The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:27 pm

Gas heating ban for new homes

These people are out and out nutcases. Winter temperatures are set to dive over the next couple of decades, because of a Climate Cycle dictated by the Sun.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is a religion that is lapped up by gibbering idiots who can't understand the scientific method.

And when the grid collapses due to all the electric vehicles trying to charge at the same time and it is freezing out side, what are they going to heat their homes with? Even ordinarily the electric supply can be cut off by weather and accidents. Yet again not thought through, knee jerk pandering to special pleading and populist emotional blackmail.

As i see these children doing all of these protests i have to think , these adults who are controlling these kids are cult leaders no if´s or buts about it . any rational person knows climate as always changed and will always change and take humans out of the equation it will still change . Get Real people ..

So let's ruin the country with wind farms and solar panels all over what used to be green and pleasant countryside so we can generate electricity to replace the gas

Brain dead idiots deciding we can't use gas. Like they decide we can't use petrol. So can someone tell me where the national grid capacity to run every home on all electric and charge every one of those millions of cars that will have to be charged by grid connection? Meanwhile people buy wood burners and chop down trees to feed them! Stupidity never goes away does it!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:44 pm

Bacon grown in labs

I can't wait for the human version! Mmmmmnn. I have eaten human flesh and find the idea of munching "long pig" without the guilt trip very appealing. Of course human originating "materials" are already extensively used in our food supply but quaffing pepsi aint quite the same thing as roasted starlet!

Who can we look forward to filling our larders? I'm getting the munchies and drooling!

We interfere with nature too much as it is, no good will come of these experiments apart from speed up our own demise.

That'll cause arguments and inconsistency among vegans. Good

Why we are allowed to discuss this topic and not other topics on the BBC website? Do the BBC feel it is OK to vilify farmers on a regular basis?
Lab grown meat is impressive but my concern is are we creating something we don't fully understand & will this ensure that farmers can continue to work in locations in the UK where crops can't be grown by having labs in rural areas and not cities?

Do you not watch Country File? The Beeb doesn't vilify farmers.

It does however have to present the views of fringe elements like vegans, which unfortunately gives the impression that Veganism is something more than it is, half a million or so first world lifestyle choice makers, who think their choice elevates them to divinity.

Go vegan, it is the only way. It even says so in the Bible. Defy God at your own peril. I certainly won't be sad when you meat eaters get your due in the afterlife.

People eat meat all throughout the Bible, ya numpty. There's even a bit in the NT (Acts 10) where Jesus comes to Peter in a vision and tells him he can eat previously forbidden meats.


Get out of here with your FALSE PREACHING. Don't pretend like you've EVER read the Bible my friend. Please find Jesus, he is the only way.

Disgusting idea
It's already disgusting that when in tescos I struggle to buy British pork and bacon
This makes me want to buy Dutch meat even less

Buy British stuff the Eu
And Anna soubry is a traitor elected from a leave constituency disloyal hysterical woman

Humans inherited the garden of Eden and are now trying to turn it into Frankensteins back yard.

I bet the animal rights, meat eater hating vegan lobby will still find some reason to want artificial meat banned. Cruelty to cloned cells, maybe?

My tuppen'orth on the soul question is that it's not dependent on the brain. If it was, the idea of any sort of life after death, when the brain's ceased to function, wouldn't make any sense. Hence the usual distinction between mind, body and soul.

No, someone with, say, Alzheimers, hasn't lost their soul. To quote Lewis, 'You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.'

They should have started with synthetic pork scratching's. I always have a packet of them with a bacon sandwich as part of my five a day!

(that is five things to annoy vegans or religious nutters)

Alternatively limit child benefit to the first child only.
Why do we pay people to have 4, 5, 6 kids?
We are over populated

There was a well known historic figure that was a vegetarian too. He knew a thing or two about propaganda. Was not much of what you would call a humanitarian. But he managed to lead a lot of people into a war against those who were opposed to him.

We have enough naturally occurring gammons in the UK already thanks.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:20 pm

Wow Moggy must not have been able to find any World War II comments.....

