GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Ironhide » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:11 pm

Different Day

Got up an hour earlier
Didn't read EDGE on the bog
Used different brand of toothpaste
Had a 'wet' shave instead of using the electric razor (and thus cut my face)
Had decaf coffee (and thus feel rather grumpy due to lack of caffeine)
Didn't fire up the PSP immediately after breakfast
Deleted load of read emails from my inbox
Logged onto GRCade and went straight to 'off topic' rather than GGC
Finally got round to trying a caramel Kitkat Chunky, discovered normal ones are much better
Didn't play new DS game (Scribblenauts) despite it arriving today.
played Civ IV on a 'Large' map as opposed to the usual 'Normal' size
Had cup of tea instead of coffee
Used Windows media player instead of Winamp
set speaker volume at odd number (which annoys me)
Downloaded episode of Heroes via Rapidshare instead of Megaupload, was so bloody slow
played back said episode using VLC rather than Windows media player
Didn't put mustard on my sausages at tea, I always have mustard.
Watched TV instead of logging in to GRCade, remembered why I rarely watch TV
Took 2 ibuprofen for my headache instead of paracetamol
Had cup of hot chocolate instead of coffee
had an early night (partly due to headache)

Last edited by Ironhide on Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Count Nood » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:13 pm

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Terrible_Lizard » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:15 pm

Forgot to mention, I saw the sun rise and set yesterday.

Task get?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Rightey » Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:04 pm

Rightey wrote:I'm working on different day today, haven't completed it yet but I just want to make sure I don't forget anything...

1. Didn't go to the bathroom at night (very rare for me, I normally always make one trip at least).
2. Had a larger breakfast then normal.
3. Walked in backwards into the kitchen to get said breakfast.
4. Put my plate in the sink after I finished eating. (normally I just forget it there until I come back from school)
5. Brushed my teeth in my parents bathroom, instead of the one right next to my room.
6. Fixed my hair before washing my face (Order reversed from normal).
7. Used Internet Explorer instead of Fire Fox to type this.
8. Watched a different T.V. channel then I normally do, which meant seeing NASA crash that rocket into the moon, which was a pleasent surprise, I had no idea they were going to do that.

And that's it so far.

9. I wore my watch today to school, which made me realize it was off by about 20 minutes.
10. Used a token on the bus instead of my metropass (by accident I might add, I wanted to just wait for the bus at a different station but was in a rush as I was late, and so basically wasted $2.75)
11. Used my locker for the second time ever.
12. Sat in a different part of the class.
13. Wrote in pen instead of pencil.
14. While going home, I got off at a different subway station.
15. Went into a different game store then normal to ask if a game had come in.
16. Bought my comics from a different store then normal.
17. Went to Burger King to get lunch, I haven't had Burger King in years.
18. I took a different route when walking home.
19. Moon walked from the bathroom to the computer just now.
20. I licked my monitor just now as I really couldn't think of a twentieth thing I did today.

21. Damn it I just remembered while at school I kept track of everything on a list, I definitely do not normally make a list of everything I did different in a day.

Task Get?

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Psychic » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:58 pm

Different Day

1. Got up when my alarm went off
2. Had orange juice instead of tea with my breakfast
3. Only had one bowl of cereal
4. Took dog a walk the other way round the block
5. Ran part the way back with the dog
6. Drank some orange squash instead of having a cup of tea.
7. Tidied the house before switching on my laptop which included...
8. Washing up by hand instead of shoving it all in the dishwasher
9. Checked my email before checking GRcade
10. Checked other websites before checking GRcade
11. Read one thread at a time rather than opening multiple ones.
12. Checked all subforums instead of ignoring Retro Gaming.
13. Answered the phone with "Ahoy hoy" :fp:
14. Listened to the radio rather than a CD in my car
15. Put an odd amount of petrol in my car (This really annoyed me for some reason)
16. Had myself a nice big sandwich on crusty bread rather than the tempting microwave burger in the fridge.
17. Set up a poker tourney for GRcadians on Pokerstars
18. Watched England U21's legally on the internet :)
19. Had a bowl of cereal as a snack instead of some crisps
20. Wrote this list.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:36 pm

Different day.

