Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?

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PostWorst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Jenuall » Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:52 am

Following some of the shocking revelations in the Pick Up Post thread which revealed that GRcade is thick with thieves I thought I'd start a thread to explore just how pervasive this crime epidemic really is!

Obviously I don't think anyone wants to hear confessions of "major" crimes, so keep your tales of murder and bestiality to yourselves, but it would be interesting to hear what people have done at the more petty end of the crime scale, whether you thought it was okay or justified in the circumstances, and whether everyone agrees or not!

I know I've certainly been guilty of the odd bit of minor theft as a child, I remember stealing a Highland Toffee from the local shop once and feeling properly guilty about it (despite the fact that everyone else was doing much worse!). I think I even went back and confessed about it, at which point the shopkeeper (rightly) made me feel terrible about my actions! :(

Similarly I once remember stealing the cover disk off a copy of Amiga Power sometime in the early 90s because there was a demo on there I really wanted to try. I recall thinking that the guy behind the counter was on to me and that surely I would be busted but in the end I got away with it. :datass: The feeling of relief and even elation at getting out with my "score" was brief however as soon I once again felt awful and it turned out the demo was gooseberry fool anyway. :fp:

I can't think of any more recent examples but I'm certainly no saint so I'm sure some things will come back to me, in the meantime would anyone else like to share any tales of their criminal past? Think of it as an opportunity to purge, share your misdeeds and you can achieve a clean conscience!

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Lagamorph » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:00 am

I once bought an iPhone

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Tafdolphin » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:02 am

Putting 15 penny sweets in a bag and telling the newsagent I only had ten.

Also, sleeping with an engaged woman.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Preezy » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:03 am

When I was about 8 or 9 I stole some football stickers from a corner shop in North Wales. My crime spree ended then, I knew I'd peaked and would forever be looking over my shoulder for the long arm of the law.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Hexx » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:06 am

I stole a VHS box (Thunderbirds I think) when I was about 5. Not even consciously. It was on display in Woolworths (kept them empty till you went to till) and I'd been looking at it. Mum call me and I just walked out holding it. She noticed (I was 5 and therefore stupid) it about 400m from shop.

Also when a bit older the pod door on my Thunderbird 2 die cast model broke so would fall out. Friend came over and brought his Thunderbird 2. Tried to switch the pods when no one was looking.

Thunderbirds is my gateway to crime.

Also done the naughty with a fair few married or attached men. If we're including that. Thanks Taf

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Hypes » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:09 am

I killed a guy with a trident

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Tafdolphin » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:11 am

Hexx wrote:Also done the naughty with a fair few married or attached men. If we're including that. Thanks Taf


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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by The Watching Artist » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:16 am

I once "accidentally" forgot to return a Doctor Who book to school. Although in my defense it was the novelisation of Time Flight so rather then a crime I now consider it a public service so that no one else could fall victim to its existence.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by That » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:16 am

I have accidentally stolen stuff through absent-mindedness before (think Marge in Chains) and I feel really bad about it.

Conversely, I pirated a whole lot of software when I was younger but I don't really feel it counts as 'bad' if you genuinely, legitimately couldn't pay for it (like a 14 year old could ever afford Photoshop or Visual Studio, y'know?).

Hyperion wrote:I killed a guy with a trident

You should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by and lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Tafdolphin » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:18 am

The Watching Artist wrote:I once "accidentally" forgot to return a Doctor Who book to school. Although in my defense it was the novelisation of Time Flight so rather then a crime I now consider it a public service so that no one else could fall victim to its existence.

Oh strawberry float that reminds me:

There was a book fair at primary school and I really wanted a Sonic the Hedgehog activity book they had in their catalogue. There was only one copy, and it was in a stack of books someone had obviously picked out for themselves and momentarily left. So I took it.

A few minutes later, as I was sat nearby giving it a look before forking over the £2.50, a woman came up to me and asked if I'd taken it from her pile. Her son, definitely younger than me, was behind her in floods of tears.

I said no sorry, and continued reading.

I still feel bad about it now. :(

Last edited by Tafdolphin on Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Meep » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:19 am

Probably pirating movies and television series, although I usually just pay now unless the producers want me to sign up to an entire service or package just to see one thing.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Hexx » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:20 am

Oh yeah. Torrented TV Shows all the time.

