Task of the week - Back to School - Winners (and losers) Page 33

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Herdanos » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:49 pm

Lesson Two: Drama


A tragic play.

Our story begins on a stormy moor. Three witches gather around a pot and decide that they shall next haunt MockBeth, decorated general of the Moderator Army.

A wounded Errkal returns to King Denstan and tells him that the generals MockBeth and Banjo have killed the treachourous Hacking Three. Denstan is pleased and praises MockBeth for his skills and bravery in battle.

MockBeth and Banjo are walking and discussing their epic triumph, when the witches appear. They tell MockBeth that he is not only to be a general; he will soon be made a Moderator, and after that, King of the Forum. MockBeth is stunned.
Soon after, they are greeted by a Moderator, abcd, who announces that MockBeth is to be made a Moderator, as the Moderator Gandalf is found guilty of treason. The first of the witches' propechies is thus fulfilled, and a previously disbelieving MockBeth begins to dream of becoming king.

King Denstan arrives and gives praise to Banjo and MockBeth. He announces that he will stay at MockBeth's castle on White Hart Lane for the night. MockBeth sends a message on to his wife, Lady Brucie Bonus, telling her of the witches and their prophecies. Upon his return to his castle, MockBeth is persuaded into killing the king by Lady Bonus.
They plot to get the two high guards, or Bluehats, so drunk that they will pass out and not remember anything, thus becoming prime suspects for the murder.

MockBeth stabs Denstan to death in his sleep. The murder disturbs him, so Lady Bonus takes over and places the bloody daggers on the sleeping Bluehats. The next day, another Moderator and General, MacBuff, arrives. MockBeth leads MacBuff to the king's chamber and they discover Denstan's dead body.
In a feigned "rage", MockBeth murders the two guards, preventing their testimony. Denstan's sons, Wally Black and John Black, flee the Forum in fear, making the throne of King of the Forum MockBeth's to assume. Banjo, remembering the witches' prophecy, becomes suspicious of MockBeth.

MockBeth becomes paranoid, and arranges to have Banjo murdered on a ride; his men kill Banjo, but Banjo's son escapes, infuriating MockBeth.
At a banquet hosted by King MockBeth and Queen Brucie Bonus, the ghost of Banjo appears (only to MockBeth) and sits in the throne. MockBeth begins to cry out in fear, frightening his assembled Lords and Generals and Admin Staff.
Lady Bonus reassures her guests that MockBeth is simply flabbergasted at the news of the capture of his beloved Sir Bale by an Iberian army.

King MockBeth, now disturbed and unstable, realises he wants further information. He creates a topic and saves the answers to his personal database, but the witches, being non-sentient-beings, are unable to complete GRcade's Captcha and cannot register to reply.
Infuriated, MockBeth rides out from his castle and seeks the witches out. They show him three further prophecies; that he should beware of MacBuff; that no man born on the earth can ever harm him; and that he will be safe until the Castle at White Hart Lane is wholly infiltrated by light.
As building works on White Hart Lane have been ongoing for centuries and show no sign of completion any time soon, MockBeth is reassured that no light shall infiltrate past the cranes and boardings into his castle.
The witches leave, and abcd arrives, telling MockBeth that MacBuff has fled from the Forum. MockBeth orders that Buffalo's threads be seized, and in a fit of cruelty, cancels Secret Santa, instead making SigSwap a mandatory event.

Lady Brucie Bonus, now disturbed herself due to her guilt, begins to sleepwalk and descends into madness.

MacBuff is told by Errkal of the savage acts performed by MockBeth; he is overwhelmed with grief and vows his revenge.
Prince Wally Black, eldest son of the dead King Denstan, has raised an army over the border on SONM. MacBuff and his forces join him, and they ride north to the border of GRcade.
On the way, they gather support from the other Moderators, aghast at MockBeth's grinchly nature.
En route, MacBuff stops at one of his strongholds, the Stadium of Light, and orders that his men strip the ground of its seats, to use as shields.