There was a well known historic figure that was a vegetarian too. He knew a thing or two about propaganda. Was not much of what you would call a humanitarian. But he managed to lead a lot of people into a war against those who were opposed to him.

Oh wait there it is. :lol:

There's always one.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:28 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:Wow Moggy must not have been able to find any World War II comments.....

There was a well known historic figure that was a vegetarian too. He knew a thing or two about propaganda. Was not much of what you would call a humanitarian. But he managed to lead a lot of people into a war against those who were opposed to him.

Oh wait there it is. :lol:

There's always one.

I even found a Brexit one!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:41 pm

Half of babies born to families renting.

Poor people have babies that they cannot afford knowing they have an item that causes housing and other benefits to flow.The status of having a baby is also a factor...just joining the crowd, they don't know why they just do.

When do we want it we want it NOW, phone contract sky tv holidays branded clothes and takeaways

Young people can't afford a mansion in Shoreditch, with grounds, stables, a swimming pool and couple of tennis courts.

The economy is obviously broken

Why, under Labour they could afford all that for less than 50p a decade

I used to live in north london. Lived there 15 years. Now moved to Bedfordshire. Couldnt live there anymore as rent is skyrocketed. Too many eastern europeans moved to the area n the landlords put the price up. I drive 55 miles everyday to work. Cannot afford to have children. I feel sorry for let of people. Im not racist. This is reality.

If you can't afford to rent / buy a house in your area then move. Someone commented saying rent is £1500 a month. Yet my house is a nice 3 bed in Swindon which you can rent for £850 a month.

You can get much cheaper if you need it to be.

Why is family defined in the pic above as just a mom & child?

More BBC narrative rubbish which will probably be replaced by a mixed race couple at some point later today.!

If this is an issue then why are these 'families' having kids, where is the personal responsibility? Doesn't appear to be an issue across the precious EU where far more people rent.

Just more lefty class warfare rubbish.

All that is missing from this propaganda report off the BBC is......."it's all the fault of Brexit".

I am 38 and a homeowner. In order to achieve this I have forgone certain luxuries. Examples being, never had a new car, never had sky tv, never been on more than one holiday in a year (usually a cheap one too), I don't buy expensive clothes, don't have an iphone...... I could go on but hopefully made my point. If you want to own a house you have to make choices.

Who needs to buy or rent? Just be an ethnic, ex Syrian, one-legged, mentally disabled, transgender, lesbian, vegan, pacifist and identify as female when necessary.

You sure have to tick a lot of boxes on forms but the house comes for free…….

Is this article an observation or the usual bleat about 'social injustice' by the millenial SJW's that seem to inhabit BBC land these days?

A large majority of people will still be saving to buy a house precisely at the time they are thinking about having kids...late twenties, early thirties.
therefore a lot of kids will be born in rented houses.

'Conundrum' solved.

Most of Europe rent. It's the Conservatives in this country which have always championed the ability to own your own home. Labour has always opposed that. They'd rather you lived in a council home owned 'by the state'. You don't better yourself that way and everybody is equal. Whatever equal means.

All hail 'the state'...

Why is it that any time there's an issue that relates to a 'housing crisis' the knee jerk reaction is always 'We need more houses'?

A far more practical response would be 'We need fewer people.'

Its more concerning that 28% of new babies in England and Wales were born to foreign mothers. I suspect this fact plays a huge role in the pressure on housing.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:50 pm

I'd go vegan for a free house...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:39 pm

Brexit and potatoes

EU throwing their toys out of the pram again...

All because the UK won't do what they want.


Its' 2019 and the Irish are about to have the modern day equivilent of a potateoe famine and all becasuee of the EU (the corrupt land owner/ over seer) wanting a box ticked.

The paralleles of history are hilarious and frightening at the same time.

But it's the fault of brexit not the EU.... ok.

For when removed
Looking through remvoed historical posts referencing a certain gaelic country, certain root vegetable and unpleaseant time when many people went very hungry it seems we are not allowed to bring such things up in HYS for fear of offending people long dead ?

