The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:03 pm

Gammon Bloke wrote:I'll allow women's football to be publicised, promoted and reported on when it has developed sufficiently!

Except it will struggle to develop if we don't do those things now! :fp:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:47 pm

No-deal Brexit won't bring back roaming charges.

When you understand that WW2 was created, by men in suits, who profited from financing it, by others manufacturing equipment for both sides, and that the "leaders" are only selected & allowed their platform by those same people, and that Hitler lived beyond the war, as was always the plan, and history is just what you are told, and that the goal was eventual one world govt, you have to vote out.

Great Lies Of Our Time (an occasional series)

1, ‘We were just tourists in Salisbury. For an hour’ – Skripal Poisoning suspects

2, ‘Easiest thing in history’ Mrs Dr Liam Fox-Werrity

3, ‘We send the EU £350m per week, let’s fund our NHS instead’ – Boris Spam Tubelet Johnson

4, ‘I can bend international phone companies to my will, for I am Raaaaaaaaab’ – St Dominic of Raab.

Remainers are the types who would have appeased the Nazis in 1939-43 because WW2 wasn't going well.

Grow a pair!

Remember 99-00 we had the Millennium Bug and at 1 second past midnight the world was going to collapse, and life as we knew it was over. Well it never happened and every day since the vote we've had these stupid prophets of doom saying Britain will cease & collapse; surely I'm not the only one sick of hearing it?

Could not agree more with your comment and decision to quit the BBC HYS.
There is no point in debating anything with some of the seriously unhinged Remainers on here. I would advise all Leavers to stop posting on here. All we are doing is giving these nutters more oxygen. After all only a few hundred people at most look at these sites. One Remainer has 20 user names. Goodbye.

Whatever the cost, the UK must become a proper country like those outside the EU.

Time for your paid lunch break EU Cultists, taking Soros's dirty money (hedging against the pound during the ERM crisis) & the guy from Superdry (whose suppliers paid 28p/hr to their workers)

A quick lunch followed by a nappy change from your EU nanny & you'll be set again for an afternoon of echo chamber rants

housing crisis with every square inch of land being built on, roads packed, schools packed, hospitals packed....child grooming gangs, rampant knife crime, people traffickers, terrorist attacks, no-go areas in many cities/towns, drug gangs....but as long as you think everything's fine that's ok......and don't play the race card, it gets tedious.

Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with the UK being in the EU, and everything to do with the UK government.

And using the term "race card" just proves that you're laughably racist, as nobody that isn't a worthless coward that wets themselves if they see a black person ever says it unironically.

Thank you for confirming our suspicions.

"as nobody that isn't a worthless coward that wets themselves if they see a black person ever says it unironically."
You are completely right of course, and seeing as my wife is half-cast I do find I have to constantly wear a nappy.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:18 pm

Remainers are the types who would have appeased the Nazis in 1939-43 because WW2 wasn't going well.

Grow a pair!

The irony in this is that our general appeasement of the Nazi party allowed them to grow in the first place :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Yoshimi » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:30 pm

Local restaurant went after people who left a bad review on their FB page :lol:


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dual » Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:47 pm


Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:04 am

Yoshimi wrote:Local restaurant went after people who left a bad review on their FB page :lol:


"Leith Walk."

All I needed to read. :slol:

(N.B. I like Leith very much, but my God walking through it the other week was a bit worrying)

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:45 pm

Amazon to work with the US Military.

The only people complaining about Microsoft, Google, Amazon taking part in military contracts are liberal leftists who have this fantasy that there can be world peace. Unfortunately the media is also quite leftist too so they overexaggerate the breadth of the outrage.

Did you see the adult woman cry because Kav got the job? That is who we are talking about here. Move along people.

I'm hugely reminded of the obscene bastard offspring of Rollerball and 1984.

This is the world we are sleepwalking into by allowing the imaginary offence of the minority of professionally-offended PC liberals to override the needs of the majority

I'm afraid the Left had a lot to answer for. If the liberal Left hadn't tried to jam their PC idealistic ideas down people's throats we wouldn't have Trump.

So yes, America needs defending from both Trump and the rabid Left.

1. BrummieBritishEuropean

This isn't news. Amazon paying their taxes, now that would be worth reporting.

Let's nail this lie once and for all.