MockBeth is told that Lady Brucie Bonus has been banned for being an alt. He descends into grief, but remains convinced of his own invincibility. He awaits the oncoming forces at his castle at WHL.
However, he becomes fearful when he is told that the assembled armies of MacBuff and Wally Black have taken seats from the Stadium of Light (thus, he fears that WHL may now be "infiltrated by light").

A great battle occurs. MockBeth slays many strong men, before encountering MacBuff. MockBeth boasts that he has nothing to fear from MacBuff, as no man born on the earth can harm him.
MacBuff tells MockBeth that he was born on a ship built on the Wear - and therefore not born "on the earth". MockBeth realises he has been tricked and his doomed, but continues to battle. MacBuff logs into the admin panel and IP bans MockBeth.

Wally Black is crowned king and peace returns to GRcade. A day of spamming is declared and the nobles and common members alike rejoice.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Herdanos » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:25 pm

Lesson Three: PE

Werewolf Rules Football

Football is the global game. However, there are many types of football. There's association football, rugby football union, rugby league football, gaelic football, Australian rules football...

And recently, Werewolf Rules Football has come to prominence across the nation of GRcade.

Unlike contemporary forms of football, Werewolf Rules is far more traditional. Much like the classic games of street football played in the middle ages, the game can be played with any number of players.
Also, as was the case in times gone by, the sides do not necessarily have to be even, although it is the role of the referee, or gamerunner, to ensure the sides are fairly balances in terms of ability, roles represented on each team, etc.

The game is much like association football, but players can also carry the ball with their arms as well as playing it with their feet.
Two sides play against one another, with possession of the football changing hands when a player from one team tackles, or 'lynches', a player on the opposing team with possession of the football.
In short, the name of the game is to lynch players who are on the ball.

In order to win, one side much lynch enough of the other team's key players that their control of the game becomes beyond question.

It is possible to defend against lynching. Some players - defenders, or 'protector roles', are able to prevent lynchings of their team-mates through clever and well-timed plays.
However, recent events have seen a controversial tactic emerge. The so-called 'protection-cycle', where a defender and an especially-clued-up player alternate possession of the football to ensure a greater likelihood of victory.
This is comparable to the controversial approaches of 'parking the bus' or 'simulation' that have emerged recently in association football.

Although lynching of players who do not appear to be on the ball, or involved in the game, is uncommon, extra vigilant players are sometimes able to get away with doing this.

Unlike in many forms of football, where the role of the referee / judge is not to be questioned, and to abuse the referee or accuse him of not understanding the game, such actions are approved and indeed a traditional part of werewolf rules.
In fact, it isn't considered a "proper game" unless several players have called into account the judge's ability and/or authority, as well as their own knowledge of a match they themselves have set up.
Generally these actions go unpunished. If the referee chooses to attempt to regulate this behaviour, violence can often follow.

There is no offside rule.

The current league leaders are Pro Village, but they are being pushed hard by the Alpha Wanderers. For more information on Werewolf Rules Football contact Herbi, current WRFA President and mother-floatin' alpha.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Diabolito » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:31 pm

Guess you had no plans today then Dan,

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Herdanos » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:59 pm


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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Rax » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:50 pm

Seeing as none of these are my particular strong suit it will have to be a submit and hope kind of week for me.

Anyway, Lesson One, Music:

La Marsecade

Arise members of GRcade.
Its time to discuss games and stuff!
Try to ignore all the fanboys,
Then view the custom logo (repeat)
Dont forget to praise good Mocky
Who else could make such a sight?
Beware the PC gaming thread
For they will claim theyre the Master Race!

Stand tall, forumite
Post where you would like.
Gaming, gaming!
Its why were here
So make yourself at home!

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Ironhide » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:10 pm


[DISCUSSION] thread rules football

Following the basic rules of Association Football, two teams of between 5 and 11 players (exact numbers are decided in a [discussion] thread beforehand) play two halfs (the length of halves to be decided in a [discussion] thread), Should a team score a goal, play is suspended for 10 minutes while a small team of online referees decide (in a [discussion] thread) if it was indeed a goal or not, all other refereeing decisions are made in the same manner. after both halves have been played the team with the most goals is declared the winner, in the event of a draw the team of referees will (in a [discussion] thread) deliberate (at length) which team "played better" to determine who won.

