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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by hideous_enigma » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:32 pm

It is a temporary numbing effect.

Salt will disinfect the ulcer. Do a salt mouthwash every couple of hours.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:33 pm

hideous_enigma wrote:It is a temporary numbing effect.

Salt will disinfect the ulcer. Do a salt mouthwash every couple of hours.


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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Hung Up The Cape » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:40 pm

hideous_enigma wrote:Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Or, as I do, put salt directly on the ulcer and swim in the glorious pain.

Also vitamin C. You've probably got scurvy.

My exact method. Forget anything else just use salt/salt water. Lick finger, dip in coarse salt, scrub the ulcer with it, watch as eyes cloud over as intense pain sets in for half a second, realise pain has disappeared straight away. Rinse and repeat if required. I personally like to make it bleed always feels like i've beaten it then.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Fatal Exception » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:41 pm

I bite them off 8-)

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:38 pm

I wouldn't normally post in here about personal issues but I said why not. Here goes..

Today after over a month of tests, ultrasounds, x-rays and what not my doctor confirmed that I had a cancerous tumor in my right testicle. I'm glad in a way that he finally confirmed it. Now on Wednesday morning at around 8am (Darwin time) I'm having surgery to have it removed. I was planning to be with my cousin and friends in Sydney a few weeks ago but had to stay in Darwin due to the initial results I got from the doctors. Hopefully I can make plans to be there for Christmas if all goes well. And that's that. Roll on Wednesday....

Righty :cry:

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Poser » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:52 pm

:shock: Holy crap, I hope that goes well. Seriously, all the best. I had a lump on my left ball circa 2000 - scariest thing I've ever dealt with - after loads of tests etc it turned out to be benign, but I'll never forget the sleepless nights.

Still, can't possibly imagine what you're going through, but get well soon.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:06 pm

Worst bit was ringing the mother and sister at home in Ireland, and my cousin in Sydney telling them I was going to have one of my testicles removed. A Radical Orchidectomy is the name of the procedure. Bit freaked out as anyone would be but it has to be done.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Poser » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:08 pm

BizzyBarra wrote:Worst bit was ringing the mother and sister at home in Ireland, and my cousin in Sydney

That was what I was dreading. I kept playing the phone call out in my mind and crying :oops:

All the best mate. It'll be a routine procedure for them so, as you say, it's far better that they've clocked what's wrong and can deal with it.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:15 pm

poser wrote:
BizzyBarra wrote:Worst bit was ringing the mother and sister at home in Ireland, and my cousin in Sydney

That was what I was dreading. I kept playing the phone call out in my mind and crying :oops:

All the best mate. It'll be a routine procedure for them so, as you say, it's far better that they've clocked what's wrong and can deal with it.


I'll update whenever I get a chance

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Luwinski » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:41 pm

Skarjo wrote:
Lucien wrote:
Oh Teh Noes wrote:Wouldn't you be in pain if you weren't in hospital too though?

Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely interested. Is the general dislike of hospitals due to them being associated with pain and illness or is it due to the fact that it's not as comfortable as home?

I think the general disliking is down to being in a building full of death and sickness. Screams and shouting, the sound of being sick. You want to spend a night in that?

Yea, but, y'know....


I'm a nurse.

With a dong.

I genuinely am. Wouldn't want to give my professional advice/knowledge on a gaming forum but I do wish you the best of good health and a quick recovery from your surgery, BizzyBarra.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Little Old Man » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:06 pm

Pred wrote:
Little Old Man wrote:I've been in and out of hospitals a lot over the past few months, on account of developing/having Crohn's disease. Thankfully, I've not had to stay in overnight once, as all my appointments have been outpatient stuff, mainly consultations with specialists, and tests for the condition.

Though actually at one point a specialist really insisted on admitting me as I was that weak, with the incentive that I'd have the tests I needed (MRI, Barium X-ray, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy) done within a matter of days, as they could squeeze me into gaps in their schedules. I choose to stay at home and wait for a couple more weeks to get the tests done instead as hospitals still scare me.

And let me tell you: endoscopies are worse than having a colonoscopy, by a long shot. Never want to have one ever again if it can be helped.