Amazon, (Google, Vodafone, Apple etc) pay all their taxes.
It's not a "fair" share but it's every penny the tax laws require.
Do you voluntarily pay more tax than you need to? No? Thought not.
Blame our politicians for setting lax tax law

Amazing really, the 'lefties' who work for USA tech company's don't want to help the US Government (i.e. that 'nasty' Mr Trump), however, the corollary is they therefore DO want to help Vladimir Putin ...perhaps they are the real enemy within, not Trump!

So they don't want to work for their countries DoD, would they rather work for the Chinese, Russians, of Saudi Arabians, then they could see some of the real world rather than their snowflake version. Bunch of traitors!

All you politically correct banner wavers should just take a look at the South China Sea to realise that the Chinese don't hold the same values and need to be contained at any cost. Would you leave the west defenseless, grow up or go hug some trees fools.

The world is still waiting for Trump's tax returns, and Britain is still waiting for 58 Brexit impact

President Bezos by 2024? Once he has control of the US military, Trump, or anyone else won't have a chance.
Maybe he'll be the first real life Bind villain!

My dad always said the Germans started 2 world wars and they'd start the next one...until this week I always thought he was a bit nuts!

However things can change quickly...the fact that the right wing swing in Germany is entirely the fault of liberalism I'll gloss over!

Point is a strong offence is a strong defense....history has largely been written by the strong!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:43 pm

Brexit special.

No deal it is then...thanks for that seriously, I always believed that once the brexit decision was taken and you lot started undermining the process that it would lead to this and what have you achieved, name one positive did though succeed in dividing the nation with your vile insults. Well done losers...losers is...losers does.

When John Major gave a foreign power legal precedence over ever man women and child in the UK WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT



French Guiana is the second-largest region of France and the largest outermost region within the European Union.
So the EU now must enforce a hard border at the French Guianan border with Brazil and Suriname. The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland will be no different on no deal.
The EU's duplicity about this is laughable. I wonder if Macron is aware of this border?

The UK establishment (deep state) has done everything in it's power to undermine the referendum result, including the coronation of a remainer PM. Do not allow them to get away with overturning our democratic vote. Leave means leave at the end of March 2019, deal or no deal.

It does not matter what the UK suggests - the EU will reject it.

That's what they do.

We need to start talking to the elected heads of the EU countries and not unelected EU bruocrates.

It is clear to see that those who voted leave wanted to better the country whilst those who voted remain only cared about themselves.

For God's sake leave on WTO rules and they can swivel for the 39 billion. No so called people's vote and adhere to the refurrendum result.

If you want to convince people you don't do it by acting like the person you're talking to is sub-human scum, responsible for the world's ills

Q. How many remainers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. As many as the EU tell them they need.

Q. How many brexiteers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None as there will not be any replacement light bulbs or possibly any electricity

If you were a Remainer and a heavily pregant Brexiteer woman needed a seat on the tube would you offer it to her?

Remoantrolls getting desperate. Personally I cant wait to see the BBC article on the remoaners march, and the photo of one guy with an EU flag (probably a BBC intern).

Negotiation is an anagram for Surrender

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Tomous » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:45 pm

Q. How many brexiteers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None as there will not be any replacement light bulbs or possibly any electricity

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:56 pm

Moggy wrote:
The UK establishment (deep state) has done everything in it's power to undermine the referendum result, including the coronation of a remainer PM.

Why didn't the all-powerful deep state just stop the referendum in the first place? That would have been much smarter on their part.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:02 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
The UK establishment (deep state) has done everything in it's power to undermine the referendum result, including the coronation of a remainer PM.

Why didn't the all-powerful deep state just stop the referendum in the first place? That would have been much smarter on their part.

It's spelt refurrendum mate.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:12 pm

Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
The UK establishment (deep state) has done everything in it's power to undermine the referendum result, including the coronation of a remainer PM.

Why didn't the all-powerful deep state just stop the referendum in the first place? That would have been much smarter on their part.

It's spelt refurrendum mate.

strawberry float off m7 y u gotta try n be a libral softie i bet u couldnt even get in da terrytorial army m8 u gotta sport are troops not try n underminer dem like the EU foreigns ffs i no ur probally a decent guy but open your eyes dey bein lieing 2 us for decades maybe even years ya no. brexit means brexit nd dat means we gotta get the strawberry float out the eu so muslims and the dirty french cant get in2 dover nemore this aint a booze cruise pmsl x

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:13 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
The UK establishment (deep state) has done everything in it's power to undermine the referendum result, including the coronation of a remainer PM.