Post-match analysis is mandatory and is carried out in a dedicated [discussion] thread.

There is no offside rule after the 2009 incident where all participants of the [discussion] thread argued so much that the mod team had no choice but to IP ban them all.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Dowbocop » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:21 pm

Moggy wrote:
The interesting part of this weeks tasks is you have the choice whether to submit nothing, one lesson, two lessons or all three lessons. Points will be available for all three lessons and will be scored individually, meaning a maximum of 45 points (10 for each lesson with 5 bonus points for each lesson) is available for each pupil. Note: each lesson has multiple options, you should only do one for each lesson, for example submitting lyrics and a video for the Music lesson will not gain you additional points. Resubmissions for each lesson will not be allowed, once you have posted and PM'd your work, that lessons work is the one that will be marked.

I understand this to mean that if I submit e.g. rules and a photo for PE then I will not receive two lots of ten points for doing the lesson twice, but everything I submit will be considered when doling out bonus points for effort etc. Correct?

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Moggy » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:52 pm

Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins wrote:
Moggy wrote:
The interesting part of this weeks tasks is you have the choice whether to submit nothing, one lesson, two lessons or all three lessons. Points will be available for all three lessons and will be scored individually, meaning a maximum of 45 points (10 for each lesson with 5 bonus points for each lesson) is available for each pupil. Note: each lesson has multiple options, you should only do one for each lesson, for example submitting lyrics and a video for the Music lesson will not gain you additional points. Resubmissions for each lesson will not be allowed, once you have posted and PM'd your work, that lessons work is the one that will be marked.

I understand this to mean that if I submit e.g. rules and a photo for PE then I will not receive two lots of ten points for doing the lesson twice, but everything I submit will be considered when doling out bonus points for effort etc. Correct?

Are you questioning me boy? And why has your name badge changed, do you think I am a mind reader and know who you are?

Each lesson this week has several options to how to complete it. You will be scored on the lesson as usual, 10 points for completion and 5 bonus points if you are in the top 3 for that lesson. There are therefore only a maximum of 15 points available per lesson (10 normal, 5 bonus) and it makes no difference if you complete all the options per lesson.

There are, however, three lessons this week and you can pick up the maximum of 15 points for each one if you complete them.

The 5 point deduction for non-completion will only count for people that submit nothing at all. Just submitting one lesson will be enough to avoid a points deduction.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Dowbocop » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:58 pm


Like all good sports, this is a codified version of a vicious conflict: in this case whether bread is stored in the fridge or not.

Players attempt to throw a Hoviscus - the principal playing piece of Breaddlywinks - into either a bread bin or a fridge. Points are awarded for accuracy (fridge: door> top shelf> middle shelf> bottom shelf; for the bread bin accuracy points are awarded for not touching the sides). Points are also awarded for distance attempted and style.

However, the six judges' personal preferences about how they store their bread is not known to the players, so they must decide which course they will take - this will affect the judges' scores! After throwing, they can discard two judges' scores blindly - will they purge the panel of disgusting nonbelievers, or neuter their only allies? Do they go against their values to score points or throw clear and true to themselves?

Pictured is current world number 1, me, attempting a technique known as a (Paul) Hollywood Ball:

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Dowbocop » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:02 pm

