
- I'm sociable.
- I'm very relaxed.

- Im stubborn.
- I torment my girlfriend.
- I can barely see out of my left eye.


I span around in a circle with my eyes closed and I got this pretty nifty book.


Medium - 3 Points Each


Luckily, I managed to read this in time! I dashed back to the slide I slid down earlier (as its the closest one I know) and slid down with a bottle of water pouring behind me. Felt a bit sillier on my own, and it was really dark so I was a bit nervous about the walk home, but it got done! Couldnt sacrifice my 100% streak ;]

You Bet

On the way to the library I conveniently spotted a William Hill, I popped in on the way back and put a quid on Joe Mcsomething to win X Factor.


Hard - 5 Points Each

A Day Away (31st October)

Terrible_Lizard wrote:
- I started my day by leaving the flat about 10am, walked into the bus station and caught a bus to my mums house.
- I spent a considerable amount of time winding my dogs up and consequently my mum also.
- I played team fortress 2 with my brothers for quite a while, and didnt do too well for some reason.
- I got a bit bored eventually, started to miss my flat and ate loads of crap.
- Went to get my gf from the flat about 4pm by car, but I didnt go in 8-)
- We went back to my mums and played with the dogs again.
- Eventually we helped a bit with decorating the house for the halloween party.
- Then we started sorting out our costumes.
- By the time I was finished with my costume the party was underway about 7pm.
- Had a few drinks, ate a lot of marshmallows dipped in the chocolate fountain.
- Got into an escalated food fight with my brother. His weapon of choice, chocolate covered marshmallows. My weapon of choice, egg mayo sandwiches :twisted:
- After cleaning up and having a few more drinks it was time to move into town. My gf was ill so she got dropped off home on the way.
- Got into town, realised we (me and my brother) had gone to the wrong venue, so we walked about 10 minutes to the ACTUAL venue.
- Queued for what felt like a bloody lifetime and eventually got in.
- Found some friends we knew and stuck with them.
- Photos begin!:

This is Hannah (left), Me (Middle) and my brother (right), taken on arrival.

This was a futile attempt to capture me wiggling the tongue of my mask, WITH A PHOTO. :fp:

This was Annies poor attempt of a very simple photo of me and Hannah.

Then this is us actually doing it right xD

Then Kayleigh arrived! About 2 hours after she said she was going to..

Then I decided Id have a photo WITH my mask. As you do.

Then I decided that my mask looked like a massive beard from behind. Dowbocop impersonations ensued 8-)

Then Hannah joined in on the mask lovin' xD

Then loads of people turned up, including Banjo in his link costume :o

- After meeting up with a load of people, dancing until my feet hurt and not spending a penny on drink, it was time to leave when the club closed at 4am.
- Said my goodbyes to everyone and parted ways.
- We tried to catch a taxi home but no one was 'going that way' (Since when was it their choice?).
- We walked in the pouring rain back to the flat. Took about 30 - 45 minutes.
- Saw an old friend on the way home, had a little chat but the pouring rain made me want to leave so I did.
- Finally got into the warmth of my flat about 5:30am.
- Stripped and went to sleep immediately.

Top of the Trumps

Username: Terrible_lizard
Password: und3roath

I made a Top Trumps deck based on the popular on-going anime 'Bleach'.

TASK GET's inc. bonus points? :)

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Banjo » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:18 pm

Glad to see you made it Terrible_Lizard, we just scraped through!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Ironhide » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:39 pm

The Mirror

Positive points:

Usually Polite
quick wit

Negative points

I always think I'm right
I'm a bit too quiet
I can occasionally be socially awkward

Got my sister to randomly select a book, she came back with The Phantom of the Opera.

Slide (IronHide rules)
Dug out my Gameboy which hadn't been used for years, the battery cover is missing and the outer screen is cracked but it still works, sadly I can't find my Tetris cart so had to play on V-rally (which is terrible).

Top of the Trumps
Finally Made the full deck of Transformers top trumps, I'd be tempted to order a pack if they were a bit cheaper (£20 seems a bit steep).
Username: Ironhide55
Password: fishface

I hope that's enough to stay in the green.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Mockmaster » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:21 pm

So, here it is. I give you...



We have a winner!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Banjo. 8 weeks. 8 long weeks you and Dowbocop have tussled at the top. Others have fallen by the wayside, some have done well to catch up with you, but you have both remained consistent and strong, never wavering, and somehow both managing a 100% Task GET! success rate.

However, there can be only one winner, and in the end, it came down to 1, tiny, little bonus point.

