Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tafdolphin » Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:59 pm

Dishonored 2: 9/10

Amazing game, loved it even more the second time round, this time with a High Chaos Corvo with mix n'match powers. Disappointed in how little the High and Low Chaos matters however. Remember how D1 had a completely different last level? None of that here. Oh well.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Lotus » Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:25 pm

Hotline Miami - 8/10

+ Nice 80s vibe
+ Addictive and frustrating in equal measure
+ Simple but deep enough to keep you engaged
+ Brilliant soundtrack
+ Just the right length

- Controls can be a bit wank at times
- Plot could have ended better
- Frustrating and addictive in equal measure

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by chalkitdown » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:05 pm

Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 9/10 FYI: Finished it with all memories, 74 shrines completed and 66 hours on the clock. (WiiU version)

Will probably be my game of the year, unless Mario Odyssey somehow ends up even better (very likely to be honest). A massive return to form for the series for me after the disappointing Twilight Princess and downright average Skyward Sword.

The positives:

- No handholding of any kind. I've hated this in the most recent 3D Zeldas, Skyward Sword being the lowpoint. Thankfully this throws all the old Zelda opening hour problems out the window. Once you do the tutorial area and get your runes you are left to your own devices and can go straight to the final boss if you so wish. I love that. I didn't do that, of course, in fact I didn't even step foot inside the castle until the end of the game, such was my desire to explore this wonderfully crafted & realized world.

- Sense of adventure is unparalleled. I've never played a game that filled me with such wonder and excitement by just running around and exploring. The game world is massive and vast & entering a new area was a joyous experience each and every time. There's so much to do and see and now even after finished the game I've still loads to do with about 30 shrines left uncovered and probably even more side-quests than that to discover.

- The cast of characters. I used to think Majora's Mask was the highpoint in this regard with its extensive trading system and bomber's notebook but this tops it by some distance. There are so many people to meet and dozens upon dozens of quests to do and tons of memorable characters to get you to do them. Some are more expansive than others which might take you the length of the game to carry out while others 5 minutes.

- Climbing. I can't stress enough how great this is. Being able to climb virtually anything is a revelation for an open-world game. In face, I was so used to the old Zeldas that I would often forget I could do so and spend ages in an area trying to get around or over something before remembering I could just go straight over it.

- The Shrines. I mostly loved these and like the idea of them partially replacing traditional dungeons. It lets the devs experiment with puzzle that use all the different runes and items in so many different ways without being beholden to the theme of a
particular dungeon as in older games.

- Eventide Island. One of my favourite things in any game ever. I'll say no more than that 'cos I don't want to spoil anything.

- The massive, MASSIVE number of flora & fauna make this a really believable world to have an adventure in. The amount of different living creatures wandering the world must run to over 200 at least ( i have no idea of the actual number) with double that when it comes to plants & flowers.


As for negatives:

Weapon degradation. My biggest grip upon completion was the same as it was in the first hour of the game. In the second half of the game I was actively discouraged from engaging in combat because there's no point wasting a good weapon on a meaningless fight that will reward you with a worse weapon than the one you just broke getting it. It's a horrible cycle of pointlessness, particularly towards the end game when you have really good stuff and don't want to lose them to nothing enemies.

Minor gripes:

- The item management screen is a bit of a mess. Really needed a recipe book or something for quick cooking and separate screens for cooking and non-cooking items.

- Motion control puzzles in certain shrines :dread: :dread:

- Game could have used more enemy variety. 90% of the enemies are the same types of bokoblins, moblins and those lizard banana splits over and over. Where were the stalfos, like-likes, darknuts, poes, iron-knuckles etc? So many enemies from previous games to draw from and they're nowhere to be seen. I liked the new enemies, but there were too few of them.

- A lot of barren nothingness in a some areas of the game. I realize this was maybe what they were going for, to make you feel like you're wandering a huge desolate desert/mountain range etc, but I just would've preferred more to do in those areas. Side note: there was no graveyard in the entire game. Where do the people of Hyrule bury their dead? :dread:

Teeny tiny gripes:

- Framerate can be terrible in some areas; Kokoriko Village, Korok Forest etc. but it only bothered me a little. I'm not the type to lose the plot over dropped frames.