Why didn't the all-powerful deep state just stop the referendum in the first place? That would have been much smarter on their part.

It's spelt refurrendum mate.

strawberry float off m7 y u gotta try n be a libral softie i bet u couldnt even get in da terrytorial army m8 u gotta sport are troops not try n underminer dem like the EU foreigns ffs i no ur probally a decent guy but open your eyes dey bein lieing 2 us for decades maybe even years ya no. brexit means brexit nd dat means we gotta get the strawberry float out the eu so muslims and the dirty french cant get in2 dover nemore this aint a booze cruise pmsl x

With the gooseberry fool I see online, I am not even sure if that is a parody.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Trelliz » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:19 pm

Negotiation is an anagram for Surrender

No it isn't - or are the warped lenses of my liberal progressive goggles slipping?

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:41 pm

Brexit continued.

I’m beginning to see why the ira reverted to the bomb

The 'remainers' strange belief that if something is difficult you just give up beggars belief.

May is hoping that something bad will happen to Arlene so then we can all go ahead with sensible policies not driven by bigotry. Maybe a few months will be long enough for MI5.

If negotiations cannot be completed now it will be same result in a year or ten years.

EU only interested in sowing discontent.

EU do not negotiate they dictate.

As a dictatorship they are only interested in destroying UK industry and citizens as instructed by the Merkel/Macron.

EU is a Franco/German dictatorship that makes policies individually ignoring EU Parliament.


People bang on about the GFA and how scared they are of the Provos/INLA. If Eire makes a power-grab by the back door, I would be more scared of the UVF, UFF, Red Hand etc.

Dublin is playing with fire here. Little Leo is too naïve to realise this.

Not in the recent history of the UK will have some many cowardly traitors come together this weekend in a comical and largely unsupported march crying "us losers want another chance, its not fair us losing,we cant cope"

What we should learn from this is that women can't run anything properly. Thatcher had a few years and decimated this country for generations to come, now this clown is in charge and history is repeating itself. The US, greatest country on Earth, has never had a split running the show and look how well they have done #womensuck

Brexit clears out Remainers other democratic systems cant reach.
Choose Brexit to remove stubbon stains on society.

It won't make any difference to the end result. The EU will still block and block all efforts to gain agreement until the last possible minute.

So might as well go next year, leave the shambles that is the EU and then get the agreements we need after exiting.

It's a farce, but one that the EU have massively contributed to.

I was in Co-op this morning getting milk. There were 6 people before me at the checkout and at the front, a mum struggling with a little boy who wasn’t getting what he wanted. He was wailing, dragging himself along the floor, screaming ‘it’s not fair, I hate you!’

As he was dragged from the shop, the guy in front of me muttered, ‘Must be a remainer’.

The whole line erupted in laughter.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Blue Eyes » Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:58 pm

Moggy wrote:Brexit continued.

I was in Co-op this morning getting milk. There were 6 people before me at the checkout and at the front, a mum struggling with a little boy who wasn’t getting what he wanted. He was wailing, dragging himself along the floor, screaming ‘it’s not fair, I hate you!’

As he was dragged from the shop, the guy in front of me muttered, ‘Must be a remainer’.

The whole line erupted in laughter.

Cool story, banana split.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:02 pm

*sends to DHOTYA*

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Qikz » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:05 pm

I'm sure they all laughed. Bellends.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:15 pm

Qikz wrote:I'm sure they all laughed. Bellends.

You say that but I was in Tesco this morning getting bread. There were 7 people before me at the checkout and at the front, a dad struggling with a little girl who wasn’t getting what she wanted. She was wailing, dragging herself along the floor and then threw all her dads money on the floor, screaming ‘I wanted to shop at Aldi, not Waitrose! I'll throw all of our money away to get what I want! Why are Tesco bullying us and forcing us to shop here!!’

As she was dragged from the shop, the lady in front of me muttered, ‘Must be a leaver.’

The whole line erupted in laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:20 pm

How the strawberry float do you reason with these utter banana splits? Racist, braindead morons each and every one. Absolute cretins and I hope every single one of them suffers financially and mentally as a result of the complete and total gooseberry fool show that they've brought on themselves. No sympathy, they deserve everything they have coming to them a hundred times over.

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