1. Woke up the first time my alarm went off, rather than hit snooze 5 times.
2. Stayed in the shower for less than 5 minutes. I'm a 20 minutes kinda guy.
3. Asked mum to make me a packed lunch for university. :lol:
4. Went upto uni an hour early.
5. Done some reading before my class - unheard of!
6. Stayed in uni for all my classes! All four hours, in a row! No break. :(
7. Ate packed lunch instead of wasting money on lunch.
8. Talked to a few people I never usually talk to.
9. Put 70p change in a charity box
10. Bought a new kind of shampoo.
11. Made a list of books I've been thinkin about trying to sell for like a year now.
12.Used Brown sauce instead of tamato sauce with dinner.
13. Played my wii. :shock:
14. Cleaned my room.
15. Drank some water, instead of juice.
16. Played a game of Hang man
17. Shaved, properly. Up and down! Smooth. 8-)
18. Organised all my uni stuff into one folder on my netbook.
19. I'm wearing slippers.
20. Put all the spare change lying about my desk/room into my change jar.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:58 pm

Cabin Fever complete. Spent from 4pm Thursday in my room until about 6pm Friday. Spent the time sleeping, reading NGamer, playing Mirror's Edge (which I had never played previously and enjoyed it a lot), making my calendar and Wilson buddy - pics of them hopefully coming soon once I download that strawberry floating Samsung pc studio software (again) onto this laptop I'm currently using.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:05 pm


I don't have admin rights on this laptop so can't install the Samsung software. Gonna have to wait for my brother to get in. But then he'll be all like "NO I ARE GOING ON LAPTOP NOW" because he's such a banana split. :x

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by That » Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:05 pm

Time spent in my room so far:

07pm Fri - 12am Sat ... TF2 Marathon
12am Sat - 01am Sat ... Internet
01am Sat - 02pm Sat ... Asleep
02pm Sat - ongoing ... Internet

Only 4 hours to go.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Count Nood » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:35 pm

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Dowbocop » Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:25 pm

Week 4 Summary - just for ease of clarification when you tot up the points:

The Circle of Life
See Cabin Fever

Blog It
Burger Me Senseless

The Year Ahead


Cabin Fever

Different Day
Showered straight away after getting up instead of sitting around for a couple of hours on GRCade
Washed body before hair
Shaved (not totally, but regoateed myself, which I don't do very often)
Only carrying keys for this flat, instead of mammoth keyring with about ten keys and various tools on it
Had cereal for breakfast (usually have toast or eggs)

Chose skimmed over semi-skimmed
Put shirt on before trousers
Going out without iPod (I will have my phone, but won't be taking headphones)
Dry up straight after doing the washing up instead of leaving it to dry naturally for a few hours Going to do the washing up now, so will be going red very quickly...
Checked post in my old flat

Started a blog
Tea before milk instead of milk before tea
Gave my nines curly tails instead of straight ones
Didn't play my 360 even though I got a new game
Took my coffee black

Played darts
Used a teaspoon instead of fishing teabag out with my fingers
Didn't tie up my hair
Had honey oat bread in my Subway
Stopped triple checking that I'd locked the door (bit of an odd one, I'm obsessive/compulsive when it comes to this, and I have to keep going back to check the doors locked before I can leave the building)

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by That » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:12 pm

Immediately as my 24 hours were up I went downstairs to eat and watch a film etc.

But I would like to confirm that I did indeed spend 24 hours in my room with only ONE kitchen break.

Task get?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by The People's ElboReformat » Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:46 pm


Easy (1 point each)

The Circle of Life
From my blog: Saw the sunrise which makes that task half done. Wasn't a spectacular view as I was on the bus at the time and hills were in the way for some time. But I finally saw it (the sun) poke up over the hills and blind me. That thing is bright.

And now I've just watched it set. Sort of. From my house the view is blocked by a massive hill. I watched it go down behind the hill though and it was all colourful an' gooseberry fool.

Blog it.
Day 1: ... -post.html
Day 2:
Day 3:

Medium (3 points each)

The Year Ahead
My Calendar:

Crudely made out of two sheets of paper (stapled together no less). Highlighted the dates of Christmas, some birthdays and KKLEIN appreciation day. Also note the poorly drawn art. One squirtle, a boat and KKLEIN avatar. Also got some of the month of Smarch in there.

Meet Milton:

Made from an empty plastic container (formerly full of Millions) and wearing a nifty arrow headband because he's near enough invisible without it.