More Nuts Than Love
[More Heat Than Light is waiting for a date to arrive, when a figure in red approaches.]
Red: Hi, I'm your date for the evening!
More Heat Than Light: You got my flowers!
Red: I did, do you treat all the girls this well?
More Heat Than Light: Well, I'm a sucker for jugs...
Red: I've had bad experiences using Tinder before...
More Heat Than Light: Well I think you'll find me...electric...
Red: [giggles]
[A forumite clad in gold enters. The room falls silent]
May Contain Nuts: Red?! What are you doing here?
Red: May Contain Nuts! I want expecting to see you here!
May Contain Nuts: But I thought I was the one for you...
More Heat Than Light: Ah, May Contain Nuts, you needed to find out sooner or later - I have FOILED your plans once again!
[May Contain Nuts lunges at More Heat Than Light, a murderous glint in his eye. Unfortunately, true to his name, More Heat Than Light is deceptively warm, and chocolate begins to seep through May Contain Nuts' golden armour. May Contain Nuts melts from his usual round shape to a gooey pool.]
Red: You're killing him! Please stop!
More Heat Than Light: Now we will finally find out whether you DO contain nuts!
[More Heat Than Light finally melts the last vestiges of life from the first golden interloper. He does indeed have a nut inside. More Heat Than Light has a nut allergy. He dies. Suddenly another golden figure emerges.]
Red: May Contain Nuts! But who has More Heat Than Light murdered?

Picture: the National Theatre's production of More Nuts Than Love, starring a red vase as Red, an electric fire as More Heat Than Light, and Freddy Rocher as May Contain Nuts.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Dowbocop » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:54 am


An anthem to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies

GRCaaaaade, GRCaaaaade,
Next gen 8-bit, gooseberry fool on her tits at GRCaaaaade!
You should be caaaaareful if
You are a weeeerewolf!
We're all a bit ashamed at GRCaaaaade!

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Rax » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:39 pm

Lesson 2 - Drama

For this lesson I decided to push the boundaries of the medium by writing a play that features no dialogue, everything is conveyed by non verbal expression. It also ended up being a lot longer than I intended, oh well!

Crouching Bear, Hidden PS3 - A silent play
[A typical day in suburbia, Mrs. Bear is out for the day, picking up some toilet paper, the kind you scrunch, not fold and the fridge has no ketchup in it so more supplies are needed. Mr. Bear, meanwhile, potters around at home, when suddenly he is struck by inspiration.]

Mr Bear is on the couch, PS2 controller in hand, he squints at the fuzzy graphics on screen becoming ever more frustration at the lack of clarity on screen. Finally he puts the controller down in exasperation and with a disgruntled look on his face he sits back and stares at his PS2. To distract himself he takes out his laptop and browses his favourite gaming forum, there he finds post after post, topic after topic about how good the new PS3 is, with every post he reads he glances at his PS2, more and more annoyance and disappointment across his face. Suddenly a look of determination comes across his face, he slams down the lid of the laptop and stands up, glaring at his PS2, he heads for the door, slamming it behind him.

[We find Mr. Bear standing in line at his local gaming emporium, a wide grin on his face as he watches the latest PS3 demos on the big screen behind the counter.]

The sales assistant waves Mr. Bear towards her till, before he even gets there he is excitedly pointing at the PS3s behind the counter, taken aback by Mr. Bears enthusiasm the sales assistant opens the cabinet behind her and quickly puts a PS3 on the counter and takes a small step back. Mr. Bears eyes light up, he picks up the box, the weight of it reassuring him he is buying a superior product, before the sales assistant cane say a word Mr. Bear thrusts money onto the count and heads for the exit, holding his new purchase at arms length so he can admire it all the way home.

[Mr. Bear has returned home, Mrs. Bear's car is in the drive.]

Mr. Bear excitedly approaches home, his new PS3 still being held at arms length as his grin gets ever bigger, he catches sight of Mrs. Bears car in the driveway and his grin gets wider, he cant wait to show off his new purchase. But his joy is shortlived, he looks at the balding tyres on her car, his eyes notices the peeling paint around the windows of the house, he looks down to see his shoes splitting and odd socks on each feet, maybe Mrs. Bear wont be excited about his purchase after all. Slowly he approaches the window of the living room, he peeks in, pressing his nose to the glass, there is his PS2 under the TV, no sign of Mrs. Bear. He looks from the PS2 to his shiny new PS3, he notices theyre quite similar, from a distance you would hardly tell them apart, a satisfied grin appears on Mr Bears face as his eyes narrow, Mr. Bear has a plan.....