Right now, I'm on a few different meds, and it is just a case of going to see consultants every few months as they track my overall condition and also my weight gains, as I lost 3 stone thanks to my condition.

Sorry to hear you've got Crohn's. Sure is a nasty illness.

Reading through your post reminded me of some of the tests I had. Thankfully I haven't had any endoscopies (yet) and the colonoscopies I've had were performed under general anaesthetic. I'd forgotten about the Barium test. That drink was so disgusting. :lol:

Thankfully I haven't needed any operations for a while, though I have had two flare-ups in the past six months. They're the only ones I've had since my diagnosis five years ago but enough for some concern. My next clinic appointment is in November so I'm hoping things will stay okay for now.

I lost quite a bit of weight myself and it took me a while to get it back up. I was referred to a dietician but she wasn't very helpful at all. It meant taking more time off school and I'd already been off for long enough before my diagnosis.

Hope things go okay with in the future.

Bugger, forgot to respond to this :p
Thanks for the kind words! Yeah the Barium test was awful, especially since I started passing the drink before they'd completed all the X-rays, which had me rushing into the toilet....lovely stuff.

Things were going well for me when I originally posted here, just at a slow pace. However when I came off my course of steroids nearly a month ago, this caused my first flare up :(
Spent a week feeling like gooseberry fool, before I got so bad my parents drove me into A&E. Turns out my small bowel has become enflamed (even though I don't even have Crohn's there!), which had left me to become severely malnourished, dehydrated, and generally strawberry floated. Got put on saline and nutrient drips, and a nil by mouth diet for a few days, had 3 blood packs transfused into me, and started on steroids and antibiotics through a drip :(
Never stayed in hospital before, so it was a strawberry floating scary and lonely experience, though thankfully I got my own room when I got moved to the gastro ward. Anyway, got out of hospital after two weeks of it yesterday, feels fantastic to be home, though now I've lost all the weight I had put back on, and I am as weak as hell :|

They've stuck me on a godly amount of medication (19 pills each morning, 5 each evening!), so hopefully now with a little luck I can start recovering properly.
Hope everyone else in this thread is as well as they can be....

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BCFC Fan » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:41 pm


Best of luck man. It is no doubt a horrible situation to be in but I'm sure you'll pull through.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Denster » Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:12 pm

late but best of luck with all that Bizzy.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:08 am

I meant to update ye when it was done but forgot...
Been a week now and I'm on the mend. Had no side affects after the anesthesia after all the stories they were telling me. The surgeon came into the theatre with a yellow Australia woolly hat on and yellow scarf for the RWC and was giving me stick! :lol:
I woke up an hour and a half later and it was all done - I thought I was just after nodding off for a minute while I was talking to the nurse and apologised when I woke :fp: :D
Took it easy the next few days and went back to work Monday. Must wait until they examine the ball tissue for more information as to the seriousness of the situation.

Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:haha you're having a ball cut off


Yep. There is about a 3.5 inch cut on my pelvis where they pulled the ball and its gland out of :) which has 13 staples that I'm having removed tomorrow morning :|

Just the one ball now. Lefty.

I have pics but don't know if ye could stomach them

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by False » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:13 am

This may come across a bit crass, but cant you get prosthetic ones if you want the matching pair? Dont the NHS cover that?

Hope you stay clear though.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:26 am

I said no to the prosthetic one. It wouldn't make any difference having it other than looking a bit better. What I have looks fine anyway - it healed well. :D I'm in Australia as well and payed for the lot as well. UK residents can get medi care but not the Irish - free through the public system but would have taken alot longer to get anything done.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by False » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:37 am

It wouldn't make any difference having it other than looking a bit better.

What if you want to play with them when you're bored?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:01 am

:lol: :fp:

I'll manage.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:47 pm

At the moment I have a slight sore throat and a sore mouth where the sides of my mouth inside feel like its been scratched by my teeth. Also when I breath deeply it hurts a bit. I hope I don't have an infection.
Will see how it goes this weekend and if it doesn't get any better I will go see my GP.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:39 pm

O gooseberry fool I just looked in my mouth for the first time and there are loads of tiny ulcers on the inside of both cheeks and its very red and swollen. Does anyone know what it could be? I have never had this happen before. Usually I just get one mouth ulcer.

There is also some white stuff in the back of my throat :?

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