- Link doing 20 rolls like a football player feigning injury when you get knocked down :lol: That never stopped being ridiculous. Especially if you fell down a hill. Just keep on rollin' baby (you know what time it is).

- Horse controls :dread: Thankfully, using horses is optional except for one single occasion.

Overall, an outstanding experience that took over my life for 10 days straight. A long time since a game has engrossed me like this.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:26 pm

Doom (PS4). Wasn't overly impressed with the PC demo, but as this was raved about on here, picked it up for £11 on the PS4 (and looks like I'll get £8 trade in from CEX so a better investment than £10 for the PC version I think). On first playing the game there was some noticeable screen tear and a few minor bugs (some of the notifications of new stuff I found kept coming back even though I'd checked them), but a 30GB patch later and these issues seemed to go away. I don't really think a 30GB patch is acceptable. Here's an idea, why not release finished products rather than bringing out 30GB patches?

As for the game itself, runs very smoothly on the PS4 and the speed is immense compared to most FPS. Feels like you are running everywhere and I expect that other FPS will now feel very slow in comparison. Outside of this though it doesn't really do anything every other FPS does. There are a few bosses in the game and they spoilt my enjoyment rather than adding to it. I don't mind boss fights, but I don't like doing the same thing over and over again (which I had to do with one of them). I also found the final boss tiresome, mainly because it went on too long (and actually I'd level the same criticism at the boss who beat me about 10 times).

I also found a fair amount of loading between levels which is tolerable, unless you die and then it becomes a bit of a chore as you are all psyched up to continue but then have to wait for the loading....

Maybe harsh, but you only get a 7 from me Doom.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Rapidly-Greying » Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:44 pm

Resident Evil 7. Absolutely outstanding from start to finish, proper triple A gaming. Far and away my favourite Resident Evil game, enjoyed it much more than 4 and if I'm being honest, 2 and 4 were the only others I even remotely got on with(think the cameras ruined them for me).

Felt like a totally new IP apart from the wee drop of links to series past, and all the better for it

I'm hoping that 8 sticks with the same formula but adds the occasional bout of zombie action, just to appeal to the zombie geek that lives within me.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cumberdanes » Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:40 am

Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4. I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish. It looks great, controls great and even had a good story. Save for a couple of moments of frustration this is a nigh perfect game in my opinion and scores 9/10

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Gandalf » Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:34 am

Resident Evil 7 :8.5/10 Comments made in the other thread.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tafdolphin » Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:07 pm

Torment, Tides of Numanera 9.5/10

Unequivocally the best written game I've played in years, as well as being as close to a tabletop RPG I've experienced in ages, if not ever.

The plot is a magisterial reflection of self-identity and worth, encompassing meta-narratives of self and sacrifice while keeping you both interested and intrigued. All the characters, from the lowly shopkeepers to your companions are incredibly well written, and the conversations and side-stories it throws up are never not engrossing. By the end I was in awe, and not a little jealous, of how complete and fascinating the writing was. The combat is good, if standard, but its the choice to avoid it almost entirely that's the most interesting. My only criticisms would be that you're never really taxed on skill checks, by the end I was acing everything the game threw at me, and that the ending feels rather rushed. Apart from that though, it's as close to my ideal game as anything since The Witcher or the original Torment.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tragic Magic » Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:22 pm

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Absolute stupid dog gooseberry fool. I'm actually angry at myself for wasting 12 hours of my life finishing it. I swear the reboot was really good, I remember really enjoying it. This didn't seem to be drastically different from that game but I absolutely hated this.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cyburn2 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:15 pm

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - 8/10

Had it on Classic mode, so having to reset the game quite often. Great game, but not much different from Awakening.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:42 am

Ryse: Son of Rome (PC)

This is actually quite good. Combat is fairly simple (but doesn't really get boring), plenty of character upgrade options (although I struggled to notice the improvements they brought), lots of collectables scattered throughout the game and the story is enjoyable enough. I think the main campaign will probably be seen by some as on the short side, but for me personally it was a game I could finish without reaching a point where I just wished it would end so I could complete and move onto the next game.