Never really music movies games etc. Just TV shows you couldn't get here (or had to wait years for)

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by The Watching Artist » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:22 am

Tafdolphin wrote:
The Watching Artist wrote:I once "accidentally" forgot to return a Doctor Who book to school. Although in my defense it was the novelisation of Time Flight so rather then a crime I now consider it a public service so that no one else could fall victim to its existence.

Oh strawberry float that reminds me:

There was a book fair at primary school and I really wanted a Sonic the Hedgehog activity book they had in their catalogue. There was only one copy, and it was in a stack of books someone had obviously picked out for themselves and momentarily left. So I took it.

A few minutes later, as I was sat nearby giving it a look before forking over the £2.50, a woman came up to me and asked if I'd taken it from her pile. Her son, definitely younger than me, was behind her in floods of tears.

I said no sorry, and continued reading.

I still feel bad about it now. :(

You disgust me.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by That » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:25 am

Tafdolphin wrote:A few minutes later, as I was sat nearby giving it a look before forking over the £2.50, a woman came up to me and asked if I'd taken it from her pile. Her son, definitely younger than me, was behind her in floods of tears.

I said no sorry, and continued reading.

Classic hypocritical leftist, preaching so-called "empathy" on the Internet while making small children cry IRL.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Moggy » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:27 am

Admitting all of my crimes would take up too much hard drive space on the forums server.

I was a thieving bastard as a kid/teenager. :lol:

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Tsunade » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:27 am

When I was still in a pushchair i used to stash sweets underneath it when mum was going round Woolworths, she always noticed just before we left and put them back. Apparently I did this every time we went in there for about a year or so.

Ludo is gooseberry fool!
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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by OrangeRKN » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:38 am

Lagamorph wrote:I once bought an iPhone

This is a thread about you robbing things, not you being robbed

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Jenuall » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:41 am

Is it bad that illegally torrenting/streaming movies and TV shows is such a common thing now that it didn't even cross my mind to put that down!? :shifty:

Hexx wrote:Also when a bit older the pod door on my Thunderbird 2 die cast model broke so would fall out. Friend came over and brought his Thunderbird 2. Tried to switch the pods when no one was looking.

I did similar things to this as a kid, switching my shitty broken toy for someone else's pristine condition example and somehow expecting to get away with it! :lol:

I just thought of another childhood transgression - one year in primary school we went on a trip to some zoo or farm park (I can't recall which one now, but it was fairly disappointing!) and my parents had given me about £2 as spending money for the gift shop. It turned out that even back then that would only have bought me some shitty little rubber with a picture of a cow on it so I was pretty disappointed with my spending options.

However when walking around my two friends and I found some money which had obviously been dropped by another child, it was a whole load of £1 coins in one of those cheap tube holders that you put around your neck. There must have been atleast 15-20 coins in there so we were suddenly rich basically! We spent 0 time looking for the owner and promptly went and bought ice creams and sweets and had a jolly good time. We never bumped into anyone looking sad so didn't feel too bad in the moment but I do recall it playing on my mind for a good while afterwards...

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Tafdolphin » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:43 am

Karl wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:A few minutes later, as I was sat nearby giving it a look before forking over the £2.50, a woman came up to me and asked if I'd taken it from her pile. Her son, definitely younger than me, was behind her in floods of tears.

I said no sorry, and continued reading.

Classic hypocritical leftist, preaching so-called "empathy" on the Internet while making small children cry IRL.

I'll have you know that I respected that mother's perspective and did not objectify her in any way.

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PostRe: Worst (petty) crime or morally ambiguous act you've committed?
by Hexx » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:43 am

Jenuall wrote:
Hexx wrote:Also when a bit older the pod door on my Thunderbird 2 die cast model broke so would fall out. Friend came over and brought his Thunderbird 2. Tried to switch the pods when no one was looking.

I did similar things to this as a kid, switching my shitty broken toy for someone else's pristine condition example and somehow expecting to get away with it! :lol:

The Thunderbird 2s were in similar conditions and when the pod was docked, you couldn't see the loose door.

It was nearly the perfect plan. Until he took the pod out to play some more.

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