Hard (5 points each)

Cabin Fever
Cabin Fever complete. Spent from 4pm Thursday in my room until about 6pm Friday. Spent the time sleeping, reading NGamer, playing Mirror's Edge (which I had never played previously and enjoyed it a lot), making my calendar and Wilson buddy

Also just to note I made one Kitchen break sometime Friday morning to get a bowl of cereal and bring some munchies up to my room to last me the day.

Picture of my "Cabin":

Different Day
1. Walked down the stairs backwards
2. Had my morning piss in the downstairs toilet, instead of in the bathroom right next to my room which I usually use.
3. Had breakfast (cornflakes). Don’t usually have anything when I'm up that early
4. Caught the bus from a different bus stop further down the road from my usual one
5. Sat at front of bus instead of the back.
6. On the other bus I sat downstairs as opposed to on the top deck.
7. Bought a bottle of water instead of the usual Lucozade or Irn Bru.
8. Printed out lecture slides prior to the lecture. Something I never do.
9. Sat right near the front during the lecture like a massive nerd. I'm usually sat right near the back. Where it's easier to sleep.
10. Actually took notes and didn’t doodle instead.
11. Walked up the stairs instead of using the lift
12. Took the elevator down instead of walking down the stairs (which I usually do)
13. Usually in seminars I’m reluctant to take part at all in discussions. An only contribute if directly asked kind of way. But today I took a more active role and took part in discussions more willingly than usual.
14. Got a lift home instead of the bus
15. Didn't listen to my iPod on the bus which I usually do
16. Had a cup of tea - I hate tea.
17. Ate my pizza that I had for dinner with a fork and knife like one of them posh idiots or something.
18. Watched Hollyoaks. Something I stopped doing months ago. Didn't understand anything that was happening and the fit-bird count seems to have fallen.
19. I've been sitting in a different chair since I've been home. One I never sit in (because it's at such a rubbish angle to the TV)
20. I've had the TV volume set at 23. This may sound odd, but I just can't have it set to certain numbers. One of which is 23. It annoys me. I've got this annoying feeling right now because I know it's at 23. Which is just wrong.
21 (a bonus). Been using this (rubbish) laptop because my one is in a coma.
Oh and 22. Using Opera instead of Firefox. Opera is rubbish

Think that's a full house this week.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Banjo » Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:31 pm

Week Complete. Pictures will be up soon with the summary, just need to finish uploading.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Count Nood » Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:51 pm

Blogging task finished, all three entries can be seen here:

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Psychic » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:21 pm

Blog it.



What kind of monstrous creation is this? What sick twisted mind would birth such a thing? Look at his hidieous cushiony eyes, his black black nose and his luminious claws waiting to snap at anyone who comes near him.

Say hello to...Dave.

Cabin Fever

Did it on Wednesday.


It's surprising how much you put up with if you have an internet connection.

Different Day

1. Got up when my alarm went off
2. Had orange juice instead of tea with my breakfast
3. Only had one bowl of cereal
4. Took dog a walk the other way round the block
5. Ran part the way back with the dog
6. Drank some orange squash instead of having a cup of tea.
7. Tidied the house before switching on my laptop which included...
8. Washing up by hand instead of shoving it all in the dishwasher
9. Checked my email before checking GRcade
10. Checked other websites before checking GRcade
11. Read one thread at a time rather than opening multiple ones.
12. Checked all subforums instead of ignoring Retro Gaming.
13. Answered the phone with "Ahoy hoy" :fp:
14. Listened to the radio rather than a CD in my car
15. Put an odd amount of petrol in my car (This really annoyed me for some reason)
16. Had myself a nice big sandwich on crusty bread rather than the tempting microwave burger in the fridge.
17. Set up a poker tourney for GRcadians on Pokerstars
18. Watched England U21's legally on the internet :)
19. Had a bowl of cereal as a snack instead of some crisps
20. Wrote this list.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Dowbocop » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:27 pm

We have the same telly o/

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Psychic » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:28 pm


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by That » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:29 pm

My GETS were Cabin Fever and POSSIBLY the sunset one.

Mocky, I saw the sunset out of my window, then didn't go to sleep that night and saw the sunrise that morning. Does that count? xx

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Rightey » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:54 pm


May I introduce to you my friend of many (at this time just two) faces, it's Post-it Pete



I'm a terrible artist and it actually took me quite a bit of time to get a face that I was happy with.

Also here's that picture from my balcony at sunrise that I promised, it was pretty nice but then it started to rain so some of the other pictures didn't turn out quite so well.


Now just have to finish that calender.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.


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