Comedians on BBC can make jokes about it but people on HYS cannot make factual statements

Meanwhile, german company (who else) Bayer, have lobbied the EU to accept its suspected carcinogen Roundup to be allowed to be sprayed over all your food from the EU.

So the EU, an historically embezzling, vile, corrupt old boys club, now allow a toxin to be used across member states crops, which can legally be sold to you, whilst claiming Irish potatoes don't pass their carcinogenic attitude.

Northern Ireland and England should leave with out a deal as it cost us more tax payers money for people who live in the UK and the people of NI should never be worry who at the boarders when it comes too the backstop. Trade with Canada and America with medicines
richard bealey exeter uk

The European Union has said that after Brexit, UK potatoes will not be eligible to be marketed because of plant health regulations.

So what will change overnight?...This is just another punishment from the corrupt EU.

This strikes me as yet another example of the EU trying to fire up further opposition to Britain leaving. By restricting the export of spuds from NI to the ROI is just EU bureaucracy cutting off it's nose to spite it's face, or in this case risking the economy of one of it's members just so it can attempt to create more havoc. After all the Irish border issue came about because of the EU not GB.

If ROI are so keen on preventing the so-called 'island of Ireland' from dividing, then why don't they grow a backbone and tell their EU masters they will accept potato imports from the North in the future as they are today.

Then what would the EU do?

So people in ROI may soon not be able to buy the potatoes they like, which come from a few miles away, because some unelected people in Brussels said they aren't allowed to because a trade deal hasn't been signed.

So indirectly the EU are controlling what ordinary people in ROI are allowed to eat.

Wake up people. What gives the EU the right to control what potatoes you eat?

There will have been no changes in the plant health. This is an example of why the eu is so hated. Normal civilised behavoir would be it was ok before, nothing changed so automatically it will be ok afterwards. But no the eu is pure evil, playing every little petty formality to abuse those not being servile to their empire.

Lets not let them have the potatoes, replace eu imports to rest of UK.

What? Are you for real? Now the English are responsible for a potato glut in Ireland?
It's about time the Irish recognised their part in their own problems. The only times the English set foot in Ireland is when Irish folk acted as conduits or agents for foreign powers interfering in English mainland affairs. Just look at the Stormont debacle!

All those saying GB created the border. Strange it came around when the republic left in 1922 , and hamered home in 1949 when the republic left the common wealth . O by the way Ireland was only ever United under the crown.
You were waring factions prior.

So there just might be another potato famine in the Irish Republic. As far as the UK is concerned we have loads growing in Lincolnshire and with our fishing back three will be no shortage of fish and chips.

Stop Guinness and Harp being imported into NI and the UK lol........

God bless the UK and Commonwealth

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:29 am

Moggy wrote:
So there just might be another potato famine in the Irish Republic. As far as the UK is concerned we have loads growing in Lincolnshire and with our fishing back three will be no shortage of fish and chips.

I foresee a dark British future where children are born and assigned one of two jobs:

"Child #5646578921 - you have been assigned a life position on the fishing trawler HMS Leave Means Leave.

Child #5646578922 - you have been assigned a life position working in the Central Birmingham potato mines."

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:37 pm

God of War wins BAFTA.

Ooops wandered on to the wrong HYS! I'm over 12 years old so games are not of interest to me.

Sorry, gaming is always going to be a geeky social car crash -- I can't take this seriously at all. It's like giving out Baftas for seeing who can stay in their room longest.

As a kid, I played all sorts of sports with friends in the park, worked as a volunteer abroad on and farms and in the uk building steam railways and tons of other things with real people interaction, which continues to this day. If only I could have been in my room on a machine atrophying my mind and body. I feel I’ve missed out. I need compensation and counselling.

For years America has been churning out ultra violent movies/games and guess what?.. They have the only society in the world with a death toll inflicted upon its own by its own -only seen in other countries who are actually at war. And the violence in grand auto theft has no come to the streets of British cities. The BBC needs to STOP rewarding the manufacturers of "cool" violence.

Silly choice.