Well done Banjo. It is now you, not I, who is the true Taskmaster Image

In the end, was it the Kangaroo Steak that won it for you? Maybe if you'd known then what you know now, it might have tasted even better than it did. A tremendous performance, Banjo showed the utmost dedication and enthusiasm and fully deserved the victory. Every task was embraced as a personal challenge and this can be seen in the effort he put in. Having said that, Dowbocop showed no less enthusiasm, verve or sense of adventure, and in a sense, he deserves victory just as much as Banjo. But........ there can be only one.

Your prize winning sig:


(Thanks to Falsey for making the sig)

Ok, I'll keep this short and sweet. Thanks a bunch for participating in Tasks of the Week. I have very much enjoyed this and it's certainly been a genuine highlight of my time on these boards. I enjoyed coming up with new tasks each week, but that was eclipsed by the real enjoyment of seeing how each of you approached the tasks in your own different ways, living out new experiences, often beyond the confines of the internet and out in the fresh air. The last 8 weeks have been a hell of a ride.

The Final Table speaks for itself in terms of how much each participant has put into the contest, but even if you only did a couple of tasks, I hope you got something out of them. It was never really supposed to be about competing with others, more about doing things for your own self-achievement.

It would be a disservice to single anyone out, so if you feel like re-reading any of the Task threads and reliving your collective adventures, here they are, below. There are many, many highlights:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

And that's it!

Au revoir!

P.S. I will be sending prizes, but not for a while. Watch this space.

P.P.S. Thanks to Zenigame for inspiring me to make this into a multi-task competition.

P.P.P.S Thanks to slayerx for giving me the idea of the Parkour task.

P.P.P.P.S Thanks to IronHide for dedication in the face of adversity.

P.P.P.P.P.S Just to reiterate how close the final result was, a Dowbocop sig was also made just in case, like how they have both teams colours ready to adorn the FA Cup at the Wembley Final.


P.P.P.P.P.P.S Sykes, do you really look like you are made out of drainpipes?

Anyway, thanks again everybody.

Task...... Got!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by That » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:26 pm

Mockmaster wrote:Task...... Got!


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Cuttooth » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:27 pm

This is why I love this forum, man. :cry:

Sorry I stopped after only a few weeks.

Congrats, Banjmaster, and great job making this happen, Mocky. :D

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Count Nood » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:27 pm

The Master (Nood)


The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Banjo » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:28 pm

Is it wrong that I'm a bit gutted that I was one point shy of having full points? :lol:

Mocky, glad to see you've got your name back, and I have saved that avatar for future use. It's been great fun, cheers for running this.

Dowbo, you've been amazing, really kept me running. If it wasn't for you I may have started slipping. Your determination inspired me muchly.

Falsey, cheers for the sig matey.

A massive CHEERS! to everyone else involved in this also, it's been the most fun thing I've ever been involved in on GRcade. Most importantly, I even managed to get a real life mate to join in on the fun. 8-)

I think I'll end this with a picture I took in the original dry run for TOTW, the picture taken at the end of my 24 hours without technology.


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Irene Demova » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:29 pm

I really should have submitted those last 2 weeks :fp:
Cheers for running this Mocky, I enjoyed it especially the watching tasks

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Osito » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:33 pm

On the train home today, I spotted a building called "Taskmaster's Teaching Aids". :o

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:34 pm

I was so close. So close. My lack of a decent camera really strawberry floated me up, my iPhone keeps corrupting pictures or else I'd have top tenned out. Well done to everyone who did tasks, mine were very enjoyable and I feel better for having done them. :D

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by False » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:40 pm

Cheers for running this Mockman. I had fun trying to hang on the back of the top group these last few weeks :lol:

Grats to Banjo and Dowbo for stunning performances.

Now Ive got my shoebox to look forward to in 10 years to remind me of this 8-)

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Pontius Pilate » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:40 pm

Green Guard reporting in. 8-)

Thank you Mockmaster for running this, it has been the highlight of my time on these boards, by far! :wub: My only wish is that you yourself could have participated, so thanks for running it!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Ironhide » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:42 pm

strawberry float yeah MVP!


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by SEP » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:46 pm

I'm pretty chuffed that I managed to stay in the yellow despite only playing for, like, 1 week.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Banjo » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:49 pm

IronHide wrote:strawberry float yeah MVP!


I must say, the IronHide Rules have given me many a source of giggles over the weeks. :lol:

Mocky, does this mean when Task Of The Week returns in whatever form, I'll be the creator of Tasks? And then I'll pass on my title to the next Master?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Ironhide » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:49 pm


Edit; Aimed at MCN

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:51 pm

IronHide wrote:Quitter.

Edit; Aimed at MCN

Well it clearly wasn't at Banjo. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED
by Rightey » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:11 pm

Noooo I had a meeting at school today, and I was going to finish off some last tasks. :cry:

Oh well it was very fun and I'm glad I was a part of it.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.


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