Slowly he opens the door and peeks around it, he looks down the hall to see Mrs. Bear diligently putting the ketchup and toilet paper in the fridge. He slinks in, his new purchase behind his back, quietly he closes the door behind him and slides along the wall until he reaches the living room door, his eyes looking into the kitchen all the way. With one final lunge he makes it into the living room, now to put the plan into action. He quickly removes the PS3 from the box, he freezes for a moment once he places it on the coffee table, he cant help but admire it, he reaches out to touch it but the sound of Mrs. Bear closing the fridge snaps him out of it. He looks from the PS2 to the PS3, back and forth, sizing them up, he looks satisfied theyre the same. He plugs out the PS2, quickly removing it form its place under the TV and pushing it to one side, he slides the PS3 into its new home, plugs it in and connects it to the tv. Mr. Bear freezes, hes done it, the PS3 is now in place, Mrs. Bear will never know, he stands there admiring his handiwork, a very satisfied look on his face, he picks up the new controller when out of the corner of his eye he sees the PS2 and the packing strewn around the floor, this will never work if the old evidence is there! He panics, stuffing the old PS2 into the box for the new PS3, he puts it in the corner and steps back, no good, it stands out a mile, he moves the bookcase, puts it behind it, again, no good, he tries behind the couch, under the coffee table, behind the lamp, no matter where he puts it the box stands out a mile, a more drastic approach is needed.

Mr. Bear peers out of the living room, no sign of Mrs. Bear, just then she appears in the kitchen, opens the fridge, takes out the toilet paper and heads for the downstairs bathroom. As she closes the door he senses his opportunity, Mr. Bear grabs the offending new PS3 box, tucks it under his arm and purposefully heads for the back door, halfway down the hall he hears a flush, he panics, hes so sloe, he cant be caught now! He looks around, seeking inspiration, the tap is running, time is running out, a flash of inspiration hits him, he opens the cupboard under the stairs, with reckless abandon he launches the box into the cupboard and slams the door. He heads back into the living room, slumping into the couch just in time to hear the bathroom door opening. Mrs. Bear can he heard coming down the hall, Mr. Bear panics, looks around the room one last time and in a moment of desperation pretends to be having a snooze as Mrs. Bear enters. Anxiously he listens to her every move. She rearranges the magazines on the side table, picks his coat off the floor and puts it on the hook, he opens his eye to see her passing the TV, he shuts it tight and braces himself. Mrs. Bear picks up the tv remote, slumps into the couch and turns on the TV. As she snuggles up to Mr. Bear he sneaks another peek, shes looking right at the TV but hasnt noticed anything, a smile creeps across his face. Mr. Bear has gotten away with it!

[Sometime later we find Mr and Mrs Bear, still snuggled up on the couch]

Mr. Bear is looking longingly at his new console, Mrs. Bear snoozes, gripping the remote in her hand, refusing to let it go. Mr. Bear tugs at it, trying to free it, as he does, Mrs. Bear stirs, her eyes creep open. Mr. Bear stretches his arms to the sky and lets out a huge yawn, before he has time to finish, Mrs. Bear does the same, her eyes heavy as shes finishes, she struggles to keep them open. Without a word she sits up as best she can, stretches her back, opens and closes her mouth a few times before slowly rising to her feet, slowly she heads for the door, taking Mr. Bears hand as shes passes, he leans forward but her hand slips from his as she heads for the door, she doesnt look back and Mr. Bear slumps back into the couch. He listens for a few moments, his eyes growing wider, the smile becoming more prominent as he hears the sound of feet going upstairs, drawers opening, water running and finally a creaking bed. Mr. Bear rubs his hands and gets to his feet, he picks up his new controller, turns on his new console with it, marvelling at the magic of such a thing, he stares intently at the boot up animation until its clear theres no more to view and hes looking at his consoles dashboard, he cant wait anymore, he must see how the games look with his own eyes, excitedly Mr. Bear reaches for the shelf before freezing. His mouth drops, he stares at the shelf, Mr. Bear forgot to get a game! The controller drops to the floor, Mr. Bear drops to his knees, shoulders slumped.


