Things that annoy you - the official thread

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Exxy » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:05 am

People who say "can't be asked", it's "can't be arsed". Youth these days. :roll:

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Gideon » Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:29 am

Internet trolls. Not the actual trolling itself but the attitude that often goes along with it - the belief that saying something sucks and watching those who take the bait go completely apeshit is anything other than a monumental waste of everybody's time, theirs included.

The term "filler" when referring to any episode of any TV show. More and more this is getting thrown at any show which has any element of mystery, but has an episode that doesn't have a main character carefully explaining the plot to the audience.

"I was into Queen before Shaun of the Dead/Wayne's World". No, you were not. Neither was I. If you were, you'd never have to say that. Also, you were probably about seven when Wayne's World came out. The same goes for "I was into Nirvana before Kurt Cobain snorted buckshot". Lies.

Old people in supermarkets. The twenty people behind you would be able to pass if you kept both yourself and your trolley to one side of the aisle. I know one day I'll be you, but hopefully all my years of playing video games will afford me a modicum of spacial awareness in my old age. Also, you smell slightly of death.

Old people driving. Special mention goes to the ones you assume are old, because all you can see is male pattern baldness/a purple rinse and a pair of glasses straining to peer over the top of the steering wheel as they damn near plough headlong into you.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Skippy » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:50 am

jamcc wrote:
Cuban Pete wrote:
jamcc wrote:
Skippy wrote:Customers in shops who don't smile, don't say please or thank you, and have faces like smacked arses.

:fp: :fp: Staff are being paid to do a job though. There is a huge difference.

I agree with Skippy here, why be a miserable twat?!

I'm not disagreeing but I'm saying there is a difference between staff in a shop being miserable and customers being so. Staff are being paid to deliver a service and, part of that service (I hope) is being polite and (reasonably) friendly, to make the customer's shopping experience as pleasant as possible. Customer's have no duty to be polite. They are paying for the staff's jobs anyway.

I'm not saying I go around being miserable to shop staff. I think it's all part of being a decent human being to be polite to anyone but there is a difference between the two cases, as I've said.

The staff are the ones offering the service and customers should at least say please and thank you. It strawberry floating pisses me off when I don't get that, even worse when I'm flat out ignored through the whole transaction.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Starbreaker » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:56 am

Gideon wrote:Old people in supermarkets. The twenty people behind you would be able to pass if you kept both yourself and your trolley to one side of the aisle. I know one day I'll be you, but hopefully all my years of playing video games will afford me a modicum of spacial awareness in my old age. Also, you smell slightly of death.

Oh God. I hate that.

The word "Guesstimate" and variations.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Vermin » Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:42 am

StayDead wrote:
trelliz wrote:
StayDead wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:Americans insisting that they won WW2 singlehandedly, not acknowledging the vast Russian contribution.

Russia easily won us the war. America helped with Japan sure, but Germany would of invaded us had he not been stupid enough to attack Russia, Stalin although being a massive cuntbutler had this way of just rallying the entire of Russia to arms with high spirits and morale, forcing the germans all the way back to Germany.

The entire point of Germany's military belligerence/expansion was to take territory from Russia - the concept of "lebensraum" ("living space") - and defeat them in some sort of ethnic mega-apocalypse, Britain declared war on Germany as a result of invading Poland, so it's sort of the other way around.

Well, without Russias sheer manpower and support, we wouldn't of stood a chance. Hitler lost so many men marching them into the freezing tundras of Russia completely unprepared, most of their equiptment stopped working. and most of the men died. It was when Hitler betrayed Stalin that the war was truely won by the Allies. Atleast to Germany anyway, America still had a long way to go with Japan.

Indeed Russia deserves the credit. But America 'saved' us from Stalin post war.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Vermin » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:05 am

Talking about America...

I'm not fussed about the way the American English language has developed. That's their business. It's the people over here (kids, adults, the whole gamut) who now say the past participle 'gotten' who annoy me. Technically, it's fine (despite there always being much better words to use in its place: 'had', 'become' etc) as despite dumping it a couple of hundred years ago in this country, the phrase 'ill-gotten' still remains viable and in use, and let's not forget 'forgotten'. No, it's the fact that the word has spread into the lexicon again due to the proliferation of 'quality' American TV shows. When someone says, or writes 'gotten' it just shouts to me that this person has watched too much USTV, has eschewed elements of the English education they've received, and are just a walking subconscious vessel for whatever culture seeps from the Big Country. In essence, they just want to be 'American'.

It's quite unreasonable, I know. In fact, I could be completely wrong about the reasons people use it; in fact, language changes all the time (deal with it, Gav). It just annoys me, and makes someone seem cheap and somewhat cultureless.

Hmmm. Thinking about it, it's probably an issue I have to just let go.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Vermin » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:15 am

Gideon wrote:The same goes for "I was into Nirvana before Kurt Cobain snorted buckshot". Lies.

As much as I fear a perhaps justified ticking off for my hate oop there, I have to say that this is just nonsense. Half the bloody teenagers in the world were madly in love with them. And this is most definitely not confabulation.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by chalkitdown » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:30 am

Gideon wrote:"I was into Queen before Wayne's World". No, you were not.

:| Queen were my favourite band as a youngster(just ahead of Def Leppard & Bryan Adams :lol: :fp: ) My first ever tape was Live at Wembley '86. I cried all day when my mother told me Freddie Mercury had died. :( I was devastated.

So yeah, strawberry float you. ;)

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by jamcc » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:48 am

Goign onto language then, I just hate strawberry floating gooseberry fool expressions and phrases people us:

"That was a bit!"