It's an interactive movie, not a game. Go to the cinema if that rubbish interests you.

It's still not up there with Connect Four is it.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:40 pm

Video games are cool. I like video games.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dual » Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:59 pm

Silly choice.

It's an interactive movie, not a game. Go to the cinema if that rubbish interests you.

Fair comment

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:24 pm

It's still not up there with Connect Four is it.

Dude's got a point. Connect Four is still the gooseberry fool. :datass:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:40 pm

I think you'll find that is legal tender ... s-47898873

The comments from the Nats on here are amusing.

Banging on about having their proud Scottish notes refused in some imaginary trip to England when most of them have spent their entire existence within a 10 mile radius of where they were born.

145. Posted by davser on

You can imagine the uproar from the London media were English notes to be refused in Scotland. We would never hear the end of it.


Sorry to pee on your chips

But my local store in SCOTLAND refuses to accept ENGLISH £50 notes

Due to the high rate of forgery

And it is FAR from unique

So take off the blue facepaint and stop being a victim

Seems only fair, considering the rest of the UK subsidizes Scotland , that they send us some money back.

Theres no real benefit to having bank notes for Scotland. The best thing would be to abolish them and just use the same notes throughout the UK. While we're at it, we could also do away with Gaelic. Why anyone would want to speak a dead language I'll never know. I'm sick to death of having gaelic on the road signs up here. It makes them hard to read nobody knows how to pronounce them anyway.

As a young child, early 1960s, I remember being in the local sweetshop/tobacconist when a Roma gentleman handed over a strange looking banknote in exchange for some cigarettes. The shop keeper asked 'how much is this worth?', and was told 'about 5 shillings'. The shopkeeper game him the correct change. Wouldn't happen in today's Brexit Britain.

dont worry england scotland can adapt to the euro after independence so dont fret,we will have our pound or our euro,but going to england does mean english notes as they live in the past down south,but their english notes are accepted up here as we dont discriminate against nations,we have our own notes and they dont have any problem in scotland as they are the same value as the rest//

Perhaps Crash Gordon should have demanded that the Scottish banks stop printing monopoly money as a condition of using English taxpayers money to bail them out.

If i break out my best crayons and write 5 scottish pounds on a piece of toilet paper

Will a shop keeper be forced to accept this?

Of course not

As it is very evidently a forgery.


If i hand over a real scottish £5 to an english shop keeper

How does he know if it is real or a forgery.

He doesn't

Its a stupid rule that CANNOT be enforced

How many other countries allow regions to print their own banknotes? Just rename the BoE to Bank of Britain, and have one set of banknotes for the whole of the UK.

here in ENGLAND we will reject whateva banknotes we flamin well want to. do ya understand that?

stop tellin us ENGLISH how do it in ENGLAND

I once went into a well known supermarket intending to pay with Scottish notes when the the cashier had finished totalling up my shopping belt I gave her the notes to pay for my shopping she refused them so I walked out leaving £70.00 worth of shopping on the belt

Pay in Scottish Bank notes, and if it is not accepted, you are entitled to the goods purchased. Its an education issue and we are Supposed to be a Union with Pounds Sterling. It does need sorted out and is well over due. I bought £63 of shopping in a store in London, who refused my notes and I walked out with my shopping. offered them to call the police, but they changed their mind, sorted !

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:07 am

Stop telling us ENGLISH what to do in ENGLAND.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:22 am

Every one of those :lol:

Christ, people are banana splits

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:01 am

Ad7 wrote:Every one of those :lol:

Christ, people are banana splits

Although I am now tempted to get some Scottish bank notes and see if I can get some free stuff from the shops. :shifty:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:24 am


Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by RainbowGazelle » Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:26 am

Well it is supposedly a Union. It's entirely fair to expect British ships to accept British banknotes.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:46 am

RainbowGazelle wrote:Well it is supposedly a Union. It's entirely fair to expect British ships to accept British banknotes.

You’re damn right.


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Denster » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:01 am

I don't think Hitler was vegetarian.

The stuff about the Jews is true though.

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