FYI when I was writing this I was picturing actual bears as the actors.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Herdanos » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:31 pm

:lol: Great stuff Raxi!

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Rax » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:36 pm

Lesson 3 - PE

False Gymnastics

The aim of this sport is to be the last person to spend a set amount of money in one evening and make it home in one piece. The amount is to be decided beforehand but it should be 1500 Great British Snoops at minimum. The winner is decided by completing a number of challenges to the judges satisfaction, the judges are anyone paying attention and the challenges can be defined, and bonus points awarded, at their discretion.

Spending Rules
There is leeway in what constitutes a proper round of False gymnastics but the one rule that must always be observed is no physical goods can be purchased using the starting funds. All expenditures must be on experiences or consumables that will be enjoyed before the end of the challenge, obeying any applicable laws it is left to the competitors discretion and they are solely responsible for any fallout from these actions. Bonus points can be awarded for flouting local laws but again this is left to the judges discretion.

Documenting The Experience
While it is not essential, competitors are highly encouraged to document their experiences in real time on public forums. But what is essential is that some record is made of their experience, the bare minimum is making a number of "hungover" posts the next morning expressing how stupid it was but express no remorse or show any signs of changing behaviour.

As mentioned above scoring is left to the discretion of the judges and the awarding of bonus points are encouraged, what follows is a number of suggestions for both challenges and bonus point scenarios. Legal disclaimer: The below are merely suggestions and not acts that the sanctioning body necessarily condone or encourage.

Purchasing a beverage at more than 3 drinking establishments in a 1 hour period
Leaving work early and heading straight to the start line for the event
Spend more than 100 Great British Snoops on a round of beverages
Including more than 1 total stranger in a round
Attending a gentlemans establishment
Sampling the full drinks and entertainment menu at said establishment
Investigating the smell of the white powdered substance a fellow patron seems so fond of
Convincing, perhaps by monetary means, the staff of a gentlemans club to return home with you for some after hours entertainment

Suggestions for Bonus Points
Exceeding the minimum expense requirement
Exceeding it to such an extent that the competitor has no access to any funds until their next pay day
Accepting any and all offers to "try this" from anyone who may offer
Attend more than 1 gentlemans establishment
Convince more than 1 member of staff to accompany the competitor for extra entertainment
Dont use cash incentives to achieve said extra entertainment
Get banned from posting on the forum while competing
Show up to work on time the next morning, showered but still in the competitiors chosen uniform

Now of course these are just to be taken as a guideline, any sanctioning body can manipulate this framework any way they see fit, challenges can be few or numerous, detailed or open to interpretation and the same for bonus points. Indeed a judge can choose to spontaneously award bonus points on hearing of a particularly good effort to impress.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Ironhide » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:11 pm


To the tune of Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie.

Mocky played the mod, modding good with Buff and Mafro,
And the 'Caders of GR. He modded it left hand
But took it too far
Became the special man, then we were Mocky's banned

Now Mocky really banned, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan, he could ban 'em by smiling
He could leave 'em to hang
'Came on so loaded man, Anung and Skarjo banned.

So where were the 'Caders, while the fly tried to break our balls
With just Albear's light to guide us,
So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?

Mocky played for time, jiving us that we were voodoo
The 'Caders cried out, he was the rogue mod
who banned for a laugh
He took it all too far but boy could he play the mod

Making love with his ego Mocky sucked up into his mind
Like a leper messiah
When the kids had killed the man Steve had to break up the band.

Mocky played the mod .

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Hypes » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:00 pm

Rule, GRcade!
- To the tune of Rule, Britannia!

Rule, GRcade! GRcade, rules the waves! 
GRcadians, never shall be slaves

When GRcade first, at Future's command,
Arose from the death of Gamesradar,
This was birth, the birth of our clan,
We built a forum and said strawberry float Future:


The forums not so blest as thee
Must, in their turn, to budgets fall,
While we shalt flourish great and free:
The dread and envy of them all.


Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful from each moderator ban,
As the injustice that tears the skies
Serves but to suppress our fellow man.