"He was a bit!"

Are a couple my boss has used. :fp: :fp: :fp: :fp:

Also, I strawberry floating DESPISE the term:

"Hey ho!"

strawberry float OFF. It's like people don't posses the intellect to finish off their sentences. And it sounds totally bellended as well;

"I really didn't know what to do but..... hey ho!"


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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by chalkitdown » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:49 am


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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by jamcc » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:50 am


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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by DeadFish » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:18 am

Shoppers in ASDA. Slow and indecisive.

Something Fishy

PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Something Fishy » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:33 am

Gideon wrote:Intern
"I was into Queen before Shaun of the Dead/Wayne's World". No, you were not. Neither was I. If you were, you'd never have to say that. Also, you were probably about seven when Wayne's World came out. The same goes for "I was into Nirvana before Kurt Cobain snorted buckshot". Lies.


Is it OK if we're a bit old and really were into them back in the 80's/90's? I'd hate to be hated for the fact that I loved Queen during the 80's (for many teenagers at the time it was Live Aid that got them noticed), they were my favourite band by a mile (live Killers was one of my first albums). As for Nirvana, when Nevermind came out I was at Uni and along with (what seemed like) everybody there, I loved the album.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:50 am

TimeGhost wrote:
StayDead wrote:
trelliz wrote:
StayDead wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:Americans insisting that they won WW2 singlehandedly, not acknowledging the vast Russian contribution.

Russia easily won us the war. America helped with Japan sure, but Germany would of invaded us had he not been stupid enough to attack Russia, Stalin although being a massive cuntbutler had this way of just rallying the entire of Russia to arms with high spirits and morale, forcing the germans all the way back to Germany.

The entire point of Germany's military belligerence/expansion was to take territory from Russia - the concept of "lebensraum" ("living space") - and defeat them in some sort of ethnic mega-apocalypse, Britain declared war on Germany as a result of invading Poland, so it's sort of the other way around.

Well, without Russias sheer manpower and support, we wouldn't of stood a chance. Hitler lost so many men marching them into the freezing tundras of Russia completely unprepared, most of their equiptment stopped working. and most of the men died. It was when Hitler betrayed Stalin that the war was truely won by the Allies. Atleast to Germany anyway, America still had a long way to go with Japan.

Indeed Russia deserves the credit. But America 'saved' us from Stalin post war.

They had to. If the Soviet Union had been allowed to swallow up the western European industrial plant, the United States would have been overwhelmed in the long run. By keeping western Europe out of Soviet hands, the US could begin to encircle the USSR - building bases in and forging strategic alliances with countries around the Russians; even (after Vietnam) including China.

They had to do it to remain as the dominant power and ensure Russian defeat. If it had not been essential to do so, the likelihood is that they wouldn't have bothered to help us at all.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Vermin » Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:32 pm

Yup, hence the inverted commas around saved.

Whatever their motivation, praise where praise is due.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Lotus » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:08 pm

'Banter'. :x

All I ever hear is "it's just a bit of banter", "I'm only doing it for the banter", "we had some good banter". strawberry float OFF.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Gideon » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:11 pm

Trebell wrote:
Gideon wrote:Intern
"I was into Queen before Shaun of the Dead/Wayne's World". No, you were not. Neither was I. If you were, you'd never have to say that. Also, you were probably about seven when Wayne's World came out. The same goes for "I was into Nirvana before Kurt Cobain snorted buckshot". Lies.


Is it OK if we're a bit old and really were into them back in the 80's/90's? I'd hate to be hated for the fact that I loved Queen during the 80's (for many teenagers at the time it was Live Aid that got them noticed), they were my favourite band by a mile (live Killers was one of my first albums). As for Nirvana, when Nevermind came out I was at Uni and along with (what seemed like) everybody there, I loved the album.

Absolutely if you were genuinely a fan way back when, it's just common in my age group and below to outright lie about Nirvana and Queen. See also; Brandon Lee, Tupac, Heath Ledger and, possibly, the yellow power ranger.

Admitting to liking Nirvana, or any kind of vaguely alternative music, before Cobain's death was pretty much a kicking waiting to happen where I grew up.

Apologies to those of you who were actually old enough to appreciate those bands first time around, no offense intended. I guess my issue is more with the whole death = greatness mentality some people have.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by jambot » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:24 pm

Inappropriate use of the word 'ignorant'.

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PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by jambot » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:28 pm

Teenagers who think the world revolves around them.

Exhibit 1:

JD05 wrote:My mum.
We're moving in a few months & she's already trying to tell me whats going in my room. Jog on old lady, it's my room, not yours.

Really? You contributed to the purchase of said house, did you, minor? No, then you're just an irritating parasite. Get over yourself.

Something Fishy

PostRe: Things that annoy you - the official thread
by Something Fishy » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:32 pm

Gideon wrote:
Absolutely if you were genuinely a fan way back when, it's just common in my age group and below to outright lie about Nirvana and Queen. See also; Brandon Lee, Tupac, Heath Ledger and, possibly, the yellow power ranger.

Admitting to liking Nirvana, or any kind of vaguely alternative music, before Cobain's death was pretty much a kicking waiting to happen where I grew up.

Apologies to those of you who were actually old enough to appreciate those bands first time around, no offense intended. I guess my issue is more with the whole death = greatness mentality some people have.

Ah right. That's fair enough. I'm sure there were similar "cool" things when I was a kid but Freddie was contemporary and still alive so hadn't risen to the those heights yet :lol:

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