Graphically it is pretty good too and my main gripe (which is fairly minor) is that when you got into a battle with multiple enemies and there were other Roman soldiers around, most of the time they just stand there doing strawberry float all whilst you are fighting all of the enemies, which is slightly ridiculous and makes having the other soldiers pointless.

Only paid about £3 for this on Steam so a bit of a steal.


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Rex Kramer
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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Rex Kramer » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:49 am

Tafdolphin wrote:Torment, Tides of Numanera 9.5/10

Unequivocally the best written game I've played in years, as well as being as close to a tabletop RPG I've experienced in ages, if not ever.

The plot is a magisterial reflection of self-identity and worth, encompassing meta-narratives of self and sacrifice while keeping you both interested and intrigued. All the characters, from the lowly shopkeepers to your companions are incredibly well written, and the conversations and side-stories it throws up are never not engrossing. By the end I was in awe, and not a little jealous, of how complete and fascinating the writing was. The combat is good, if standard, but its the choice to avoid it almost entirely that's the most interesting. My only criticisms would be that you're never really taxed on skill checks, by the end I was acing everything the game threw at me, and that the ending feels rather rushed. Apart from that though, it's as close to my ideal game as anything since The Witcher or the original Torment.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tafdolphin » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:06 am

Rex Kramer wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:Torment, Tides of Numanera 9.5/10

Unequivocally the best written game I've played in years, as well as being as close to a tabletop RPG I've experienced in ages, if not ever.

The plot is a magisterial reflection of self-identity and worth, encompassing meta-narratives of self and sacrifice while keeping you both interested and intrigued. All the characters, from the lowly shopkeepers to your companions are incredibly well written, and the conversations and side-stories it throws up are never not engrossing. By the end I was in awe, and not a little jealous, of how complete and fascinating the writing was. The combat is good, if standard, but its the choice to avoid it almost entirely that's the most interesting. My only criticisms would be that you're never really taxed on skill checks, by the end I was acing everything the game threw at me, and that the ending feels rather rushed. Apart from that though, it's as close to my ideal game as anything since The Witcher or the original Torment.

Did you see this news yesterday? ... 1793725120

I did! I immediately put my playthrough of T:P on hold Until April 11. Cannae wait!

Games wot I worked on:
Night Call: Out now!
Rip Them Off: Out now!
Chinatown Detective Agency: 2021!
EXOGATE Initiative: Early Access Summer 2021
t: @Tafdolphin | Twitch: Tafdolphin
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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by HSH28 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:07 pm

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 10/10

Probably the best game Nintendo have ever made. One of the best games ever made. The best open world game ever made.

Its a game of discovery, set in a world of wonderful, amazing and astounding places that makes even the best of other open world games look quite frankly poor. Somehow Nintendo have managed to create a vast area of game-world that feels as if it could all be real. Its coherent in a way that it doesn't have any right to be.

Other than the framerate I'd struggle to find something bad to say about the game, and although it is clearly an issue its a case where it really shouldn't effect enjoyment of the game.

Everyone should play and get lost in this world, its the game that games will be compared to for years to come.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cumberdanes » Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:49 pm

Far Cry 4 on PS4. This was pretty good but a little too similar to Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by PurplePenguin » Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:54 pm

Completed a few games recently:

Horizon Zero Dawn 9/10

Soma 7.5/10

Lara Croft Go 8/10

Hitman Go 6/10

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by chalkitdown » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:12 pm

PurplePenguin wrote:
Lara Croft Go 8/10

Hitman Go 6/10

I think you got those two scores mixed up, m8.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by PurplePenguin » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:55 pm

Nah Hitman was a good puzzler but visually it didn't do it for me.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by chalkitdown » Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:07 pm

WTF, the Chessboard/diorama theme is what sets it apart from Lara Croft/Deus Ex GO (both still great games) which have pretty standard graphics.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by jawafour » Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:31 pm

Hitman Go is probably my favourite mobile title and one of the most enjoyable games that I played last year. Great puzzles, attractive design and excellent value.

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