Thee haughty Moggy ne'er shall tame;
Swanning around in his teachers gown
Ruling the roost of his tasking game,
But House Baer shall claim the crown.


To Baer belongs the forum reigns;
Thy forum shall with new posts shine;
All the posts shall be the subject ‘games’,
And also ‘stuff’ when thou hast time.


The Mods, still with powers found,
Shall to Baer bend their knee.
Blest Baer! with matchless points crowned,
And manly hearts to guard all thee.

Rule, GRcade! GRcade, rules the waves!
GRcadians, never shall be slaves

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Diabolito » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:51 pm

Nearly forgot about this, see what I can do now

Lesson Three: PE

Sport Name - What Goes On Toast

Players - 2+

Setup and Rules:

In the centre of the court there is a plinth. On top of that lays a single piece of toast. The players all have 3 marbles each and must take in turns at throwing these up to the toast with the aim being for them to land on it. However once on toast it must stay on toast. Once everyone has thrown all their marbles the person with the most points wins.


Landing a marble on toast - 1 point
Landing a marble on toast when thrown from a sitting position - 2 points (because people who stand are wrong)
Knocking an opponent's marble off the toast - 2 points
Having your marble fall/be knocked off the toast - 5 point deduction. It must stay on toast
Drive Through special - landing a marble on the toast while driving through the court in the supplied car - 10 points

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Herdanos » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:55 pm

I want to play that game.

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PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Diabolito » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:22 am

Lesson One: Music

In the style of that god awful England Vindaloo song, comes this messy attempt at honouring the forum and some of the forumites that make it what it is:

Where on forum are you from?
We're from Games Chat
Where you come from?
Do you put the Kart on?

Play it!

Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four
Ja-wa-four Bonjour
Ja-wa-four monsieur
Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four
Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four Ja-wa-four
We're forumites
We're gonna play more as Club U

Can I introduced you please
To Super Sundays, it's Herbi's
Twitch fun, Earls gone, Dblock's fun, Cal's dumb.

Brick it

Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa) Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa)
Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa

Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa) Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa)
Ja-wa-four (Ja-wa) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa
We're forumites
We're gonna play more as Club U

Me and me Drum and me Ad and me Dan
For Sick Kids others played
Me and me Drum and me Ad and me Dan
With a link to G-R-Cade

strawberry float it

G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, Ja-wa
G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade, Ja-wa
G-R-Cade, G-R-Cade and we all like G-R-Cade

We're forumites
We're gonna play more as Club U

Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa
G-R-Cade. - (Ja-wa)
G-R-Cade. - (Ja-wa)
And we all like G-R-Cade

We're forumites
We're gonna play more as Club U

Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade)
Ja-wa-four (ja-wa - G-R-Cade) Ja-wa-four Ja-wa
G-R-Cade. - (Ja-wa)
G-R-Cade. - (Ja-wa)
And we all like G-R-Cade

We're forumites
We're gonna play more as Club U

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Joined in 2008

PostRe: Task of the week - Back to School - Lesson Six: Multiple Choice (page 27)
by Rightey » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:15 am

"Grcade Of Whatever"

I went down to the chat room thread and saw Manny
He was, like, all "ehhhh"
And I was, like, "whatever!"

Then this bot comes up to me and it's all, like,
"Hey, you wanna buy some pharmacuticals?"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

So later I'm in GGC
And HSH comes up
And he's, like, "awww"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

Cause this is my
Gee-Arr-Cade of Whatever!
And this is my
Gee-Arr-Cade of Whatever!
And this is my
Gee-Arr-Cadeof Whatever!

And then it's three A.M.
And we're still on mumble together
This dude comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

Then I'm posting muff in the babe thread
Admin Gecko comes up and he's, like,
"Hey, I thought I told you..."
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

And then up comes Karl
I'm, like, "yo, Karl. What's up?"
He's, like, "nothin'"
And I'm, like, "that's cool."

Cause this is my
Gee-Arr-Cade of Whatever!
And this is my
Gee-Arr-Cade of Whatever!

Sung to...

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.


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